It is possible during a receipt, miscellaneous receipt, delivery return and loan return to plan a stock receipt ‘at dock’ (see stock receipt note setup) in order to rapidly receive stock from the receipt note alone and mark its receipt without precisely entering the stock information necessary for the good management of products: the receipt thus occurs on a specific location, which should be of ‘awaiting storage’ type.

The stock received ‘at dock’ then needs to be effectively put away: this is the purpose of the Put-away plan function.

The put-away plan is a workbench used by the warehouseman to select and display stocks awaiting storage: the system calculates the potentially missing stock information of the lines, as well as the location where the stock should be put away according to the management rule of the original receipt movement (miscellaneous receipt, receipt, delivery return, etc.).

The user assigns a Storage list number to a group of lines in the process of being put away. This list can be printed and used to support the physical movement of stock items and then recalled to validate put-away movements on the system.
Validating put-aways on the system means carrying out intrasite location changes specified in the put-away plan and therefore updating the original receipt note with the final stock information entered upon put-away.

SEEREFERTTO A Storage plan put-away function is also available in VT mode. It can be accessed from a virtual terminal and is used to perform stock changes from the lists of the put-away plan and automatically launch label prints.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The entry of a put-away plan is made on a single screen. The presentation of the put-away plan is a function of the transaction chosen.

If a single transaction is set up, no choice is offered on entering the function. Otherwise, a window opens to display the list of transactions likely to be used. The choice can also be restricted by access codes.

Entry screen

Setting up the put-away plan

During a stock receipt on a ‘Awaiting storage’ type location, the system creates, in addition to stock lines, stock movements, receipt note lines corresponding to the current receipt and recordings ‘to be put-away’ in a dedicated table (STOSRG).

Use the put-away plan to:

  • select the lines to be put away according to different criteria,
  • move corresponding stocks to their destination location,
  • specify blank stock information such as status, lot, sublot, serial number, stock identifiers 1 and 2, etc.

Selection is not mandatory: you can directly enter the lines to be put away and processed in the table if you know all of their characteristics.

The selection criteria

The main filter criteria of the lines to be put away are available in the header section of the put-away plan. To access additional criteria, click Criteria.

Site: this mandatory information is used to select the lines to be put away for a given storage site.

Storage list: It is possible to carry out a put-away in two stages (the detail of the put-away is described later in the documentation).

  • Select or enter the lines to be put away and processed so that they are displayed in the table of lines to be put away.
  • Specify the missing recipient information in the lines to be put away (final stock location, serial number lot, etc.).

A line to be put away on which all the recipient information is specified is selected in red, which means that the put-away movement is ready to be validated.

At this stage:

  • either you validate the put-away (by clicking Validate),
  • or you physically carry out the put-away movements before saving them on the system. In this case, you can:
    • identify the put-away movements to be validated by assigning them a Storage list number: click Storage list,
    • print this list in order to have paper copy in the storage store.

Upon validation on the system of the movements performed based on a storage list previously created, you can recall this list by using the Storage list field. All the lines of the storage list are displayed in the Awaiting storage to process table.

Include w/o list: if a storage list is recalled via the Storage list field, select the Include w/o list check box to select the lines to be put away which are not attached to a list in order to associate new put-aways to an existing list.

  • If this check box is selected, all the selection fields are active.
  • If this check box is not selected, the selection fields are not active and only the recordings attached to the above storage list are displayed.

Destination warehouse: used to select the lines to be put-away for a given destination warehouse.

Date type and Date ranges: used to filter the lines to be put away according to the creation or allocation date of their receipt at dock. The Date type field is used to specify which of these two dates is to be taken into account.

Product ranges: used to specify the range of products to be put away.

Entry type and entry number ranges: used to filter the lines to be put away depending on the document type and the original documents of the stock receipt to dock.

Location ranges: used to specify the ‘awaiting storage’ type locations to be put away. Here, specify the dock which has received receipts and should be cleared.

Status ranges: the entry of a status is mandatory, even for an ‘at dock’ receipt: it is then possible, during the put-away process, to filter lines to be put away according to the status assigned to them upon receipt. During the put-away the status of the put-away stock can be modified.

Warehouse ranges: used to specify the warehouses to which ‘awaiting storage’ locations to be put away are attached.

Finally, if these selection criteria are not sufficient, click Criteria to access additional criteria.

In conclusion, by combining the different possibilities of the Filters, Selections and Start - end ranges block, you can:

  • work only on the lines to be put away that do not have a storage list number,
  • work only on the recordings of a specific storage list (in order to modify the recipient data or manually add lines to be put away to the list).
  • work on the recordings of a specific list and on recordings without an associated storage list number (in order to modify the recipient data or add records to the list by selection or manually adding lines to be put away to the list).

Put-away operation

Once the various selection criteria have been entered, click Search to display all the lines to put away corresponding to the selection: theses recordings are generated in the STOSRG table during a receipt on an ‘Awaiting storage’ type location via a stock receipt note of supplier receipt, miscellaneous receipt or delivery return type for instance.

The lines to put away relate to stock located on an ‘Awaiting storage’ type location and the following stock information may be missing: lot, sublot, serial number, stock identifiers 1 and 2, information which is used to precisely finalize the stock description, but can be omitted upon stock receipt at dock.
The stock lines for which a license plate number has been entered cannot be accessed from the put-away plan, since all the information related to the line detail has already been entered (lot, sublot, serial number).

