
Use this function to manage the financial assets whether entered by direct entry or by the grouping of one or more expenses, or whether they come from the import of assets entered in another application.
It is also used, in certain conditions, to create, change, delete an asset and to print an asset record.

See  other conditions for more information.
It is also from this function that you can access the actions, movements, and processes that can be individually carried out on the asset. In addition, the assets can be subject to a certain number of mass processes or transactions via dedicated processes accessible from the sub-menu Asset management/Processes.

A financial asset mainly corresponds to a fixed asset, but it can also be a leasing contract or an asset in concession.
An asset can also be attached to one or several physical elements corresponding to equipment used in the company. These elements carry the information required for the tracking of the equipment. In that case, the FASPHY_01.jpg icon representing the link between the asset and the physical elements is displayed in the header of the function. This icon is replaced by FASPHY_05.jpg when the asset is linked to elements pending transactions.
An asset can have a double account allocation as well as a double valuation - one for the company accounts and the other for the consolidated accounts.

The company reference base can be managed according to the CRC2002-10 national accounting standards.
The group ledger is managed according to the international IAS/IFRS standards.

The assets can be organized and regrouped according to the two following concepts: the group concept and the status concept.

Group concept

The group concept is used to assign a group reference to the assets that can be free or that can correspond to the reference of the asset belonging to the same financial site. The assets gathered within a single group remain independent and are not linked by any common management rules.


Status concept

An asset can have one of the following statuses:

  • Autonomous asset (it has no component asset attached to it)
  • Main asset (to which component assets may be attached)
  • Component asset attached to a Main Asset
  • Component asset pending attachment, when the main asset is not yet selected

When the fixed asset components require their own depreciation rates or methods or when they are subject to regular replacements, the setting up of the Main asset – Component asset relationship is used to post them separately from the start and upon the successive replacements.
It is the same for the maintenance and service expenses subject to yearly programs for major repairs that must be posted as a component distinct from the fixed asset. The asset cost can then be distributed between the different elements that make it up, so that each element can be posted separately. The assets grouped in this way remain linked by this relationship and their management is interdependent. For example, an action on the main asset such as the disposal, can be passed on to its components.

Selection lists

The available selection lists reflect this organization:

  • Assets presents the list of all the assets existing or corresponding to the selection carried out (with the exception of the assets disposed in an earlier fiscal year).
  • Last read displays the last references called.
  • Component assets displays, when the asset being viewed is a main asset, the list of component assets that is attached to it.
  • Group assets contains the list of the assets attached to the same group as the asset currently being viewed.
  • Grouped expenses. is not shown unless the displayed asset has been created by grouped expenses. In this case, it displays all the expenses that are linked to it.
  • Assets disposed from the FA presents the list of the assets disposed in a previous fiscal year  for all contexts.
    An asset disposed in a current or on the next fiscal year for at least one context, will not appear in this list but will appear in the Financial assets list. This asset is displayed in red.
    SEEINFO Assets in concession managed in 1st asset of the concession mode, are not displayed in this list when they are disposed in an earlier fiscal year. Their depreciation in the amortization expense plan going on for this asset until the end of the concession: Assets remain in the list.
  • Inactive assets displays the list of assets declared as Inactive. (see below the information given for the Active check box at the level of the Header information paragraph).
  • Assets with pending elements displays the list of the assets to which are attached physical elements awaiting transactions (geographic assignment transfer, disposal) to validate. The linking of the asset with physical elements pending transactions is represented by the icon FASPHY_05.jpg displayed in the header of the screen. The validation of these movements is carried out by triggering the transfer or the disposal (according to the pending movement) on the asset. For further information, see the Physical elements action.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The entry screen consists of a header displaying the asset identification information and one to five tabs depending on the level of detail required and the entry screens set up in the Business object transactions function:

  • The Main tab contains the data linked to the acquisition of the asset, its characteristics as well as the valuation and account allocation information for the asset.
  • The Allocations tab is used to enter the allocations (geographic, analytical, economic, budgetary....) for the financial asset.
  • The Depreciation tab contains the information linked to the asset depreciation for all the managed plans.
  • The VAT tab contains the data linked to the VAT management.
  • The Receipt/disposal tab gathers all the information linked to the receipt of the asset when it is an intra-group acquisition, and to the asset disposal as well as the capital gain or loss related to this disposal.
  • The Concession tab, visible only when the CCN activity code - Concessions is active. It does contain all the information necessary for the management of the assets in concession.
  • The Other info tab is for free fields.

