The last posting phase of the payment of the invoices coming from the Purchase, Sales or A/P-A/R Accounting is the bank deposit.

This bank deposit can be performed directly in manual payment entry if no other posting phase is expected (use of the at the bottom of the page) or as an automatic deposit using the function specific to the bank deposit.


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Screen management

Entry screen

The bank deposit is carried out "in bulk" for a selection of recorded payments. The selection criteria are as follows:

General criteria


The bank deposit can be processed for all the companies with payments waiting to be validated. The operation can also be limited to a single company.


A selection can be performed on a site. Only the payments recorded for this site are dealt with.

Selection criteria on payment

Individual payments/Regroupings

Payments can be processed individually or, upon requested of the BP, they can be regrouped on deposit slips or paying bank notices.

The bank deposit process can be limited so as to deal with only one, two or all of these situations.

Payment transaction

Since all the payments are organized and sorted by payment transaction, it is possible to limit the selection of the payments to be processed to a single payment transaction.

Entry batch

In manual payment entry, or upon automatic payment generation, a batch number can be assigned to a payment.
This batch number can constitute a selection criterion but it can be applied to the payments only. For the slips and paying bank notices, the slip number is considered in priority, the batch number being as a consequence not taken into account.


A bank must be allocated to each payment. It is a necessary condition for the bank deposit processing to take the payment into account.

It is then possible to limit the selection to a specific bank.


The selection can take place at user level. Only those payments that are recorded by the specified user are taken into account.

Deposit type

During the generation of the bank deposit slips, the deposit type applied to the BP can be stipulated: Discount, discount in value, open item cash receipt, deadline cash receipt (see documentation Discount entry). It is also possible to limit the selection of the deposit slips to be processed in bank deposit to a single type of deposit.


A date range can be determined for payment management.

Definition of the bank deposit characteristics

Entry generation

If the flag is not checked, the started bank deposit process is used to obtain a list (in the log file) of all those payments that will be processed for the chosen selection.

No journal has been created. If the selected payments match the expected result of the selection, the process must be restarted with this flag being activated.

Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task PAYREMBAN is provided for that purpose.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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