Picking ticket deliveries
Use this function to perform a mass generation of deliveries from picking tickets.
Mass validation of transportation notes
To perform the mass validation of transportation notes, you must check that the shipping dates comply with the requirements in terms of shipment start and end dates and times. This is important because you can only communicate future transport dates, not transport dates in the past.
Select the Activate check box in the Transport Information block to modify dates accordingly.
For example, a shipment was scheduled for a date prior to the date on which you want to perform the mass validation, but you know it will be shipped within the next three days. You can modify the date to a future date by adding '3' days to the No. days betw. transport start date and ship date field to comply with shipment requirements. This modification allows you to carry out the mass validation.
You still have the option to validate individual transportation notes, but with large datasets, individual validation is not always practical.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
When the sales orders are manually locked with the SCDTUNL - Authorization to unlock order parameter (VEN chapter, AUZ group), they cannot be selected. You need to unlock them in the Orders function (GESSOH).
Entry screen
Block number 1
Company (field CPY) |
Shipment site (field STOFCY) |
Enter a shipment site code that corresponds to a storage site. The shipment site is loaded by default with the your storage site. |
Orders (field FLG1) |
By default, all the categories are selected. You can deselect one or more categories. |
Delivery type (field SDHTYPNOR) |
When selecting a category, you must specify the Delivery type.
Loan orders (field FLG2) |
Delivery type (field SDHTYPLND) |
When selecting a category, you must specify the Delivery type.
Subcontract requirements (field FLG3) |
Delivery type (field SDHTYPSCO) |
When selecting a category, you must specify the Delivery type.
Shipments until (field SHIDAT) |
Enter the shipping date used to select elements to be processed:
All the elements with a shipping date on or before this date are included. |
From picking ticket (field PRHNUMSTR) |
To picking ticket (field PRHNUMEND) |
From ship-to customer (field BPCORDSTR) |
Enter a start and end range to apply a filter to the customer codes selection. |
Address (field BPAADDSTR) |
This field is used to select one of the delivery addresses of the selected customer. When two fields are available (Start/End), it is possible to select a range of several delivery addresses for the same customer.
To ship-to customer (field BPCORDEND) |
This field is used to select a Carrier. |
Address (field BPAADDEND) |
This field is used to select one of the delivery addresses of the selected customer. When two fields are available (Start/End), it is possible to select a range of several delivery addresses for the same customer.
From carrier (field BPTNUMSTR) |
This field is used to select a Carrier. |
To carrier (field BPTNUMEND) |
From route code (field DRNSTR) |
This field is used to select a route code.
To route code (field DRNEND) |
This field is used to select a route code.
Delivery validation (field CFMDLV) |
Select this check box to validate the delivery after generation. |
Print packing slip
Packing slip (field NDEFLG) |
Select this check box to print the document (pick ticket, packing slip or invoice) after delivery or invoice creation. In that case, you need to specify:
Document (field NDENAM) |
Enter the standard document code to be printed. |
Destination (field NDEDEN) |
Enter the document or report destination. |
Server (field NDESRV) |
This field is used to define the print server. |
Printer (field NDEIMP) |
Default printer. |
Transport information
Activate (field ENA) |
Select the Activate check box to change the dates and times of the transport through the validation process. When the transport information associated with this indicator is modified, the dates and times are updated in the selected records. |
No. days betw. transport start date and ship date (field STRDAYS) |
Enter the number of days between the shipment date and the transport start date. This action rewrites the departure date as shipment date plus N days. This field is only available if the Activate check box is selected. |
No. days betw. transport end date and ship date (field ENDDAYS) |
Enter the number of days between the shipment date and the transport end date. This action rewrites the arrival date as Ship date plus N days. This field is only available if the Activate check box is selected. |
Transp. starting hour (field STRHOU) |
Use this field update the transport starting hour. This field is only available if the Activate check box is selected.
Transp. ending hour (field ENDHOU) |
Use this field update the transport ending hour. This field is only available if the Activate check box is selected.
Specific Buttons
Recall |
Click this action to enter a Memo code to load the settings associated with the code. |
Delete memo |
Click this action to delete a Memo code. |