Graphical loads

Use this inquiry to display workload by period at a single production site in a graphical format.

The results are displayed by period over the course of a specified horizon for the site, a group of work centers, or a single work center. The results represent workload generated when a planned or firm work order is created, or the MRP (Material Requirements Planning) or MPS (Master Production Schedule) calculations are run with load included in the calculations.

SEEINFOBefore you use this inquiry, Sage advises that you run the Recalculate loads function (FUNMIWL) if there has been an ad-hoc variation to the capacity of a work center, such as a change to the assigned weekly structure or the default number of resources that are needed for an operation at a work center has changed, or work orders have been rescheduled.

You can use the Loads inquiry and the Load in progress inquiry to view the workload suggestions.

SEEREFERTTO Loads inquiry

SEEREFERTTO Load in progress inquiry


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The Graphical loads inquiry contains a single screen into which you enter your selection criteria and a screen that represents the calculated workload in a graphical format.

Entry screen

Use this screen to enter the production resource details and analysis horizon, then select OK.

Graph Load (hours)

This graph displays total load for the period and total resource capacity for the period for the entered criteria over the course of the workload calculation horizon.

The workload capacity for each period is calculated from the work orders that use the work center, the number of resources, and any capacity variations.

Specific actions


Select the Memo action to save your selection criteria in a memo code.


Select the Recall action to recall previous search criteria saved in a memo code.

Delete memo

Select the Delete memo action to delete a memo code.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation