Operating budgets >  Budget management >  Budget positions  

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This function makes it possible to inquire the budgeted and actual amounts of operating budgets for a company, a site, a project, an envelope, a fiscal year and a budget line.

It can be accessed:

  • Via the menu: Operating budgets\Budget positions,
  • From the record "Project" via the menu bar: Inquiries\Budget positions,
  • From the record "Envelope" via the menu bar: Inquiries\Budget positions,
  • Via the budget table of the "Envelope" record via right-click on a line of the table: Budget positions,
  • Via the "Budget line" record via right-click on a line of the table: Budget positions,


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Screen management

This screen is composed of two parts: The first part provides access to a set of selection criteria, the second part is used to display in a grid all the objects selected with respect to the entered criteria.

The maximum number of lines authorized by selection is set to 500. In case of overrun, a message "Full grid" indicates that the selection exceeds the 500 authorized lines. When clicking on "OK", the first 500 lines are displayed. In order to decrease the selection, the following selection criteria should be used: Project, envelope, responsible entity, entity approval.

The inquiry has 5 displayed levels. From the most global level (level 1) to the most detailed level (level 5) via the use of the "Level -" and "Level +" buttons at the bottom of the screen.



The screen header information is used to specify the main selection criteria for the inquiry being used: Code of the company completed or not with the site, the period in which the object to inquire is situated.

Additional criteria can be associated in order to decrease the population of the objects to be inquired: Project, responsible entity ranges, approval entity ranges, envelope ranges.

If the criteria entered do not end on any selection, a message "No record for these selections" is displayed and informs the user who has to modify the selection criteria.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Code of the company or site where the information is searched. If the information entered corresponds to a company, the selection displays all the objects defined for the company, including those defined for the sites of this company. If the information entered corresponds to a site, the selection only displays the budget objects defined for this site.

Optional field used to enter a "Site" code so as to limit the inquiry of this site's budget objects. Only the budget envelopes defined for this site are displayed. If the site is not entered, the inquiry will display all the budget objects of the company.

  • Period start (field DATDEB)

The ranges of the entered dates is used to filter the budgetary objects with a starting date is within this time interval (start date greater than or equal to the start date of the period or less than or equal to the end date of the period). 

The annual envelopes situated in the period are those which start date is situated in the entry period. The pluriannual envelopes situated in the period are those which one of the budgets contains a start date included in the entry period.

By default, the starting date is initialized by the starting date of the last fiscal year budget opened.

  • Period end (field DATFIN)

By default, the end date is initialized by the end date of the last fiscal year budget opened.

  • Fiscal year (field DFIY)

Code of the fiscal year start of the entered period.

  • field FIYCOM

Fiscal year code of the start of the entered period.

  • field FFIY

Fiscal year code of the end of the entered period.

  • Display level (field NIVAFF)

The inquiry has 5 display levels:

  • The level 1 presents the projects and, on one line, the total of the envelopes not attached to a project, corresponding to the selection,
  • The level 2 displays the envelopes of a project or all the envelopes not linked to a project, by setting the cursor on the line to be detailed,
  • The level 3 displays the budgets of the selected envelope,
  • The level 4 displays the budget lines of the selected budget,
  • The level 5 displays the detail of the selected budget line.
  • field NIVCOM

Field displaying the inquiry level selected.

  • field NIVMAX

field displaying the maximum level of inquiry, the level 5 is the most detailed level.


Selection criteria that makes it possible to display only the envelopes of the entered project, their budgets and budget lines. Only the projects, containing at least one attached envelope, linked to the entered company (directly, by their location, the company groups or their location groups) are displayed in selection.