Additional information linked to the specific characteristics of the asset can also be entered in the following entry windows, which can be accessed via the Options sub-menu:

After validating the asset creation, only some of the information can still be modified in this screen. For example: the Status on purchase, the Receipt Nature, the Quantity, the Fixed asset type, the Stability type, the Group number, the Budgetary allocations and the Free fields.
Other information can only be modified through the processes, actions, or transactions that can be applied to the asset throughout its life.

Some of these processes can be accessed via the specific Actions available in the Action panel, such as creating the assets by capitalization of expenses, detachment of the expense, calculation and simulation of the depreciation plan.

Others are grouped according to their nature, in the following sub-menus:

Actions to access the following windows for the actions that can be carried out on the asset:

Transactions to access the different processes that lead to the transaction of the asset:


The header contains the asset identification information, the financial site to which it is assigned, its reference, and its description.

Click the Events icon to display the journal of events generated for the asset.

Main tab

Use the main tab to enter:

  • The acquisition information for the asset including the purchase date, posting date, first use date, and its status at purchase, its receipt nature (purchase, internal production, fusion, deposit purchase, etc.), and its quantity.

    The entry of the Purchase date is mandatory.
    ..\FCT\SEEINFO Clicking on the Context Dates option of the Actions menu displays the start and end dates of the fiscal year and of the current period as well as the currency of each of the contexts managed by the company.
  • Its characteristics such as the accounting group and code, the group reference to which it may belong, that of the principal asset to which it is linked if it is a component asset.

    The entry of the Accounting code is mandatory. In the case where the field associations are set up for the Financial asset object, the value of the code can be determined from that of the Group.
  • Its retained value according to the national standards and its retained value according to the international standards. The CoA plan is used to specify the allocation retained in the company accounts (national accounting standards). The IFRS plan is used to specify the allocation retained in the consolidated accounts (IAS/IFRS). If the field associations are set up for the Financial asset object, the Group or the Account code can determine the value of the different fields in the account allocations.
    On the IFRS plan, the amounts of the Ex-tax receipt value of the VAT and Balance sheet value are initialized with the values of the CoA plan when the asset has not be created from expenses. If the IAS/IFRS plan is not managed, the user cannot access any field in the IAS/IFRS valuation section.

..\FCT\SEEINFO If the Field associations are set up for the Financial asset so that the fields linked to the depreciation methods in the plans managed by the company, are determined by the Group and/or the Account code, the information entered in this tab is the minimum required to create the asset.

Allocations tab

Use this tab to enter the geographic, analytical, economic, budgetary allocations for the asset.
You can also specify:

  • the reference of the Production Plan to which the asset is attached, if the asset is depreciated in OU- Operating Units mode
  • the reference of a Seasonality schedule (possible only for companies submitted to the Russian or Polish legislation)
  • the reference of the Lease contract, if the asset is being leased or rented
  •  the tax type applied (asset liable or not for property tax)

The information of this tab is not mandatory. In addition, the budgetary allocations can be specified for information purposes.

When it is a Component, asset, its economic and analytical allocations must be identical to the main asset to which it is linked. In creation mode, the allocations of the main asset are automatically passed on to it.

After confirmation of the creation, this information can no longer be modified in this tab. The asset assignment changes must take place either by means of a unit transfer or by means of a mass transfer.

Depreciation tab

This tab presents a table containing as many lines as depreciation plans managed by the company.

