Task category
Use this function to define types of tasks that are used with projects such as analysis, manufacturing, transportation, and quality assurance.
You use the task categories with individual tasks in a project operational structure. They are key to the consolidation of expenses against a particular project.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
The Task category function contains a header information section and two additional sections, Task category and Default operations. The Task category section contains fields applicable to each type of task and free-format fields for providing supporting detail. The default employee to be assigned to an operation can be added to the Default operations section.
The header information provides an overview of the task category.
As every task in the project operational structure is assigned to a task category you must consider this when defining the task categories. Before creating your codes you should decide on their structure. The structure could be single-level and have a single code or be a structured, multiple level code. In a 2-level structure, for example, the first part of the structure could be the type and the second, the detail part of the code. A typical task category for labor could be "LAB" with suffixes for manual or skilled labor, "LAB-MANUAL" or "LAB-SKILLED".
Category (field TCACOD) |
Use this field to define a task category. Project task categories define types of tasks that are used in projects such as design, assembly, and quality assurance. In a 2-level structure the first part of the structure could be the type and the second, the detail part of the code. For example, a typical task category for manual labor could be LAB-MANUAL. |
Description (field TCADESAXX) |
Type in a description for this record (maximum 30 alphanumeric characters). |
Short description (field TCADESX) |
Enter the short description. By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.
Active (field ENAREC) |
Use this check box to turn this task category on or off. |
Entry screen
Use this section to group individual task categories into one of four logical types: Labor, Material, Mixed (labor and material) or Miscellaneous. Labor-based tasks (Labor, Mixed) indicate that an operation can be linked to a task; Material-based tasks (Material, Mixed) indicate that a product can be linked to a task; a Miscellaneous task is not associated with a specific business rule and can be used to define a milestone on a project, for example. As each project task is assigned to a task category, each project task can belong to a group.
You can also add free-format descriptive details or comments to support the purpose of this category.
Block number 1
Task type (field TASTYP) |
Use this field to group this task category into a logical type. Select from the following types of task:
Planning mode (field TCAMOD) |
Use this field to define how dates are to be calculated for tasks assigned to this task category, when a new task is created against a project. This field is only used with Labor and Mixed (labor and material) task types. Select one of the following values:
Duration (field TASDUR) |
Use this field to define the default number of days expected to complete a task assigned to this task category, when a new task is created against a project. |
Cost type (field PCCCOD) |
This field is only relevant if the Non-project category check box is selected. Type in, or select the default cost type code to be initialized on a timesheet to be posted. |
Person responsible (field RPBAUS) |
Use this field to assign the default person to be responsible for tasks assigned to this task category, when a new task is created against a project. |
Time category (field PTETYP) |
Use this field to assign this task category to a specific labor time category such as overtime, double time, travel time, sick leave. New tasks and operations added to a project will default to this time category. |
Use this field to provide a clear, supporting description for this record. This is a free-format narrative field. As task categories are used for consolidating expenses against a particular project you might use this field to explain the structure of the category code. It might also serve to provide a facility for listing category types acceptable for individual project codes or customers, for example. |
Use this field to add comments to this record. This is a free-format narrative field. The comments should be specific to this record. They should do more than just "describe" this record. As task categories are used for consolidating expenses against a particular project you might use this field to explain the structure of the category code. It might also serve to provide a facility for listing category types acceptable for individual project codes or customers, for example. |
Tab Default operations
Use this section to define default details for new labor tasks when tasks for this task category are added to a project.
For each default operation you can assign default resources, default quantities for each resource, a planned or expected duration for the operation, a default labor time category, and nominate the default employee to carry out the operation.
Sequence (field IPTCOSEQ) |
This sequence number is generated automatically in increments of 10. |
Site (field FCY) |
Use this field to assign the default operating site at which this operation is to be performed when a new task for this task category is added to a project. |
Resource no. 1 (field EXTWST) |
Use this field to identify the default resource (work center) to be used for this operation when a new task for this task category is added to a project. You can assign two default resources to the same operation. For example, both a labor resource and a machine resource might be required to complete this operation. The valuation for the operation will be the total cost of the first resource plus the cost of the second resource. |
Resource no. 2 (field EXTLAB) |
Description (field PTCODESAXX) |
Use this field to describe this operational task. This default description can be amended when a new task for this task category is added to the project operational structure. |
Unit (field OPEUOM2) |
Use this field to define the default operation tracking unit. This can be defined as the operation unit or the stock unit of the produced product. |
Planned quantity (field EXTQTY) |
Use this field to define the default total planned or estimated time required to complete this operation when a new task for this task category is added to a project. The quantity is expressed in the time unit. |
Duration (field OPEDUR) |
Use this field to define the default duration for this operation. When a new task for this task category is added to a project, this field directly impacts the calculated resource (work center) start and end dates. |
Assigned employee (field POACLB) |
Use this field to provide the default employee to be assigned to this operation when a new task for this task category is added to a project. |
Time category (field PTETYP) |
Use this field to provide the default time category for this operation when a new task for this task category is added to a project. |
Error messages
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
Planning mode [Task date/Manual date/No operation] is not authorized for this type of task [Material/Labor/Mixed/Miscellaneous]This message is displayed if the selected Planning mode is not compatible with the selected Task type. Material and Miscellaneous task types can only be set to No operation, for example.