Use this process to reconcile bank entries with the lines of imported bank statements.
You can import MT940 and CAMT  .053/054 files using the advanced bank statement import process. 
Review the Bank statement import overview and Bank import setup overview pages before taking advantage of these options. 


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Screen management

Parameter entry

When you access this function, you need to enter to following to continue the process:

  • Bank account
  • Date of the last statement
  • Date of the last accounting entry to be considered

In the Last statement date field, click the Selection icon to select the last statement date from the list of the last 10 statement imports.

Entry screen

This screen displays the table of accounting entry lines and statements. You can reconcile movements manually or automatically.

To reconcile automatically, click Proposal.

Before reconciling the proposed matches to accounting entries and statements, you can modify the accounting entries and statement lines for balanced amounts. The balance of reconciled entries is displayed in the header window and it must equal zero.

The reconcile with or without making modifications, click Save.

See the section on Proposal for more information.


By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  RAPPRO : Banking reconciliation report

  RAPPROCHK : Bank reconciliation

  RAPPRODBL : List of duplicates

This can be changed using a different setup.

Options available from the Printer icon


Click Print to print the list of manually or automatically reconciled entries. The EDITRBK initialization processing updates the EDITRBK table. This function is only available if elements are reconciled.


Click List to print the list of duplicates (non-reconciled entries, with the same type, the same amount and the same sign). The EDITDBL initialization processing updates the EDITRBK table.

Specific Buttons


Use this button to assign the same reconciliation code to all the selected lines.


Use this button to launch an automatic reconciliation.

Enter additional criteria:

Reconciliation by document 

If this check box is selected, the program searches for the following links:

    • Link between the reference of the entry and the check number of the statements, and conversely.
      Comparing the posting reference [F:DAE]DES and the deposit number of the statements [F:RBK]ENTUM does not taken into account the number of figures used in the posting title.
    • Link between the reference of the entry and the references of the statements.
      Comparing the posting reference [F:DAE]DES and the deposit number of the statements [F:RBK]REF does not taken into account the number of figures used in the posting title.
    • Link between the reference of the entry and the titles of statements.
      Comparing the posting reference [F:DAE]DES and the deposit number of the statements [F:RBK]REF does not taken into account the number of figures used in the posting title.
    • Link between the last characters of the check numbers of the statement and the descriptions of the postings (with a number of characters to be selected)
      Comparing the posting reference [F:DAE]DES and the deposit number of the statements [F:RBK]ENTUM does not taken into account the number of figures used in the posting title.

BTC control

If this box is checked, all BTC are taken into account. Bank transaction codes are taken into account:

    • if the BTC code is entered on all lines to reconcile (for Sage X3 and the bank) and if the number of days (NBRDAY) is specified for this BTC. The number of days considered in order to determine if the bank reconciliation is performed, comes from the setup of miscellaneous table no. 306, i.e. the number of days of the BTC.
    • if the BTC code is not entered for the all lines to be reconciled or if the number of days is equal to 0 for the BTC. The number of days considered in order to determine if the bank reconciliation is performed, comes from the setup of parameter value MAXNBRDAY.

Mark duplicates

When this box is checked, duplicates are marked.


Specify if you authorize the reconciliation of several transactions with only one line of the statement.

After launching this proposal, the reconciled posting/statement line combinations appear with an identical reconciliation code, comprised of uppercase letters. You can refine this proposal manually and then click Save to reconcile.


Use this button to sort the table according to the Amount, BTC or Datecriteria, in ascending or descending order.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Full grid

This message appears upon loading of the posting lines when the maximum size of the table has been reached.

Empty grid

This message appears upon loading the table. No recording corresponds to the criteria entered in the first screen.

You do not have access to the bank xxxxx

This message opens when the user profile code does not authorize access to the "BANK RECONCILIATION" function for the selected bank.

Journal number xxxxxxxx : record locked

This message appears upon loading of the postings, when an item is being modified for a journal that needs to be reconciled. This journal is then not loaded into the grid.

Account in the process of being reconciled

This message appears if the bank account is being reconciled or if the reconciliation of said bank account is being reversed by the processings:


These processings cannot be carried out together on the same bank.

Sort order incorrect

A figure cannot give the same sort order to two different criteria.

A search criterion has already been entered

The search is carried out either on the basis of the amount, or on the bank transaction code, or on the reference.
These three criteria exclude each other.

Reconciliation incorrect/Selection total for the statement=/Selection total for the postings=

The balance between the statement lines and the entries is not complied with. The selection needs to be reviewed.

Number between between 0 and 8

The reference field of the entry only contains 8 characters. A number between 0 and 8 must be entered.

Some open items or entries are being viewed and could not be loaded

An entry generating a movement on the cash account of the bank being reconciled or reversed could not be loaded because it is already used (locked) in another product function.

If you click OK, Sage X3 will still load the data (except locked data) and reconciliation or reversal processes remain possible.

If you click Cancel, the log of entries that were not loaded is displayed.

Tables used

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