Use this function to manage collection agencies associated with contribution funds.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
Identification of the organization.
Code (field COD) |
Unique identifier for the organization. |
Legislation (field LEG) |
In multi-legislated folders (where the LEG activity code is active), the Legislation fields are displayed.
If a legislation is entered in the record header, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation. If a legislation is not entered in the record header, it might be deduced from another element (such as the company, site, or employee) and again, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation. If a multi-legislation group of companies is selected, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation of at least one company in the group. Example If you select a group of British (BRI) and French (FRA) legislation companies, you cannot enter a value in a field that is only applicable to the South African (ZAF) legislation. In single legislation folders (where the LEG activity code is not active), the Legislation fields are not displayed. |
Description (field DES) |
Description used by default in reports and screens (if there is enough space). |
Tab Organization
Entry of the main characteristics of the organization.
Organization type (field TYP) |
Specify the type of the organization:
Site tax ID no. (field CRN) |
Enter the national identification number issued by the INSEE. |
Insurance code (field NSSCOD) |
Labor union (field UNIDES) |
Occupational health
Department (field DEP) |
The department code is automatically loaded when the occupational health code is selected. |
Code (field MEW) |
For a ‘Miscellaneous’ type organization, you can enter of select the occupational health organization. If you enter a department first, a filter is applied to the occupational health codes. |
Country code (field CRY) |
The country code defined in this field is the country of the organization’s bank. This code is used to differentiate on a same slip euro accounts that can be opened in different countries. This code is used for the calculation of the IBAN. Code used to identify the country of a BP, and so on. This code is controlled in the country table. |
Country name (field CRYNAM) |
field ADD1 |
field ADD2 |
field ADD3 |
PO box/city (field POS) |
Enter the address (maximum of three lines). |
City (field CTY) |
Enter the city/town name. You can also manually enter the name of a town/city: |
Contact (field CNT) |
Name and first name of the main contact. |
Telephone (field TEL) |
Enter the telephone number. |
Fax (field FAX) |
Fax number with an entry format identical to that of the telephone number and dependent on the country. |
Mobile phone (field MOB) |
Mobile phone number; its entry format depends on the country. |
Email (field WEB) |
This field is used to indicate an email address. Example : or [email protected] |
Bank account number
Bank account number (field BID) |
Bank account number. The entry format depends on the country where the bank is located. For the entry to be correct, you need to define the entry format in the Countries table beforehand. |
Currency (field CUR) |
Code used to identify the currency of a site, a BP, etc. This code is managed in the Currency table. It is recommended to use the ISO codification when creating a new currency. |
Payment details (UK)
Bank account type (field BNKACCTYP) |
Account number (field BNKACCNUM) |
Sort code (field BNKSRTCOD) |
B/Soc roll no (field BSOROL) |
Payment method (field PAYMTH) |
field CMTORG |
Free comment field associated with the current object. |
Grid Strikes
Code (field CODUNI) |
Description (field DESUNI) |
Strike (field STKNUM) |
This tab is only relevant for the French legislation.
Use this tab to enter the information required to create a DUCS or DSN declaration, according to the organization type.
Type (field KEYORG) |
The Declaration tab is only relevant for the French legislation. Select a type (‘Site tax ID no’ or ‘Other’) to determine to what the values entered in the screen refer. If you select ‘Site tax ID no’, the values refer to the Site tax ID no and the Site tax ID no must be updated in the Organization tab. |
Other (field LIBKEYORG) |
The Declaration tab is only relevant for the French legislation. This free entry field is available if the type selected is ‘Other’. You can enter additional information about the organization. |
Type (field TYPIRC) |
The Declaration tab is only relevant for the French legislation. Select the organization nature. The specificities are the following: IRC, IRC+IP and IRCANTEC
Urssaf, MSA and CCVRP
Welfare and Entertainment fund
In the DSN, each organization is processed individually. |
Compl. health insurance (field ORGMUT) |
The Declaration tab is only relevant for the French legislation. The Complementary health insurance box is only available for a Welfare organization. It is disabled and cannot be selected for another nature of organization. In manual creation, select this check box to specify that the fund assigned to the organization is a The system also selects automatically this check box if the organization is of Welfare nature and if the fund assigned to this organization in the Contribution funds function (GESPCA) is a health insurance fund. This indicator is used when extracting the monthly DSN to differentiate the health insurance part from the welfare part to be paid to welfare organizations. |
Complementary organization (field FLGORGCMP) |
The Declaration tab is only relevant for the French legislation. For complementary organizations, select the Welfare nature in the Nature field, or select the Complementary organization, or both. If this box is selected, it is possible to specify the organization in the Assignment function. |
Fund code (field SELCAICOD) |
The Declaration tab is only relevant for the French legislation.
Code (field CODSSC) |
Specify the code of the URSSAF organization to which the contribution payments are made. This field is used for DADS-U declarations. |
Slip (field TYPFRM0) |
Specify the type of slip (declaration) to be used for the generation of the DUCS in EDI format. |
DUE code (field DUECOD) |
Pôle emploi
Type (field TYPASS) |
These fields are used in the Assedic Certificate and in the DUCS. |
Number (field NUMASS) |
Specify the Pôle emploi number corresponding to the region of your Pôle emploi agency. This number contains two characters.
This field is used in the DUCS. |
Slip (field TYPFRM1) |
Specify the type of slip (declaration) to be used for the generation of the DUCS in EDI format. |
Organization (field NUMDCS) |
Specify the code corresponding to the identification number of the institution (Arrco, Agirc, or Prévoyance). This code contains a letter, "A" for Arrco and "C" for Agirc, followed by 3 numbers. This field is used in the DUCS, the DADS-U and the DSN.
Slip (field TYPFRM2) |
Specify the type of slip (declaration) to be used for the generation of the DUCS in EDI format. |
Grid Grouping
Organization (field GRPORG) |
The Declaration tab is only relevant for the French legislation. If the organization has the ‘Fund group’ type, specify the group organizations in this table. |
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
FICORG : Organization form
LISTORG : List of organizations
This can be changed using a different setup.
Error messages
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
Incorrect value type
The type of institution chosen is inconsistent with the type of organization selected previously.
Bank code already entered
The two bank codes entered for the DUCS payment are identical.
Identification type impossible - Site tax ID no. field not completed
The Site tax ID no. field is not entered, so it cannot be used as an identification type in a DUCS.