Entry reason
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
Entry screen
Arrival reason (field COD) |
Enter the code for the entry reason, such as ‘NEW’ for a new employee, ‘COS’ for when an employee has a change of site while remaining in the same company or ‘TTP’ for an employee moving from a temporary to a permanent contract. |
Legislation (field LEG) |
Enter, or select, the legislation this code will be used in, for example FRA for the French legislation. The value defaults from your LEGFIL parameter value. Alternatively, leave the field blank for this code to be available for use in all legislations. This field is not displayed if you are operating in a single legislation folder that is, the LEG activity code is set to ‘No’. |
Description (field DESAXX) |
Enter a long description for this code, such as ‘New contract for a new employee’ for the NEW code. |
Active (field ENAFLG) |
Select this check box if the code is active now, otherwise leave it blank. |
Short description (field SHOAXX) |
Enter a brief description for this code, such as ‘New starter’ for the NEW code. |
Group of company (field GRP) |
If you enter the code for a group of companies, you will only be able to use the Entry reason for employees that work for a company in the group. The group can be multilegislation. When you use an entry reason in Employment contracts the legislation of the reason and the company are both checked. |
Activity code (field CODACT) |
Assign an activity code to this record. If the activity code assigned is inactive, the record is not available. |
Access code (field CODACS) |
Assign an access code to this record, so that its access can be controlled upon inquiry or modification. |
Default value (field DEFVAL) |
Select this check box if this code is to be used as the default entry reason. |
Auto management of activity periods (field CTRXITAUT) |
Select this check box to automatically close the previous activity period for an employee when a new employee contract is created with this entry reason.
End reason (field CTRXITGRD) |
If you select Auto management of activity periods you can enter a suitable end reason for the activity period being closed when this entry reason is used, otherwise this field is not available. |
Site entry date (field CTRDATFCY) |
Select this check box to automatically update the site entry date when entering a new contract. The date defaults to the current date. |
Payslip break (field FLGCREBUL) |
If a new activity period is created in a contract during a pay period, and this check box is selected, the employee will receive two payslips for the pay period. Alternatively, if this check box is not selected, the employee will only receive one payslip for the period. Sometimes It is mandatory to produce two payslips, because of the type of change between the activity periods and for the correct details to be included on the payslips. Select this check box if this entry reason should, by default, generate a second payslip. You might choose this setting if, for example, this entry reason represents a change to an employee’s job role. Leave this check box clear if this entry reason does not, by default, require details to be included on a second payslip. You might choose this setting if, for example, this entry reason represents a change to an employee’s shift pattern. The setting is used as the default when this entry reason is used but can be amended when individual contract records are created. |
Hiring date initialization (field FLGDSN) |
This field is only applicable to the French (FRA) legislation. |
Transfer reason (field RENMUT) |
This field is only applicable to the French (FRA) legislation. Select this check box to identify the transfer reasons (the transfer is processed in a specific way in the DSN). |
On hold (field SSPGRD) |
This field is only applicable to the French (FRA) legislation. Enter or select an ‘on hold’ code. If this ‘on hold’ code has a value specified in the DSN susp. of the miscellaneous table 344 - Specific situation, the system retrieves this on hold code to populate the On hold block of the Leave tab in the contract data when extracting the monthly DSN. Thus it will not be necessary for the system to read the time management. |
Legal declarations
N4DS code (field CODN4H) |
This field is only applicable to the French (FRA) legislation. |
Movement workforce (field CODMVT) |
Subcode N4DS (field DETN4H) |
Register (field REGSTR) |
This field is only applicable to the French (FRA) legislation. Select this check box to indicate the Entry reason is used at the start of an employee’s employment. When used as an entry reason the employee will be included as a starter on the personnel register that must be submitted to the government. |