  • Responsible entity from (field ENTMSTR)


  • Responsible entity to (field ENTMEND)


  • Approval entity from (field ENTASTR)


  • Approval entity to (field ENTAEND)


  • Envelope from (field ENVSTR)


  • Envelope to (field ENVEND)


Block number 3

  • field LIBEL

Field loaded according to the inquiry levels:

  • Level 1: no description.
  • Level 2: code of the selected project, or mention "No project".
  • Level 3: level 2 description + code of the selected envelope.
  • Level 4: level 2 description + code of the selected envelope + fiscal year budget code.
  • Level 5: level 2 description+ code of the selected envelope + fiscal year budget code + budget account code

Other criteria

  • Detail of all envelopes (field DETALLENV)


  • Sort by project (field TRIPRJ)




Tab Status


For each inquiry level, the column displays the amounts of budgetary forecasts and actual expenses for the totaling level. The amounts are displayed in the envelope managing currency, coming from the budget code.

The result of this search displays:

  • On the level 1: on the line 1 the total of envelopes not assigned to a project, on the following lines, the different projects of the selection, with the total of envelopes assigned to them.
  • On the level 2: The list of envelopes assigned to each line of the level 1.
  • On the level 3: The list of budgets assigned to each envelope of the level 2, including the budgets not comprised in the selected period.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Details

  • Reference (field INTIT)

According to the inquiry level, this column "Referece" displays the following information:

  • Level 1: Project codes if the envelopes are grouped in a project or unentered field for envelopes of the selection not attached to a project,
  • Level 2: Budget envelopes codes,
  • Level 3: Indication of the code of the fiscal year budgets,
  • Level 4: Code of the budget accounts of a budget line,
  • Level 5: Code of the selected budget account.

Code of the currency for envelope management, coming from the budget code.


  • Amounts approved (field AMTAPP)

Total approved amounts of the selection:

  • Level 1: if the envelopes are attached to a project (Project code entered in column "Reference"), the "Approved Amount" corresponds to the total of "Approved Amounts" of envelopes attached to this project. If the envelopes are not attached to a project (Project code not entered in column "Reference"), the "Approved Amount" corresponds to the total of "Approved Amounts" of all envelopes of the selection.
  • Level 2: approved amount of each envelope.
  • Level 3: approved amount of each budget.
  • Level 4: approved amount of each budget line.
  • Level 5: approved amount of each budget account.
  • Year-end outcome (field AMTATT)

It is possible to enter on each budget line, an estimate of the expected annual actual expense. The year-end outcome amounts correspond to the sum of the forecasts according to the inquiry level.

  • Level 1: if the envelopes are attached to a project (Project code entered in column "Reference"), the "Year-end outcome" corresponds to the total of "Year-end outcomes" of envelopes attached to this project. If the envelopes are not attached to a project (Project code not entered in column "Reference"), the "Year-end outcome" corresponds to the total of "Year-end outcomes" of all envelopes of the selection.
  • Level 2: year-end outcome amount reused in each envelope.
  • Level 3: year-end outcome amount reused in each budget.
  • Level 4: year-end outcome entered in each budget line.
  • Level 5: year-end outcome entered in each budget account.
  • Amounts budgeted for (field AMTBUD)

Total of the budgeted amounts of the selection, including for the approved objects, the revisions history.

  • Level 1: if the envelopes are attached to a project (Project code entered in column "Reference"), the "Budgeted Amount" corresponds to the total of "Budgeted Amounts" of envelopes attached to this project. If the envelopes are not attached to a project (Project code not entered in column "Reference"), the "Budgeted Amount" corresponds to the total of "Budgeted Amounts" of all envelopes of the selection.
  • Level 2: budgeted amount of each envelope.
  • Level 3: budgeted amount of each budget.
  • Level 4: budgeted amount of each budget line.
  • Level 5: budgeted amount of each budget account.
  • Reserve (field AMTRES)

According to the inquiry level, the "Reserve" amount corresponds to:

  • Level 1: if the envelopes are attached to a project (Project code entered in column "Reference"), the Reserve amount corresponds to the total of Reserve amounts of envelopes attached to this project. If the envelopes are not attached to a project (Project code not entered in column "Reference"), the Reserve amount corresponds to the total of Reserve amounts of all envelopes of the selection.
  • Level 2: reserve amount of each envelope.
  • Level 3: reserve amount of each budget.
  • Level 4 and level 5: the budget lines do not include reserve amounts and this column is not loaded.
  • Available (field DISPO)

