Confirm abandon
If you set this parameter to Yes, the user must confirm that he wants to abandon a record's creation, modification, or duplication in object management.
Level of localization / Global variable
This parameter is defined at the level User. It belongs to Chapter SUP (Supervisor) and the Group INT (User interface), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
- AUTOSEL (Automatic selection)
- CALNBRDEC (Calculate number of decimals)
- CONFDUP (Confirm copy)
- CTLTEL (Telephone number control)
- CTY (Nonexistent city alert)
- HISTCALC (Calculator history)
- LEGFIL (Legislation (selection filter))
- NBRREQ (Number of query lines)
- NBRREQBLK (Bulk mode number of lines)
- PARTRABTC (Parameters in batch trace)
- POSCOD (Nonexistent postal code alert)
- POSCODCPY (Multi-country post codes)
- SOCDEF (Default company)
- STYLE (Presentation style)
The GCONF(3) global variable is associated with this parameter.