Use this inquiry to display workload by period at a single production site.
The results are grouped by MRP or scheduling period over the course of a specified horizon for the site, a group of work centers, or a single work center. The results represent workload generated when a planned or firm work order is created, or the MRP (Material Requirements Planning) or MPS (Master Production Schedule) calculations are run with load included in the calculations.
The workload for the period is supported using a color indicator so that you can easily spot where your production has a bottleneck or production is overloaded.
Before you use this inquiry, Sage advises that you run the Recalculate loads function (FUNMIWL) if there has been an ad-hoc variation to the capacity of a work center, such as a change to the assigned weekly structure or the default number of resources that are needed for an operation at a work center has changed.
You can use the Graphical loads inquiry and the Load in progress inquiry to view the workload suggestions.
Graphical loads inquiry
Load in progress inquiry
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
This inquiry is customized to the needs of your organization and your processes. The screen code you select determines how information is displayed in the Load (hours) table.
Use this section to enter the production resource details and analysis horizon, then select Search.
Block number 1
Production site (field MFGFCY) |
Type in or select the work order production site. The default site displayed is associated with your user record but you can edit it. |
Grouping (field MENU) |
Select whether to analyze workload by site, by work center group, or by work center. |
Block number 2
Work center group (field WCR) |
Type in or select a work center group that operates at the selected production site. You need to enter a work center group if you are analyzing workload by work center group or by work center. This field is not available if the Grouping field is set to By site. |
Work center (field WST) |
Type in or select a work center that operates at the selected production site. This field is not available if the Grouping field (MENU) is set to By site or By W/C group. |
Work center type (field WSTTYPDEB) |
Filter for results for machine, labor, or subcontracting work centers at the selected production site. For a single work center type, select the same work type reference in the from/start Work center type and to/end fields. To analyze workload for all work center types, leave as the default value. Subcontracting work centers are managed externally by subcontract suppliers. |
The last work center type in the range or leave as the default value. |
Start date (field STRDATSTR) |
Filter for results within a range of dates. For a single day, enter the same day in the Start date and to/end date fields. The default start date is the current date. |
The analysis horizon end date. The default is the current date. |
Overloads only (field SURCHARGE) |
Indicates where your production has a bottleneck or production is overloaded. Select the checkbox to only display the periods that production is overloaded. To display all periods, leave blank. |
Tab Load (hours)
This table displays workload for the entered criteria over the course of the workload calculation horizon.
The workload capacity for each period is calculated from the work orders that use the work center, the number of resources, and any capacity variations.
The workload for the period is supported with a color indicator.
A red line indicates that production is overloaded in the period.
A green line indicates that the calculated load is between 75% and 100% of the theoretical capacity.
A grey line indicates that the calculated load is between 50% and 75% of the theoretical capacity.
A yellow line indicates that the calculated load is between 0% and 50% of the theoretical capacity.
Period no. (field PERNUMX) |
The MRP or scheduling period number. The period numbers displayed are based on the load calculation over the day, month, or week of the horizon. |
Start (field PERSTR) |
The MRP or scheduling period start date. |
End (field PEREND) |
The MRP or scheduling period end date. |
Capacity (field PERAVA) |
The total resource capacity for the period, in hours. |
MRP (field OWSLOD) |
The calculated load for the period from the material requirements planning calculations. |
MPS (field ORSLOD) |
The calculated load for the period from the master productions schedule calculations. |
Planned (field OWPLOD) |
The calculated load for the period from planned work orders. |
Firm (field OWFLOD) |
The calculated load for the period from firm work orders. |
% Load (field PERLOD) |
The calculated load rate for the period as a percentage of the calculated theoretical capacity for the period, supported by a color indicator. A red line indicates that production is overloaded in the period. A green line indicates that the calculated load is between 75% and 100% of the theoretical capacity. A grey line indicates that the calculated load is between 50% and 75% of the theoretical capacity. A yellow line indicates that the calculated load is between 0% and 50% of the theoretical capacity. |
Total load (field TOTAL) |
The total load for the period. |
Operation loads |
Select Operation loads from the Actions icon to view the workload in detail for the period. |
Specific actions
Error messages
The only error messages are the generic ones.
Tables used
Refer to documentation Implementation