Use this function to change (or replace) a component in one or a range of bills of materials with a different component.

You can set the validity start date for the replacement component as required. The default is today's date.

The new component is given the same sequence number in the bill of materials (BOM) as the component being replaced. If the component already exists at the same sequence number the sequence number is incremented.

If the quantity of the replacement component is different you can apply a factor to update the BOM to ensure an accurate substitution takes place. The component 'Where used' flag is updated accordingly.

 This function does not 'delete' the original component, it simply marks it as 'not valid' by setting the validity end date to the validity start date for the replacement component minus 1 day (n-1).

 The BOM displays components that are valid on a specific date. The new component, therefore, is only displayed in the BOM once it becomes valid (fields Reference date (DATREF)/Valid from (BOMSTRDAT)).


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Screen management

The Components replacement function displays two selection screens:

  • An initial screen into which you enter your component selection (or filtering) criteria;
  • A validation screen with a set of tabs in which you select and confirm the replacement details.

A log file displays the results of the run. Any excluded version-managed bills of materials (BOMs) are listed on the log file.

Entry screen

Component selection

Type in, or select the code of the component to be replaced and the code of the new (replacement) component.

If the quantity or unit of the replacement component is different from the current component, type in the factor to update the bill of materials (BOM) with.

Leave the default validity start date for the replacement component or select a different date which is later than today. This will be used as the validity start date for the replacement component. 

Then select the types of BOMs (commercial, production, subcontract) to be included in the run.

Start/end ranges

A number of ranges are displayed.

  • To replace the component in all applicable BOMs at all levels of the BOM, leave all the fields as the default values or blank.
  • To replace the component in selected BOMs, type in the required ranges. Leave the first field blank to include the lowest value or the second field blank to include the highest value.

You can optionally select the BOMs by applying a calculation formula.

A log file displays the results of the run. Where appropriate it includes information which should be noted or acted upon.


Tab Production links

You use this tab to confirm the details of the component substitution in the production BOMs listed.

The default validation flag for each selected BOM (parent product) is 'Yes'. To exclude a specific BOM, set the field Valid to 'No'.

You can change selected details for the replacement component. Where a BOM is selected which has expired you must change the validation date manually.

Tab Commerce links

You use this tab to confirm the details of the component substitution in the commercial BOMs listed.

As for the production BOMs the default validation flag for each selected BOM (parent product) is 'Yes'. To exclude a specific BOM, set the field Valid to 'No'.

You can change selected details for the replacement component. Where a BOM is selected which has expired you must change the validation date manually.

Tab Subcontract links

You use this tab to confirm the details of the component substitution in the subcontract BOMs listed.

As for the production and commercial BOMs the default validation flag for each selected BOM (parent product) is 'Yes'. To exclude a specific BOM, set the field Valid to 'No'.

You can change selected details for the replacement component. Where a BOM is selected which has expired you must change the validation date manually.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

This is a versioned component. Select a non-versioned component.

Amendments to versioned components or the components of a versioned product are tightly controlled to minimize the impact on work orders. This message is displayed to warn you that the component you have selected is version-managed and as there could be consequences from changing the component you have been prevented from doing so. You must choose a different component that is not version-managed.

"Modification not authorized for this code [x]"

You do not have authorization to change one or both of the component codes.

"At least one code must be entered"

You have not manually selected a component code and the All action has not been validated.

"No BOM for these selections"

The component does not exist in the types of BOM codes selected.

"The date must not be prior to the current date"

The Application date cannot be earlier than today's date.

"The parent product is equal to the new component!"

A link will be created with the same reference as a parent product.

Version managed BOMs included in the selection criteria will not be processed. Update them manually.

Amendments to the components of a versioned product are tightly controlled to minimize the impact on work orders. The selected component is a component in one or more version-managed BOMs. The list of parent products (BOMs) will not include version-managed BOMs as these are excluded from the replacement process.

"Error when accessing the BOM file: product_reference alt"

The records connected with the selection could not be read properly because of a problem when accessing the file.

Log file messages

The log file at the end of the run might display the following messages:

"BOD: product_reference alt seq This link causes a loop in the BOM"

The selected component has the parent product as a component in its bill of materials (BOM).

"BOD: product_reference alt seq component_replaced Write error on file"

The component substitution has not taken place. It is possible that a file was locked.

"BOD: product_reference alt seq component_replacement Record already exists"

The component code that you have attempted to create already exists in the BOM.

"ITMBOM: product_reference alt Error when accessing file"

The component substitution has not taken place. It is possible that a file was locked.

Tables used

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