In creation mode, use it to enter for each plan:

  • The depreciation method of the asset: the Method, Duration and/or Rate, as well as the Depreciation start date are mandatory (however when the specified method is a free method, entering the duration and/or rate is not required: this information is the same as the information specified at the level of the method setup).

    If the Field associations are set up for the Financial asset object, the Accounting code and/or the Group can determine the values of the different fields including the following:Method, Duration, Rate, Specific Rule, Vehicle Cap, Exceptional Depreciation Rate, Acceleration Coefficient and Prorata.
  • Other information linked to some plans, methods or asset categories can also be entered.
  • As a general rule, no depreciation is calculated for the 'Fixed asset in progress' asset nature, the entry of a depreciation method being forbidden for these assets.
    However, when the parameter DEROENCOUR - Exceptional on pending fixed assets (AAS chapter, FAS group) is set to 'Yes', entering a depreciation method is authorized on the Fiscal plan, which makes it possible to calculate a depreciation on this plan and to generate the special depreciation.

After confirmation, the entered information can no longer be modified in this tab. The modification must be carried out by means of the different actions available.

This function, that can be accessed at the level of the Depreciation tab, is reserved to the Polish legislation and submitted to the KPL activity code.
It opens a window authorizing the entry of the information necessary for the implementation of the modernization of the asset on one or several depreciation plans.
The modernization corresponds to an increase of the CoA balance sheet value. This process is carried out if the following conditions are met:

  • The company is submitted to the Polish legislation
  • No expense is linked to the asset (if expenses are linked, the modernization is carried out via the addition of expenses)
  • Plans that support the modernization must be followed with a mode "can be modernized" (ML - Polish linear or MD - Polish declining) and have as their depreciation basis origin the CoA balance sheet value

The modernization window is displaying a tab loaded with all the plans on which it is possible to carry out the modernization. By default, they are all selected but it is possible to uncheck those for which the modernization is not requested.

  • The modernization value must be entered. It corresponds to the amount of the increase applied to the asset balance value.
  • The modernization date must be entered.
  • When the mode "ML - Polish linear" is used, the improvement makes it possible to determine the effective date of improvement, which can never be entered.
  • When the mode "MD - Polish declining" is used, the effective implementation date of the improvement is enterable and will begin either on the 1st day of the current period, on the 1st day of the next period or on the 1st day of the first period of the next fiscal year.
    The possibility of choosing one or the other of these dates depends on a number of conditions. The latter can vary according to the given plan of depreciation (accounting or tax plan), on the value of the parameter MDRCURPER - Current period improvement (AAS chapter, CLC grou), and on the fiscal year during which the improvement occurs.
    SEEREFERTTO The rules related to the choice of the implementation date are detailed in the Detailed methods of depreciation linked to the Polish legislation. 
  • After record, the ex-tax General Chart of Accounts entry value of the asset is updated as well as the balance value on each of the concerned plans.
  • The effective date as well as the improvement value applied to the asset are displayed at the level of the periodical depreciation plan.
  • When the effective date of improvement is implemented:
    - On the current period, the improvement has an immediate impact on the calculation of depreciation expenses.
    - On the next period or on the 1st period of the following FY, the improvement has an impact on the calculation of period depreciation expenses, only after the current period closing.
    - On a closed period of the current fiscal year (retroactive modernization), the modernization is implemented on the current period, taking the anteriority into account (adjustment calculation).

Rules linked to the modernization:

  • A modernization over a closed period must necessarily be greater, if need be, to the last business action carried out.
  • The modernization of a plan on the current period is prohibited if any other unit trade action has been carried out on the plan over this period and, conversely, any trade action is prohibited on the current period on a plan as long as a modernization has already been carried out on this plan over said period.
  • The disposal date must necessarily be greater to the last effective modernization date.
Force recalculation



This function is available only if the parameter PRVSITUPD - Previous situation mod (AAS chapter, CLC group FAS) is set to Yes.
It can be accessed:

  • In creation mode
  • In modification mode, if the asset is Inactive.

