Purchasing >  Inquiries >  Journal traceability  

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Use this function to view the log of a purchase journal by giving:

  • the upstream flow leading to the original journals, (purchase requests, purchase orders, etc.),
  • the downstream flow of journals up to:
    - the complete payment of the invoice (prepayments, payments, open items, etc.),
    - the expenses and assets if the Fixed Assets module is active,
    - the various journals linked to CRM activities and/or customer support actions, if the CRM module is activated.  

The representation of traceability also displays the status of each journal. You can access the management screen of the document via the Actions icon.

The Purchase journal traceability function can also be accessed directly form each management function of purchase entries.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



The inquiry header is used only to select the purchase journal to be traced.

Once the journal has been selected, its status(es), the supplier code and name, the company currency and the folder currency are displayed for information purposes.




The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Sign (field TRKSEL)

Choose the direction of the search:
- Upstream
- Downstream

This field displays the company currency and cannot be modified.

This field displays the folder currency and cannot be modified.

  • Entry type (field VCRTYPSEL)

Enter a document type if you wish to filter the inquiry and restrict it to this type of document.

  • Entry number (field VCRNUMSEL)

Reference of the document number to inquire, depending on the type chosen.

  • Line number (field VCRLINSEL)

Line number of the document to inquire.
Example: line 1 = 1000

Help common to the different Journal traceability inquiries (purchasing, sales, CRM, A/P-A/R accounting and fixed assets).
This field displays the BP code and cannot be modified.
For purchase requests, this field is empty since the BP code is displayed on the line.

  • Part status (field VCRSTA)

Help common to the different Journal traceability inquiries (purchasing, sales, CRM, A/P-A/R accounting and fixed assets).
This field displayed the journal status, its title depends on the journal type inquired.

For instance:

  • For a purchase request: Closed
  • For a purchase order: Invoiced
  • For a sales order: Order status
  • Part status (field VCRSTA_L)

Help common to the different Journal traceability inquiries (purchasing, sales, CRM, A/P-A/R accounting and fixed assets).
3 fields of this type are available. They display the status of the upstream/downstream journals related to the journal displayed. Their display and their title depend on the type of journal displayed.

Examples :

  • For a purchase order:
    - Invoiced: Yes / No
    - Closed: Yes / No
  • For a purchase invoice:
    - Invoice status: Pending / Validated
  • For a sales order:
    - Delivery status
    - Invoice status
    - Signature
  • For an expense:
    - Fixed: Yes / No



Tab Traceability


The traceability of the various documents is shown in the form of a tree structure and a grid, with the status of each journal indicated.

Examples of flow tree structure representations:

Representation example 1 - Downstream representation of a Purchase request flow

Purchase request






Closed: Yes
Ordered: Yes
Signature: No management


Purchase order






Invoiced: Totally
Signature: No management
Closed: Yes
Receipt: Totally







 Reminder: No








 In the bank



 Purchase receipt





 Invoiced: Totally
Posted: No




Purchase invoice




Invoice status: Validated





Accounting journal








 Open item



Reminder: No
Not paid





 Purchase credit memo



 Credit memo status: Pending






 Open item


 Reminder: No
Partially paid








 Completed: No








 Completed: Yes
Incoming call





Purchase additional invoice 



 Invoice status: Validated






 Purchase credit memo


 Credit memo status: Pending






 Accounting journal








 Open item


Reminder: No








 In the bank






 Open item


 Reminder: No
Not paid








 Completed: Yes
On the customer's premises





 Purchase credit memo



 Credit memo status: Validated






 Open item


 Reminder: No





 Purchase return



 Invoiced: Totally

Representation example 2 - Downstream representation of a Purchase request flow:

 Purchase request


 Closed: Yes
Ordered: Yes
Signature: No management


 Purchase open order


 Invoiced: No
Signature: No management
Deadline exceeded: No



 Purchase receipt

 Invoiced: No
Posted: No

Representation example - Downstream representation of a Purchase invoice flow:

Purchase invoice

Invoice status: Validated


 Accounting journal



Open item

Reminder: No
Not paid


Capitalized: Yes


Fixed asset in service

Example of a Downstream representation of a Request for quote flow:

Request for quote  



 Deadline exceeded: Yes


 Purchase request


 Closed: Yes
Ordered: Yes
Signature: No management



Purchase order


 Invoiced: No
Signature: No management
Closed: No
Receipt: No

SEEINFO Comments:

  • Specificities of additional invoices:
    Unlike standard invoices which are displayed below orders or receipts, additional invoices are displayed below original invoices with their corresponding downstream credit memos, open items, payments, etc., if required.
  • Specificities of orders:
    It is possible to receive the invoice before the receipt and to link it to the order before the receipt. In this case, the invoice is linked to the order, not to the receipt.




The following fields are present on this tab :



  • Level (field LEV)

Help common to the different Journal traceability inquiries (purchasing, sales, CRM, A/P-A/R accounting and fixed assets).
This displays the level in the document hierarchy. Value 1 corresponds to the selected document, value 2 to the document directly linked to the selected document, 15 being the maximum value of a multi-level log.

Example of a sales invoice with an upstream traceability:
Level 1 = invoice level.
Level 2 = delivery level.
Level 3 = order level.
Level 4 = quote level.

The same level can be used as often as there are levels for this invoice. For instance, there will be a delivery level as often as there are deliveries for this invoice.

  • Entry type (field VCRTYP)

Document type.

  • Document no. (field VCRNUM)

The type, number and line number of the document are used to identify its origin.

  • Entry date (field IPTDAT)

Posting date of the document.

Origin site of the document.

This field indicates the code identifying the BP. 

  • Company name (field BPRNAM)

This is the corporate or company name of the chosen supplier. This information is not accessible.

This field is filled only if the line is posted and an accounting document has been generated.

  • Part status (field VCRSTAT1)

Help common to the different Journal traceability inquiries (purchasing, sales, CRM, A/P-A/R accounting and fixed assets).
This field indicates the journal status. Three other fields of this type are available. They display the status of the upstream/downstream journals related to the journal displayed. Their display and their title depend on the type of journal displayed.
For example, for a sales order, its status is displayed as well as the delivery and invoice status.



Action icon


Use this button to access the line document.

Upstream traceability

Use this button to inquire the upstream traceability of the document on the line.

Downstream traceability

Use this button to inquire the downstream traceability of the document on the line.





Specific Buttons

Use this button to access the additional information of the displayed document, especially the amounts in the journal currency, company currency and folder currency.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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