The available amount corresponds to the budgeted amount - the reserve: For objects of the selection:

  • Level 1: if the envelopes are attached to a project (Project code entered in column "Reference"), the Budgeted Amount corresponds to the total of Budgeted Amounts of envelopes attached to this project. If the envelopes are not attached to a project (Project code not entered in column "Reference"), the Budgeted Amount corresponds to the total of Budgeted Amounts of all envelopes of the selection.
  • Level 2: budgeted amount of each envelope.
  • Level 3: budgeted amount of each budget.
  • Level 4 and level 5: the budget lines do not include reserve, and the available amount is therefore equal to the budgeted amount.
  • Budgeted allocated (field IMPBUD)

The amount "Posted budgeted" corresponds to the total of the amounts distributed in fiscal year budgets for the envelopes, and in budget lines for the fiscal year budgets, on the objets of the selection. According to the inquiry level, this amounts corresponds to:

  • Level 1: if the envelopes are attached to a project (Project code entered in column "Reference"), the "Budgeted posted" Amount corresponds to the total of Posted Budget Amounts of envelopes attached to this project. If the envelopes are not attached to a project (Project code not entered in column "Reference"), the "Budgeted posted" Amoun corresponds to the total of Posted Budget Amounts of all envelopes of the selection.
  • Level 2: total of the budgets posted on each envelope.
  • Level 3: total of the budget lines posted on each budget.
  • Level 4 and level 5: the budget lines represent the finest level of the structure and do not include any other budgeted divison.
  • Budgeted remaining for alloc. (field RAV)

"Budget left to be allocated" corresponds to "Available" - "Budgeted posted":

  • Level 1: if the envelopes are attached to a project (Project code entered in column "Reference"), the "Left to Distribute" corresponds to the total of the "Left to Distribute" of envelopes attached to this project. If the envelopes are not attached to a project (Project code not entered in column "Reference"), the "Left to Distribute" corresponds to the total of the "Left to Distribute" of all envelopes of the selection.
  • Level 2: Left to Distribute of each envelope.
  • Level 3: Left to Distribute of each budget.
  • Level 4: the left-to-distribute amount is the same as the available amount, as the budget lines which correspond to the finest budget level are not divided.
  • Pre-committed (field AMTCMMPRP)

Total of the amounts of purchase invoices posted on the budget lines of the selection. Carried out calculation corresponding to:

+ Total of purchase requests of the budget lines.

+ Total of purchase requests transformed into orders in the budget lines.

  • Level 1: if the envelopes are attached to a project (Project code entered in column "Reference"), the Purchase Request Amount corresponds to the total of Purchase Requests of envelopes attached to this project. If the envelopes are not attached to a project (Project code not entered in column "Reference"), the Purchase Request Amount corresponds to the total of Purchase Requests of all envelopes of the selection.
  • Level 2: total of the purchase requests reused in each envelope.
  • Level 3: total of the purchase requests reused in each budget.
  • Level 4: total of the purchase requests reused in each budget line.
  • Level 5: total of the purchase requests entered in each budget account.
  • Committed (field AMTCMM)

Total of the amounts of orders posted on the budget lines of the selection. Carried out calculation corresponding to:

 + Total of purchase orders posted on the budget lines.

 + Total of purchase orders converted in invoices on the budget lines.

  • Level 1: if the envelopes are attached to a project (Project code entered in column "Reference"), the Order Amount corresponds to the total of Order Amounts of envelopes attached to this project. If the envelopes are not attached to a project (Project code not entered in column "Reference"), the Order Amount corresponds to the total of Order Amounts of all envelopes of the selection.
  • Level 2: total orders reused in each envelope.
  • Level 3: total orders reused in each budget.
  • Level 4: total of orders reused in each budget line.
  • Level 5: total of the orders entered in each budget account.
  • Carried out (field REALISE)

Total of the amounts of purchase invoices posted on the budget lines of the selection. Calculation corresponding to the sum of budget line invoices.