It is used to enter the following information for a depreciation plan:

  • The depreciation totals for Real, Initial, and Theoretical tracking: These totals can be different according to the situation of the asset regarding the impairment and revaluation.
  • Previous totals related to fiscal help. This information can only be entered in the accounting and fiscal plans.
  • The impairment loss totals
  • The totals related to the revaluation
  • In case of linked plans: the totals related to the links between these two plans
  • The totals related to concessions

SEEINFOAll of these fields can be imported and are available in the FAS standard import template.

Tax tab

This tab displays the information on the VAT management and adjustments.
To manage these adjustments, 3 groups of coefficients are present: 

  • Reference coefficient in force: these coefficients are used for annual and global adjustments.
  • Annual coefficients: they reflect the coefficients present on the tab Main. They are used for annual adjustments.
  • Future reference coefficients: these coefficients are used to manage the successive global adjustments on a same fiscal year. On fiscal year closing they are transferred to the In effect reference coefficients.

..\FCT\SEEWARNING These coefficients only appear for French companies.

Click on the History icon to display in an additional screen the history of the VAT adjustments existing on the asset in relation to the national CoA accounting standards and the IAS/IFRS standards.
From the Actions icon on a line of the history, you can access all the information justifying the change over time of the amount of VAT recovered and potentially also of the depreciation basis.

Receipt/Disposal tab

Use this tab to view the information related to:

  • the acquisition of the asset when it is initially created in another company, and has been subject to an integration process into this company by an Intra-group sale operation: fusion, partial asset provision, split,
  • the Disposal characteristics of the asset: date, reason and valuation,
  • the VAT adjustments resulting of the sale of the asset,
  • the capital gain or loss linked to the disposal of the asset. This information is presented in the form of a table where each line corresponds to one of the plans managed by the company.

This information cannot be entered. It is loaded after the Intra-group sales and the Disposal processes.


  • An asset disposed in the current or next fiscal year, for at least one of the contexts, is identified by the display of its references and description in red characters (see below the Presentation styles customization).
  • An asset disposed in a previous fiscal year for all contexts, no longer appears in the Assets selection panel, but only in the Assets disposed from the FA list.

Concession tab

This tab can only be viewed when the Concessions are managed and the activity code CCN is active. These fields can only be accessed, upon creation, when the holding type of the asset is  Concession.

SEEINFO The management of assets 'In concession' needs a previous setup carried out in the 'Accounting and fiscal' context (indication of the concession management mode, description of the industrial and amortization expense plans where the management of renewals is concerned) and the definition of at least one Concession agreement.

This tab contains all the information necessary to the concession asset management and especially to their renewal management. This tab especially includes a button used to display the renewal provision plan.
Once the asset is created, most of the information can no longer be modified on this tab. Their modification must be carried out via the Change the concession attributes action.


  • In the application, when the concession management is based on the renewal, this management only applies to the assets that are transmitted to the grantor, free or against indemnity at the end of the contract.
  • When the Concession management mode defined at the level of the contexts is: '1st asset of the concession', the only fields that can be accessed are the following: Concession, Contribution origin and Contribution type.

Other info tab

This tab is for free fields. The number of free fields managed, their titles, the miscellaneous tables assigned to the control of the Code-type free fields and the currency for each Amount-type free field depend on the setup carried out at Free field properties function level.
These free fields are to be used according to the management requirements, to store the data not covered by the Principal and Allocation tab.

This tab also displays information useful to the asset tracking: origin of the creation (transaction entry, import, split, etc.), code of the user at the origin of the creation followed by the creation date, and finally the code of the user who carried out the last modification followed by the date of this modification.

Revaluations tab

This tab, that can only be accessed for the Portuguese localization only, is submitted to the KPO activity code

Other conditions

Presentation styles

The standard presentation styles are applied to certain fields in order to give a visual value to their characteristics.
The user can still modify the display characteristics of these fields. This customization can be done either via the function Presentation styles or via the function Customized styles if the styles are customized by the user.

In this function, the styles specified below can be customized. 

