Purchasing >  Inquiries >  Orders >  List of orders  

Display all Hide all

This function is used to display all or some of the purchase orders for a supplier in particular or for all suppliers.
The inquiry of these orders can take place over a given date range, with a restitution that can range from the orders of a purchase site to all the orders of the folder without forgetting the orders of a company in particular.

It is possible to access by tunnel:


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Screen management

This screen is comprised of two parts:

  • the first part is used to access a number of major criteria,
  • the second part is used to display in a table all the orders selected according to the entered criteria.



The screen header information is used to specify the principal selection criteria for the inquiry being used.




The following fields are present on this tab :


This field is used to specify the company code.
The company is automatically loaded with the company of the user's default purchase site. It can still be modified.
SEEINFO It is possible to display the returns of all the companies by leaving this field blank. In this case, the site field is automatically left blank.

This field is used to indicate the purchase site.
SEEINFO This site is automatically loaded with the user's default purchase site. It can be left blank. In that case, the inquiry will deal with all the company's orders.

These fields are optional. They are used to enter or select the range of suppliers whose orders are to be displayed.

When the inquiry is displayed from a supplier record, the supplier code is automatically entered with the supplier code of the record being viewed.

  • From order no. (field POHNUMDEB)

These fields are optional. They are used to enter or select a range of orders to be displayed.
If no value is assigned to them, all the orders meeting the other selection criteria are displayed.

Lorsque la consultation est affichée depuis une commande, la référence de la commande est automatiquement renseignée avec celle de la fiche en cours de consultation.



  • Start date (field ORDDATDEB)

These two fields are used to specify a date range.
This range is used to filter the orders whose order date is included in this interval.
They are initialized by default in the following manner:

  • the start date is initialized with the first day of the month coming from the current date minus two months,
  • the end date is initialized with the current date postponed to the last day of the month.
  • From grouping code (field GPGCODDEB)

This range is used to filter the documents whose grouping code is included in this interval.


This field displays the company currency and cannot be modified.

This field displays the folder currency and cannot be modified.


  • Closed (field CLEFLGO)

When this box is checked the fully closed orders are selected.

  • Not closed (field CLEFLGN)

This check box is used to select the orders that are not closed or only partly closed.


  • Signed (field APPFLGO)

This check box is used to select the totally signed orders or those orders for which there is no signature management.

  • Not signed (field APPFLGN)

This check box is used to select the orders that are not signed or only partly signed.



Tab number 1


 The displayed information is dependent on the setup of the inquiry screen.

SEEINFO All the amounts are expressed in the currency of the document, with the exception of the "Actual purchase costs" which is also expressed in the currency of the company.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Order no. (field POHNUM)




  • Date (field ORDDAT)


  • Amount - tax (doc) (field TOTORD)


  • Amount + tax (doc) (field TTVORD)



  • Amount - tax (co) (field TOTORDLOC)


  • Invoice amt. + tax (co) (field TTVORDLOC)


  • Amount - tax (folder) (field TOTORDDOS)


  • Invoice amt. + tax (folder) (field TTVORDDOS)



  • Prepayment issued (field INSAMT)


  • Prepayment deducted (field INSPAY)


  • Prepayment issue (co) (field INSAMTLOC)


  • Prepayment deducted (co) (field INSPAYLOC)


  • Prepayment issued (folder) (field INSAMTDOS)


  • Prepayment deducted (folder) (field INSPAYDOS)





  • Signed (field APPFLG)


  • Received (field RCPFLG)


  • Invoiced (field INVFLG)


  • Closed (field CLEFLG)


  • Printed (field PRNFLG)


  • Product cost total (doc) (field FCSCSTPURD)


  • Product cost total (co.) (field FCSCSTPURS)


  • Actual purchase cost (co) (field REACSTPUR)


  • Actual purchase cost (doc) (field REACSTPURD)


  • Line amount - tax (doc) (field LINAMTDOC)


  • Line amount - tax (co) (field LINAMTSOC)


  • Non-deductible tax (doc) (field NONDEDTAXD)


  • Non-deductible tax (co) (field NONDEDTAXS)


  • Invoicing elmt. - decrease (doc) (field DISCGRAMTM)


  • Invoicing elmt. - decrease (co) (field DISCGRAMTM)


  • Invoicing elmt. - increase (doc) (field DISCGRAMTM)


  • Invoicing elmt. - increase (co) (field DISCRGAMTM)


  • Landed cost total (doc) (field TOTCOEFFAP)


  • Landed cost total (co) (field TOTCOEFFAP)


  • Additional invoice total (doc) (field AMTNOTLIND)


  • Additional invoice total (co) (field AMTNOTLINS)


  • Cost total (doc) (field TOTCHARGES)


  • Cost total (co) (field TOTCHARGES)


  • Purchase cost total (doc) (field TOTCOUTACH)


  • Purchase cost total (co) (field TOTCOUTACH)


  • Line weight total (field TOTLINWEU)


  • Line volume total (field TOTLINVOU)




  • Grouping code (field GPGCOD)




Action icon

Basic Product Management

This button is used to access the Purchase order.

Purchase journal traceability

This function is used to access by tunnel the inquiry function of the Traceability of purchase documents.

Order lines

This button is used to access the Inquiry of the order line.




Specific Buttons

This button is used to access the previously defined criteria, but also the additional criteria:

  • Received: This check box is used to select the fully received orders
  • Not received: This check box is used to select the orders that are not received or only partly received
  • Invoiced: This check box is used to select the fully invoiced orders
  • Not invoiced: This check box is used to select the orders that are not invoiced or only partly invoiced
  • Printed: This check box is used to select the printed orders
  • Not printed: This check box is used to select the non-printed orders

This screen is also used to select the order sort criterion. By default, these are sorted by order number, but they can also be sorted by order date.

It is also possible to save the selection criteria under a memo code in order to recall them later on.

The STD memo code is specific since it is the one that is systematically applied upon entering the inquiry. For this memo code in particular, the date range is not kept in order to always have available by default the purchase orders of the last two months and of the current month.

Menu Bar

Graphics / Tax excl / period

This graphical inquiry is used to view by period the ordered tax excl amount as well as the total of the purchase costs.

When accessing this inquiry from the inquiry of the order lists, the selection criteria used by the calling function are retrieved. When returning from this inquiry, the date ranges are restored as they were.

Graphics / Breakdown tax excl / period

This graphical inquiry is used to view by period the ordered tax excl amount, broken down based on the status of the selected orders (On order, Not signed, Completed, Delivered Not Invoiced, Invoiced).

When accessing this inquiry from the inquiry of the order lists, the selection criteria used by the calling function are retrieved. When returning from this inquiry, the date ranges are restored as they were.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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