Aged balance cash forecast
List of criteria
Parameter |
Parameter title |
Type |
societe |
Company |
sitedeb |
Site range |
coldeb |
Range of control accounts |
grpcol |
Control group |
tiersdeb |
Range of business partners |
bandeb |
Bank range |
borne1 |
No. of days 1 |
C |
borne2 |
No. of days 2 |
C |
borne3 |
No. of days 3 |
C |
depasse |
Open item overrun (Local menu No, Yes) |
datref |
Pivot date |
D |
sens |
Sign (Local menu Debit, Credit) |
detpce |
Detail by open item (Local menu No, Yes) |
tri |
Sort order (Local menu Number, Title, Short title) |
typcur |
Rate type (Local menu Daily rate, Monthly rate, Average rate...) |
datcours |
Rate reference date |
D |
impselections |
Print selections (Local menu No, Yes) |
The data is filtered by site according to the rights granted to the user on the function GESCFO (Cash forecast management).
Description of the report
The header of the CFOBALAGEGRP report displays the following information:
- The selected company
- The currency used (company currency)
- The reference date
This report classifies the posted entries by BP. For each BP, the CFOBALAGEGRP report displays:
- The BP code
- The BP name
- The telephone number
- The partial balance for each open item horizon
- The final total balance of the BP account
For each open item, the report indicates if the "Detail by open item" has been selected:
- The Type/Document number
- The due date
- The difference in days with reference date
- The open item amount if above nd3 days late
- The open item amount if ranging from nd2+1 and nd3 days late
- The open item amount if ranging from nd1+1 and nd2 days late
- The open item amount if ranging between the reference date and nd1 day late
- The open item amount if not overdue
- The open item balance
If the "Detail by open item" has not been selected, the CFOBALAGEGRP report then gives back for each BP:
- The total amount of the open items if above nd3 days late
- The total amount of the open items if ranging from nd2+1 and nd3 days late
- The total amount of the open items if ranging from nd1+1 and nd2 days late.
- The total amount of the open items if ranging between the reference date and nd1 day late
- The total amount of the open items not overdue
- The total balance of the open items
The report also displays the following information at company level:
- A general total amount by open item horizon
- Its balance