  • Two codes concern the fields where the value is forced:
    - FORCAGE: Forced field
    - TFORCAGE: Forced table field
  • A code concerns the Reference and the Description of the financial assets disposed in the current or next fiscal year, for at least one of the contexts:
    - ISSFIYPRE: Assets from the asset base


  • When the company is subject to the French legislation, the direct creation of an asset whose holding type is 'In property' or 'In concession' is only authorized if parameter CREDIRFAS - assets: direct creation (AAS chapter, FAS group) is positioned to 'Yes'.
    This alternative is available for all companies and not reserved to companies subject to the French legislation.
  • The creation of an asset is not authorized if the accounting and fiscal contexts have not been created.
  • The creation brings about:

    - the creation of the linked depreciation plans,
    - the creation of provisions plans for renewal when this is an asset on which the effective renewal obligation is affected.

    - the generation of a Asset creation event (FASCRT) - with the asset posting date as effective date - for each of the Accounting and IAS/IFRS plans with a balance sheet value different from 0. (viewing the events is possible via the Event Journalwindow accessed in the Header).
    - the production of the accounting entry used to post the event if the Entry type related to the event is set up for an immediate posting of the event.

    - the calculation of fiscal year and period depreciations (when contexts are managed with periods) of the asset, for the number of fiscal years specified in the Context setup.
    - the generation of flows

    - the linking between the expenses and the asset, when the creation consists in capitalizing the expenses.

SEEREFERTTO The number of assets authorized by the license and the counter of those assets managed in the solution, in the folder and in the company are submitted at the level of the function Status of contexts.


  • Modifying an asset in the process of an intra-group transfer or a disposed asset is not authorized.
  • After validation of the creation, some fields cannot be modified directly on the screen. The modification is carried out by means of the different available actions. The information is as follows:

    - Allocations: the Holding type, the Group, the Accounting code, the Account and the CoA nature, the Account and the IAS/IFRS nature. Their modification is carried out by the Change account allocation action.

    - The invoiced and collected Receipt values and VAT amounts. The user can update them using the Update action. In the specific case where the asset has been created from expenditures, these fields can be updated by the addition of new expenditures or the withdrawal of expenditures already attached. The collected VAT can also be updated by the VAT adjustment process likely to apply the final pro-rata.

    - The geographic location and the analytical and economic allocations. Any change in these is carried out by a Transfer movement. In the case where the asset has been created from expenditures, the following additional fields linked to the budgetary allocations cannot be modified in the screen: Reference and Order line, Supplier reference,, Project references, Budget, Budget fiscal year, Investment request and Market no..

    - The information in the Depreciation tab related to the depreciation methods. Their update is carried out by the Method change action.
  • The consequences of the modification are:

    - the calculation of fiscal year and period depreciation (when contexts are managed with periods) of the asset, for the number of fiscal years specified in the Context setup.
    - to generate of flows,

    - to attach the expenses to the asset, when the modification consists of increasing the expenses in the asset.


The action used to delete an asset is available in View mode, when the asset deletion is authorized. It is displaying the window Asset deletion allowing the user to manage the accounting impact and the asset deletion.

The deletion of an asset is prohibited in the following cases:

  • assets that are in the process of an intra-group transfer.
  • assets that are part of a renewing operation as concession asset to renew or renewing
  • assets with physical elements attached. It is possible to modify this information.

It is also be prohibited if the situation after closing cannot be questioned (the PRVSITUPD parameter value is 'No') and the asset can then:

  • be the object of a real asset disposal in the current FY of at least one context,
  • have a depreciation total for the previous FY different from 0,
  • have a posting date falling before the current FY start date:
    - of the 'Accounting and Fiscal' context, if its holding type is 'In property' or 'In concession',
    of the IAS/IFRS context, if its holding type is 'In leasing' or 'Rented'. 

Preset queries

The following preset queries are available as standard in the reference folder:





Fiscal year receipts

List of the assets acquired (posting date) in the current fiscal year.


Asset disposals in the fiscal year

List of the assets disposed in the current fiscal year.


Depreciation end fiscal year

List of the assets that will be completely depreciated (from an accounting point of view) in the current FY.


