A/P-A/R accounting >  Invoicing >  Recurring invoice creation  

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This function is used to generate invoices from recurring invoice records. It is possible to generate automatically an invoice or a group of invoices according to the selection criteria. With this function you can:

  • Automatically generate invoices from a recurring invoice recording.
  • Produce customer invoices as well as supplier invoices.
  • Run the generation in Simulation mode to see which recurring invoices qualify for generation as of the entered 'Invoice up to' date.
  • Set a recurring record to Completed after the end date has been reached, or when all recurrences have been generated.
  • Generate a log file indicating the invoices that were created and the recurring invoice record that was used to create the invoices.

The status of the recurring invoice must be In Process to create invoices.


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Screen management

Recurring invoice creation

Example 1:
This invoice is to be generated weekly on Fridays for the month of June starting 6/01/13 and ending 6/30/13. This pattern should generate invoices for 6/7, 6/14, 6/21, and 6/28.

  • The first iteration is run with an 'invoice up to' date of 6/10 and an accounting date of 6/11. After the generation is executed, there will be one invoice (Inv1) generated with an accounting date of 6/11 and a recurrence date of 6/7.
  • The second iteration is run with an invoice up to date of 6/17 and an accounting date of 6/18. After the generation is executed, there will be one invoice (Inv2) generated with an accounting date of 6/18 and a recurrence date of 6/14.

1. If the user decides to run the generation with an 'invoice up to' date <= 6/14, no invoice will be generated.
2. If the user decides to delete Inv1, keep Inv2, and then decides to run the generation with an 'invoice up to' date <= 6/14, no invoice will be generated.
3. If the user decides to delete Inv2, keep Inv1, and then decides to run the generation with an 'invoice up to' date of 6/14, there will be one invoice generated with a recurrence date of 6/14.
4. If the user decides to delete Inv1, delete Inv2, and then decides to run the generation with an 'invoice up to date' of 6/14, there will be two invoices generated with a recurrence date of 6/7 and 6/14.

Example 2:
It is considered that the week begins on Mondays and ends on Sundays. The reference invoice is considered to be the first recurring invoice. For example:

  • Weekday = Friday,
  • Weekly interval = 1,
  • Accounting date of the reference invoice = Monday,

The next invoice will be generated Friday of the next week.

Example 3:
To enter the day in which the monthly invoice will be generated, the Day of the month field and the Month interval field are used to determine the actual recurrence. For example:

  • Day of the month = 15,
  • Monthly interval = 1,
  • Accounting date of the reference invoice = January, 1st,

The next generated invoice falls on February 15.

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Invoice type (field RCRTYP)

Select the desired option for invoice generation.

  • Supplier: Invoices are generated only for suppliers.
  • Customer: Invoices are generated only for customers.


  • All companies (field ALLCPY)

If this box is checked, the processing is launched for all the companies (otherwise, they have to be specified).

Enter the company code for which the processing has been started.

SEEWARNING The company code:

  • must necessarily refer to a legal entity,
  • must necessarily be entered if the box "All companies" is not checked.

This field specifies on which legislation the process is carried out. It can only be accessed if the box "All companies" is selected.

Note: If the company code is entered (All companies unselected), the Legislation field can not be accessed and displays the legislation parameters for the selected company.

  • All sites (field ALLFCY)

Select this check box to run the process for all sites. Otherwise select a site.


Enter the site code for which the processing has been started.

SEEWARNING It is mandatory to enter this field if the box "All sites" is not checked.

  • All users (field ALLUSR)

When this box is checked, the data associated with all the users are involved by the process (if it is not checked, only the user whose code is given is involved (if no code given, the current user).

User responsible for the creation of the open items.

  • All types (field ALLTYP)

If this box is checked, all types are taken into account by the operation. Otherwise, the type to be taken into account must be entered.

  • Invoice type (field INVTYP)

Enter the invoice type to use to generate the invoices.

  • All BPs (field ALLBP)

If this box is selected, the processing is launched for all suppliers/customers (otherwise, they have to be specified).

This field indicates the code identifying the BP. 

  • All recurring invoices (field ALLRCR)

If this box is selected, the processing is launched for all the recurring invoices (otherwise, they have to be specified).

  • From recurring no. (field FRRCRNUM)

Enter the recurring invoice record to use to generate the invoices.


  • Simulation (field SIM)

Select this box to skip the invoice creation process. Unselect it to create the invoices.

Select this box to view a list of the recurring invoices that can be generated on the date entered in the 'Invoice up to' field.

  • Log file (field TRC)

Select this box to view a log file of all invoices that have been generated (or would have been generated, in Simulation mode). If the Simulation box is selected, the 'Log file' box is automatically selected and grayed out.

Block number 4

  • Invoices until (field INVDAT)

Enter the date that will determine if recurring invoices will be generated. According to the recurrence pattern, several invoices can be generated for a specific recurrence.

  • Accounting date (field ACCDAT)

Enter the accounting date of all generated invoices.



Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task BPRICRE is provided for that purpose.

Specific Buttons

Click this action to save the current settings in a Memo code to be reused later. The memo is linked to your user profile, not to the function or the screen.

If a memo code entitled STD is associated with the screen, it is loaded immediately on entering the corresponding function.

For further information on the advanced use of the Memo action, refer to the documentation on the General ergonomics of SAFE X3 software.

Click this action to enter a Memo code previously saved and change the setup.

Click this action to delete a Memo code.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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