This function is used to modify the Moving Average Price value for the lines in the FIFO stack and for lots.
Value change movements will be created according to the context.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

This function is composed of a single screen that regroups the selections, the update parameters and the modifiable elements.

Entry screen


This section contains the site and the product that will be subject to a value modification.

Global values

This section contains the moving average price information.
It is possible to modify the base amount of this or to re-evaluate it at a certain percentage.

FIFO totals /FIFO stack

These sections contain the information on the FIFO stack total and the FIFO stack itself.
For each level in the FIFO stack , it is possible to modify the value, the quantity or the unitary value.

Lot totals / Lots

These sections contain the information of the lot totals and the lot detail.
For each lot it is possible to modify the global value or the unitary average price.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation