Update transactions
This function is used to create system transactions in the dictionary. These transactions will be used by the system transactions execution function to mass-update the database (create, modify or delete lines).
In addition, it is important to notice that the system transactions are included in the data dictionary. It means that revalidating the folder deletes all the system transactions that had not been protected by a specific activity code. Then, it can transfer standard system transactions in the folder if the editor decides whether to deliver system transactions in the software reference folder (currently, it is not applied).
Screen management
The definition of a screen is made with the help of 2 tabs: the general tab for the definition of the transaction and a tab containing the formulas for the selection of records to process and tables to update.
The header is used to identify the function.
Code (field COD) |
This code identifies the system transaction to be launched. |
Description (field ZINTIT) |
Tab General
The general context linked to the system transaction is defined in this tab:
- on the one hand, the main table and the possible linked tables that can be updated.
- on the other hand, the possible setups to enter (in a 6 lines tables maximum). Then, these setups can be used as variables named V1 to V6 in the second tab table.
Block number 1
Module (field MODULE) |
Select a module for the setup. Use this field to specify if the screen has to be created in the folder database. This is the case when the module linked to the screen is active on the folder. |
Short description (field ZINTITSHO) |
Activity code (field CODACT) |
An activity code is used to:
If the activity code is disabled:
Access code (field ACS) |
This access code makes it possible to prohibit access to the current record for some users. If the field is populated, only users that have this access code with read access rights (and write access rights respectively) can view (or with write access rights, modify) the record. Execution right that can be attached to the access code that is used to authorize the execution of the system transaction. Taking into account the fact that this function is sensitive, it is advisable to enter an activity code and to carefully limit the number of users that have the execution right. |
Table (field TBL) |
Define the principal table on which the transaction is going to be executed. |
Grid Linked tables
Linked tables (field LNKTBL) |
Identify the tables linked to the principal table. |
Link (field LNKEXP) |
This field is defined as one or more calculated expressions separated by a semi colon. Each expression is evaluated, and the result used to identify the value of the key used to perform the join. When multiple joins are authorized, only the first elements of the key can be given. In the expressions, constants can be used, as well as fields coming from the tables previously defined in the link list. |
Grid Parameters
Type (field VARTYP) |
Define the data type corresponding to the entered parameter. This is used to control the value by means of a table, if required. |
Description (field ZVARINTIT) |
Length (field VARLNG) |
Define the maximum number of characters that must be entered in order to save the parameter. |
Menu (field VARMEN) |
When the entry parameter is of the local menu type, the local menu number concerned is entered here. |
Object parameter (field VARPAR) |
This field defines an addition required for the definition of the data type, if required. In the case of a miscellaneous table, the addition defines the table number, for example. |
Default value (field VARDEF) |
Used to define a default value by means of a calculated expression can contain constants and variables. |
Control (field VARCTL) |
A code for a control table can be entered in this field to carryout a specific validity control associated with the parameter defined in the system transaction. |
Tab Details
This tab is used to specify the lines of the joins browsed by selection criteria and to detail the updates carried out by the system transaction on these lines. This can be:
- a record creation from a selected record (it will be necessary to set up only one line of this type by requested creation, for the corresponding key field). This is the equivalent of a record duplication.
- a modification of the value of one or several fields (one line by field).
- a record deletion (nothing is specified for the fields).
Grid Selections
Formulas (field SELFRM) |
This field is used to define the logical expressions to filter the records to be updated or to be deleted. It is possible to use the fields from the principal table, the linked tables and the variables defined in the launch parameters grid in the first tab (V1 to Vn). If the result of one of these expressions is false, the save will not be carried out. |
Grid Update
Table (field FLDTBL) |
Defines the table in which the operation must be carried out. |
Transaction (field FLDSUP) |
The operation carried out can be :
Field (field FLD) |
Define the field where that is to receive the value (in modification or in creation). This field comes from the entry table on the line. |
Formulas (field FLDFRM) |
This formula is evaluated to give the value of the field to be assigned. Fields from online tables, constants as well as the V1 to Vn variables defined in the launch parameters grid in the first tab can be used in this formula. |
Specific Buttons
Block number 1
This code identifies the system transaction to be launched. |
Title associated with the previous code. |
Block number 2
If this box is checked, the transaction is carried out without any table being updated, and the trace mentions which data would be updated if the process were launched in real mode. It is possible to set a maximum number of transactions to be processed. |
In test mode, this field limits the number of processed table lines. |
Name of each variable which can be entered as system transaction parameter. |
It defines the values associated with the transaction parameters when said transaction is being carried out. |
This button is used to directly execute the transaction. It is a system transaction utility.
This button is used to copy the transaction definition to another folder. Warning, it is necessary to validate the transaction in the destination folder. Block number 1
Block number 2