The put-away plan is used to finalize the description of this stock and to specify the final stock location for the receipt.

The processing of such a line to be put away not yet processed is carried out as follows:

The fields available for entry of the line to be put away are the unit, quantity, conversion coefficient PAC/STK, lot code, sublot code, license plate number, serial number, status, location type and target location.

  • The quantity to be put away, the unit and the conversion coefficient PAC/STK are initialized by the original corresponding fields specified upon stock receipt and can be modified during put-away.

It is possible to put away part of the stock of a line to be put away: in this case, the change of location and the update of the original receipt note are carried out in proportion to the quantity put-away, and a line to be put away is generated for the remaining stock to be put away.

On the other hand, it is not possible to put away more than the quantity received at dock for a line. In this case, it is necessary to return to the original receipt note.

  • The status has to be specified upon stock receipt at dock, but can still be modified during put-away. Thus, it is possible for stock to be received at dock with a dedicated status in order to identify it and then to move the stock to its final status after carrying out checks upon put-away. If a quality control is planned for a product and the receipt is carried out in status Q, the system does not generate an analysis request at the time of receipt at dock, but upon put-away, when all the stock information is precisely specified.
  • The recipient lot, sublot and serial number are initialized with the original corresponding information specified upon receipt, if they exist: in that case, they cannot be modified during put-away. If they have not been entered upon receipt at dock, this information is deduced from the management rule associated to the category of the relevant product and the original receipt movement type. (See the documentation related to receipt notes for the calculation of lots, sublots and serial number).
  • The destination warehouse is loaded with the header warehouse or, by default, by the one originating from the product-site setup. Its value is used to filter locations and containers.
  • The container and license plate number: if the license plate number is already ‘In stock’, it automatically determines the recipient location type and location.
  • The recipient location type and location: these pieces of information are deduced from the product-warehouse setup, when warehouses are managed, or from the license plate number, if it has already been associated to a location, or, by default, from the product-site setup. You can modify them manually. (See the documentation related to the receipt notes for the calculation of location types and receiving locations).

To start processing a line to be put away, you can:

  • Select the line to be put away (double click Plan on the line): in this case, the system automatically loads the recipient information as previously described. If the setup does not allow the automatic entry of recipient fields, the system opens a detailed entry window for the user to specify missing information and the product code of the line to put away is displayed in red. If the product is managed by lot, the lot complement entry window opens, depending on the put-away plan transaction setup.
  • Switch to entry mode by double clicking the line to be put away and processed: the cursor is positioned on the first field available for entry of the line (depending on the chosen transaction setup). Enter all the missing recipient information one by one with the aid of the setup default values. Upon entry completion, the line is automatically selected.
  • Click Detail from the Actions icon on the line to open a detailed entry window for the put-away: enter the missing recipient information, again with the aid of the setup default values. Detail window entry is used to distribute a single line to be put away over several stock lines (that is if you wish to put away the stock in several warehouses or locations, or assign several statuses, lots, sublots, serial numbers to the same line to be put away). If this is the case, the character $ is entered in the recipient fields of the line to be put away which are distributed at detailed entry level.

Once the detailed entry window is closed, the line to be put away is automatically selected.

Selecting a line to be put away

A selected line to be put away is a line for which all recipient information has been entered: since it is selected, the line cannot be suggested for put-away in another plan simultaneously.

  • A selected line can be cleared: in this case, the recipient stock information is lost and the line is to be put away later on.
  • A selected line can be validated: click Validate. All the selected lines in the table lead to a location change of the original dock location to the recipient location specified for each line or each detail and give rise, simultaneously, to the update of the original receipt note at the origin of the dock receipt. The original note line is loaded with the final stock information specified upon put-away. Finally, the line to be put away in the STOSRG table is deleted. The computerized put-away is then finished. Remaining to be done is the physical put-away of the products, if it has not already been done.
  • It can be necessary to carry out the physical put-away of products on the basis of the recipient information entered upon put-away before validating the put-away on the system. To do so, assign a storage list number to the selected plan lines and click Save to save this assignment.

To assign a storage list number, you can:

  • either click Storage list: in this case, all the selected plan lines which are not associated to a storage list yet are assigned the same storage list number.
  • or click the Actions icon available from the Storage list field of a line, then click:
    • Storage list of the filter, to assign to the selected line the storage list number specified in the Storage list field of the plan header.
    • Last storage list number, to assign to the selected line the last storage list number assigned on the table currently being processed.
    • New storage list number, to assign the next storage list number available to the sequence number dedicated to the numbering of storage lists.
    • Blank storage list number, to delete the storage list number of a line.

SEEINFO If you have requested the display of a specific storage list via Include w/o list, when a line without a list is processed, it is assigned with the storage list number of the filter by default. It is of course possible to modify this storage list number.

It is possible to have several storage lists in the same table.

Saving the table enables the update of the STOSRG table (lines to be put away). The storage list numbers can be recalled later on.

You can then print one or several storage lists by clicking File/List and carry out the physical put-away movements recommended on the printed storage list.

Once the physical put-away has been carried out:

  • Recall the processed storage list via the Storage list field in the plan header: all the lines to put away from the list are then displayed .
  • Click Detail from the Actions icon on the put-away line to modify, if necessary, the recipient information of those lines based on the physical put-away carried out.
  • Then, click Validate to validate the put-aways on the system.


By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  PRTSCR : Screen print

  STOSRG : Storage list

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific actions

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation