Payment terms
Use this table to define the payment conditions used in invoices (irrespective of whether they are customer or supplier).
They are transferred to sales, purchasing and A/P-A/R accounting documents (orders, invoices…).
They can be modified if required in each document.
A payment condition is composed of one or more lines, each line corresponding to an open item calculation rule and a payment method.
This way, for a given invoice, schedules with multiple due dates can be defined, the various due dates each corresponding to a record of the open items table.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
Entry screen
The setup of the grid is used to:
- implement a variable method that enables the due date for the open items to be calculated based on the original document date, with the possibility to add a number of days or months. The due date can be forced to the end of month (Fdm column) and/or be pushed to the next fixed day on the month given in a list with a maximum of 6 set days(D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6).
An additional option exists to exclude certain days of the week or holidays from the calculation. It should be noted that, by convention the fixed day 99 signifies the last day of the month, - to enter an open item minimum amount.
If this minimum amount has not been reached for a given open item, the amount is transferred to the next open item (except if there is none).
Block number 1
Payment term (field PTE) |
Code associated by default with the current BP, used to define the payment conditions. |
Legislation (field LEG) |
In creation mode, the legislation code can be initialized via the user parameter LEGFIL - Legislation (selection filter) (SUP chapter, INT group). This parameter is also used to filter the selection panel in order to present only the codes defined for this legislation and those defined at the All legislations level.
Description (field DESAXX) |
This long description is used as a title in screens and reports. By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.
Short description (field SHOAXX) |
Short title used in the screens and reports. This title is recorded in your connection language. By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.
Group (field GFY) |
By entering a company group, you can limit the scope to companies in the selected group only. When this data is used for another record or with a setup element also defined in the group, a control checks that the groups have at least one company in common when the groups are different. In addition, a consistency check is performed for the legislations of the companies in the selected group. If a group is entered, the payment condition can only be used on documents associated to the companies of this group. Peculiarity linked to the use of a payment condition in the Customer BP and Supplier BP setup:
Grid Management
No. (field PTELIN) |
Method (field PAM) |
The payment method defines the payment means (check, cash, bank card, instrument etc.). |
This indicator is automatically activated when at least one of the payment methods is SEPA-type. |
Due date % (field DUDPRC) |
Specify, for each open item line to calculate, the part of the tax inc. amount of the document that has to be assigned to this open item line. This proportion is expressed in percentage. If there is only one open item to calculate, enter 100% in this field. |
Sales tax % (field VATPRC) |
Payment type (field PAMTYP) |
Specify the open item payment type. Prepayment
Open item
Months (field NBRMON) |
Specify the number of months to be added to the start date during the due date calculation so to determine the due date.
Days (field NBRDAY) |
Specify the number of days to be added to the start date during the due date calculation so to determine the due date. |
Month end (field ENDMONFLG) |
The three values for this field are: No
End of next month:
End of current month:
Day 1 (field J1) |
The value entered must be a date in the month (between 1 and 30) or 99 which corresponds to the last day of the month. |
Day 2 (field J2) |
Day 3 (field J3) |
Day 4 (field J4) |
Day 5 (field J5) |
Day 6 (field J6) |
Minimum due date amount (field DUDMINAMT) |
Specify the minimum amount for this open item. |
Currency (field AFFCURDUD) |
Block number 3
SDD management (field SDDFLG) |
The management of this field is subject to the activity code SDD - SDD management. |
Alt. payment terms (field RPLPTE) |
Specify the code of the payment term to be used when the total amount of the journal entry is lower that a given threshold. A substitute payment method applies if the total payment amount is lower than the threshold. This is a cascading process: for example, a payment by draft is replaced with a payment by check when the amount is below the threshold, and then replaced with a payment in cash if the amount is even lower. |
If amount less than (field PTEMINAMT) |
Minimum amount under which the conditions of replacement payment are used. |
field AFFCUR |
Holidays excluded (field FBDHLYFLG) |
Specify if the due date calculated can correspond to a bank holiday. If the due date calculated corresponds to a forbidden day, the due date is systematically postponed to the next authorized day. This check is combined with the authorized days of the week. |
Statement due date (field SOIFLG) |
If this box is checked, the due dates calculated from these payment conditions are taken into account by the automatic generation of customer statements (knowing that each payment method has a statement code used to refine the rules, which can be modified due date by due date). |
Excluded days
Specify for which days of the week a due date calculation is authorized. If the due date calculated corresponds to a forbidden day, the due date is systematically postponed to the next authorized day. |
Specific buttons
Copy |
Click this action to transfer all table contents to another folder. |
Error messages
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
The total must not exceed 100%
The distribution does not reach 100%
These two messages appear when the total of percentages assigned to the open item lines is not equal to 100% (either higher or lower).
All days are excluded!
This message appears if you have checked all the days of the week.