NV assets = Residual Value

List of the assets for which the net value equals the specified residual value.


By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  FICHEFAS : Asset record

  FASLIST : List of assets

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons


This action opens an Expense capitalization window, which enables the selection of one or several capitalized expenses to proceed with, case by case:

  • the creation of a new financial asset,
  • or the enrichment of an asset which is already linked to one or several expenses,
  • or the enrichment of an asset which is not linked to an expense yet, as long as this asset is not valued.

In Creation mode, this action can always be accessed.

In View mode, it can only be accessed if:

  • the asset is not linked to any expense and is not valued, 
  • one or several expenses are linked to the asset.


This action opens a window that you can use to Undo the financial asset from one or more capitalized expenses.
This is available in View mode only if the following conditions are met:

  • several expenses are linked to the asset,
  • the asset has not yet been subject to the fiscal year closing.


This action can be accessed in View mode provided that the asset has not been disposed. 
It is used to perform the calculation of fiscal year and period depreciations (when contexts are managed with periods) for all the plans of the financial asset. This calculation is performed for the number of fiscal years specified in the Context, whatever the setting of the asset calculation indicators (thus bypassing the calculation optimization mechanism).
It also leads to the generation of the asset flows.

SEEREFERTTO The asset situation, according to the calculation (on a plan and on a context) and the flows, is displayed at the level of the detail of the depreciation plan or period. For the assets in concession, this situation is displayed at the level of the provision plan for renewing.

  • The situation of a company and more precisely of a context according to the calculation and the closing is displayed at the level of the function Company status.
  • For more information concerning the execution of the calculation optimization, please refer to the attached document: Calculation optimization.

Plan simulation

Use this action to view the asset depreciation calculation, up to the end of its life on one or two schedules and to calculate their variance (see the Depreciation schedule simulation documentation).

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Main asset invalid

This message appears when the selection of the Main asset does not meet the following conditions:

  • It must belong to the same company and financial site as the component.
  • It must have the Main status.
  • It must not be disposed.
  • It must have a holding type that is different from Provisional or In template.

In modification, the component asset and the main asset must have the same:

  • Economic, analytical and geographical postings
  • Holding type
  • Contract reference if one exists
 The posting date must be after or on the current FYs start date

The posting start date cannot be before the start date of the current FY of the contexts unless changing the situation after closing is authorized in the PRVSITUPD  - Previous situation mod  parameter settings (AAS chapter, FAS group).

 At least one context of company $1$ is desynchronized with the fiscal year/period division of accounting No action possible before resynchronization

This message is displaying the opening of the function when one of the contexts of the company is de-synchronized with the division FY/period of the accounting. No action is authorized on the assets as long as the processing of Context synchronization has not been carried out.
This control is carried out only if the ACCPERCTL - Accounting period control parameter is set to Yes (AAS chapter, CPT group).

Value greater than the LVA threshold

This message pertains to companies that are submitted to the German or Austrian legislation. It is displayed when creating an LVA asset, if the value is larger than the threshold defined for the company in the setup of the accounting and financial context. This is a non-blocking warning message.

If the specific rule no longer applies at the purchase date, make sure you have the rights to apply it.

This message relates to the 40% deduction [15/04/15-14/04/17]Specific rule for a French company.

It displays when the asset purchase date is after 14/04/17, either changed or entered on creation. You can select Yes or No to dismiss the message.

Yes: Applies the rule even if the purchase date is past 14/04/17.

No:   Creation or updates are not applied and you need to change the Specific rule to None or cancel the action.

BP invoice creation impossible: Inconsistent invoice number versus previous invoice date

This error message displays when you try to sell a fixed asset with inconsistent invoice dates. The date sold entered in a BP customer invoice cannot be earlier than the date on the previous A/R invoice, which is noted in the error message. This control is enforced when the Chronological control check box is selected in the Sequence number definition (GESANM) for the entry typed linked to the specified invoice type. As a result, the fixed asset is not sold.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation