During a stock receipt, define the receipt note setup to perform a receipt of the 'dock' type (linked to a location 'awaiting put-away'). This type of receipt allows you to receive stock even when the related lot, sublot and serial number characteristics have not yet been identified. Using this type of receipt, you can receive goods right away and only sort them out and store them later.

Use the Put-away plan function to store the received goods and:

  • Display and process a selection of records pending put-away;
  • Change the location stock;
  • Fill in the missing stock information; These records use the stock information entered during the receipt. This is the original information for the put-away. In this context, you will need to assign the final stock information (final location, lot, sub-lot, serial numbers, etc.) during the put-away process.

Use this setup function to customize the Put-away plan stock screens.

A standard put-away plan transaction is initialized when installing the software. You can:

  • Modify it
  • Delete it
  • Create a new one

You can set up multiple transactions. Each transaction is identified by a code and a description. The transactions are displayed in a selection window when opening the Put-away plan function.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management


Use the transaction header to:

  • Create new transaction codes
  • Search for existing transactions to modify or delete

Tab General

Use this section to define the display of the put-away plan lines. You need to specify:

  • If you are using a single-warehouse management. You can define warehouses as available for entry on the warehouse lines, enabling the multi-warehouse management mode.
  • If the original information on a put-away plan line must be displayed or hidden. Hiding some of the fields will free up space for the final target fields. These fields are required: they determine where the stock is put away and the missing information.

Sort of lines to put away

The lines to put away, selected for a given put-away session, can be displayed according to several sort criteria. These criteria are set up on the put-away plan transaction. You can modify them from the Put-away plan function by clicking the Criteria action.

Tab Stock

Use this section to define the target put-away information.

This section is common to all stock receipt note transactions.

For further information, please refer to the dedicated documentation.

Tab Analytical