Cash forecast management
- Consult the cash forecast generated automatically from Sage X3 documents (see the Cash forecast generation function FUNTRTCFO) and modify them manually.
- Create, consult, and modify manual cash forecasts that are not from an existent Sage X3 document. These manual forecasts allow you to create cash forecasts such as payment forecasts for payroll, rents, loans, and so on.
Sage X3 document forecast
Cash forecasts are created automatically through Cash forecast generation. Important features of this type of forecast include:
- Number and line: The number is equal to the Sage X3 document number and the line is a forecast counter created from the same Sage X3 document. For example, a unique sales order could generate several forecasts if it has different delivery dates.
- It cannot define a forecast that runs periodically.
- This forecast is always defined by an accounting date and a payment term. These concepts are defined by the Sage X3 document.
Manual forecast
These forecast are created manually by the user (or by import from an external application):
- The number is defined by the assigned counter in the Sequence number assignment function (GESTCA).
- You can set up forecasts that run periodically.
- The cash forecast can be defined by "accounting date + payment term" or by "forecast date + payment method."
In both cases, creating a cash forecast generates open items that you can enter on the Open items tab. These open items and open items, that already exist in the GACCDUDATE table, can provide information about the treasury forecast. Three reports manage all this information:
- CFORPT - List of cash forecast report
- CFOBALAGEGRP - Aged balance cash forecast report
- CFOECHTIERS - Business partner cash forecast report
The cash forecast definitions are created in the CFOMANMVT table and the open items generated by these are created in the
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
Cash forecast management
Company (field CPY) |
Enter the company for the cash forecasts. This field is mandatory and it cannot be modified for a forecast generated automatically. |
Site (field FCY) |
Enter the financial site for the cash forecast. Entering this data automatically updates the company code. This field is mandatory and it cannot be modified for a forecast generated automatically. |
Description (field DES) |
Enter a short description of the cash forecast. This field is mandatory and it cannot be modified for a forecast generated automatically. |
Status (field CFOSTA) |
This field displays the cash forecast status. The possible values are: Active
In creation
In modification
Forecast type (field CFOTYP) |
Cash forecast type (modifiable local menu). This field is mandatory and you can only enter values for a manual forecast. |
Sign (field SNS) |
Balance of the cash forecast: Expense or Revenue. For a manual forecast, this field is based on the value set up in the Cash forecast types function (GESCFT). |
Document date (field DOCDAT) |
Sage X3 document date or the creation date for a manual forecast. |
Periodic (field RCR) |
This field indicates whether the cash forecast runs periodically or not. If Yes, the fields under Frequency are enabled and you can define the frequency. It is only available for manual forecasts. |
Tab Data
BP (field BPRNUM) |
The BP code to which the forecast is attributed. The BP must be active, authorized for the company, and authorized in forecast management. |
Control (field SAC) |
Short code of the BP control account, initialized by default with the accounting code of the supplier, if the forecast is an expense, or of the customer, if the forecast is a revenue.
BP/Company tab present on the BP record
Bank (field BAN) |
Treasury or bank account for the payment (expense) or the collection (revenue). |
Currency (field CUR) |
Currency the cash forecast amount is expressed in. By default, the program suggests the bank currency. |
Amount (field AMTATI) |
Corresponds to the total amount (incl. tax) that will be perceived (revenue) or paid (expenses). In the case of a periodical forecast, it is this amount that will be repeated on each recurrence. |
Rate type (field TYPRAT) |
Rate type (local menu for which the standard values can be modified) used to carry out a conversion if the currency is different from the company currency. The program suggests the type of rate set up in the Forecast type definition. |
Accounting data
Accounting date (field ACCDAT) |
Provisional date of the document generating the cash movements. This field is filled when the forecast is linked to the existence of a document generating open items (for example if the forecast is associated with a future invoice). The generated open items must be applied to the date specified in the payment terms. |
Payment term (field PTE) |
Document payment terms. The document generates treasury movements. This field is mandatory when the field Accounting date is entered. This field Payment terms is filled when the forecast is linked to the existence of a document generating open items (for example if the forecast is associated with a future invoice). The generated open items must be applied to the accounting date of this payment term. |
Forecast date (field CFODAT) |
Provisional date for the treasury movement. This field is entered when the forecast is directly linked to the treasury movement and that no document will generate this treasury movement (for example, a forecast on a salary payment). |
Payment method (field PAM) |
Payment method for the treasury movement or the forecast. This field is entered when the forecast is directly linked to the treasury movement and that no document will generate this treasury movement (for example, a forecast on a salary payment). |
Text (field TEX) |
This field is used to add information on the forecasts if necessary. |
Frequency (field TYPPER) |
You can set the period or frequency when the Periodic field is set to Yes. Weekly
Increment (field IRT) |
Indicates the frequency in weeks or in months that a periodical forecast is repeated. For example, if the frequency is every two weeks, the frequency type is Weekly with an increment of 2. |
End date (field ENDDAT) |
End date for the forecast frequency. For example, if the frequency is every two months and the forecast ends at the end of the year: The end date is 31/12/2014. Forecasts are generated on: 28/02/14, 30/04/14, 30/06/14, 31/08/14, 30/10/14 and 31/12/14. |
field DAYS |
Select a day or days to define the forecast frequency.
Tab Open items
The number of lines in grid depends on the cash forecast definition on the Data tab. A non-periodic forecast defined as a future invoice generates as many treasury as lines as defined for the payment term.
Note: Open items are calculated and generated based on the cash forecast calculation date.
Grid Open items
Due date (field DAT) |
Forecast date for the treasury movements. This date can be modified. In this case, the status of the payment forecast becomes Modified. |
Amount (field AMTCUR) |
Amount for each treasury movement generated by the forecast. The amount is equal to the amount defined in the 'Data' tab, except if the forecast is associated with a payment term that distributes this amount in several movements. |
Payment method (field PAMDET) |
Payment method for each treasury movement generated by forecasts. The payment is defined by the payment method Data tab or by the payment conditions. |
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
CFORPT : List of cash forecasts
This can be changed using a different setup.
Specific Buttons
Zoom |
This button is available when the selected cash forecast has been automatically created in the Cash forecast generation function (FUNTRTCFO). Click Zoom to access the document that generated the cash forecast. For example, if the cash forecast is based on a sales order, clicking Zoom takes you to this sales order in the Order management function (GESSOH). |
Error messages
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
Module A/P-A/R accounting Sequence number assignment not found
It has not assigned a counter for the creation of a cash forecast. The counter must be assigned in the A/P-A/R accounting module.
Problem on recovering the sequence number
There is an error at the moment of assigning the counter to the cash forecast that is being creating manually.
The cash forecast type is not valid for this company/site
In the manual creation of a cash forecast, it is trying to use a forecast type that has not been setup for the indicated company or site.
Business partner not authorized for this company
In the manual creation of a cash forecast, it is trying to use a Business partner that is not authorized for the indicated company.
The BP is excluded from the cash management
In the manual creation of a cash forecast, it is trying to use a Business partner that does not have authorized the cash management.
This is not a company's bank.
In the manual creation of a cash forecast, it is trying to use a Bank that is not authorized for the indicated company.
The bank is excluded from the cash management
In the manual creation of a cash forecast, it is trying to use a Bank that does not have authorized the cash management.
The date is earlier than the past months
The accounting date is lower than the first day of analysis period defined for the forecast type.
The end date must not be less than the start date.
The end date of a periodical forecast must be upper than the date in which the forecast starts.