  • Level 1: if the envelopes are attached to a project (Project code entered in column "Reference"), the Invoice Amount corresponds to the total of Invoice Amounts of envelopes attached to this project. If the envelopes are not attached to a project (Project code not entered in column "Reference"), the Invoice Amount corresponds to the total of Invoice Amounts of all envelopes of the selection.
  • Level 2: total of the invoices reused in each envelope.
  • Level 3: total of invoices reused in each budget.
  • Level 4: total of the invoices reused in each budget line.
  • Level 5: total of the invoices entered in each budget account.
  • Consumed (field CONSOM)

The Consumed amount corresponds to:

 + Pre-commitments.

 + Commitments.

 + Invoiced.

 According to the inquiry level, the Consumed amount corresponds to:

  • Level 1: if the envelopes are attached to a project (Project code entered in column Reference), the consumed amount corresponds to the total of consumed amounts of envelopes attached to this project. If the envelopes are not attached to a project (Project code not entered in column Reference), the Consumed amount corresponds to the total of Consumed amounts of all envelopes of the selection.
  • Level 2: total of the consumed amount reused in each envelope.
  • Level 3: total of the consumed amount reused in each budget.
  • Level 4: total of the consumed amount reused in each budget.
  • total of the consumed amount entered in each budget account.
  • Actual balance sheet (field SOLDE)

The "Actual balance" is calculated as follows:

+ Budgeted amount.

- Actual amount.

According to the inquiry level, this balance corresponds to:

  • Level 1: if the envelopes are attached to a project (Project code entered in column "Reference"), the "Actual balance" corresponds to the total of "Actual balances" of envelopes attached to this project. If the envelopes are not attached to a project (Project code not entered in column "Reference"), the "Actual balance" corresponds to the total of "Actual balances" of all envelopes of the selection.
  • Level 2: balance of each envelope.
  • Level 3: balance of each budget.
  • Level 4: balance of each budget line.
  • Level 5: balance of each budget account.
  • Accrued expenses amount (field AMTCAP)

Total of the amounts of charges to pay posted on the budget lines of the selection:

  • Level 1: if the envelopes are attached to a project (Project code entered in column "Reference"), the ACP Amount corresponds to the total of ACPs of envelopes attached to this project. If the envelopes are not attached to a project (Project code not entered in column "Reference"), the ACP Amount corresponds to the total of ACPs of all envelopes of the selection.
  • Level 2: total CAP reused in each envelope.
  • Level 3: total charges to pay reused in each budget.
  • Level 4: total charges to pay reused in each budget line.
  • Level 5: total charges to pay reused in each budget account.

  • Purchase accruals amount (field AMTCCA)

Total of the amounts of charges previously existing posted on the budget lines of the selection:

    • Level 1: if the envelopes are attached to a project (Project code entered in column "Reference"), the PA Amount corresponds to the total of PA Amounts of envelopes attached to this project. If the envelopes are not attached to a project (Project code not entered in column "Reference"), the PA Amount corresponds to the total of PA Amounts of all envelopes of the selection.
    • Level 2: total of the accruals reused in each envelope.
    • Level 3: total of the accruals reused in each budget.
    • Level 4: total of the accruals reused in each budget line.
    • Level 5: total of the accruals displayed in each budget account.

  • Capitalized amount (field AMTFAS)

Total of the amounts of invoices posted to fixed assets on the budget lines of the selection:

  • Level 1: if the envelopes are attached to a project (Project code entered in column "Reference"), the Fixed Asset Invoice Amount corresponds to the total of Fixed Asset Invoices of envelopes attached to this project. If the envelopes are not attached to a project (Project code not entered in column "Reference"), the Fixed Asset Invoice Amount corresponds to the total of Fixed Asset Invoice Amounts of all envelopes of the selection.
  • Level 2: total of the invoices posted to fixed assets reused in each envelope.
  • Level 3: Level 2: total of the invoices posted to fixed assets reused in each budget.
  • Level 4: Level 2: total of the invoices posted to fixed assets reused in each budget line.
  • Level 5: Level 2: total of the invoices posted to fixed assets displayed in each budget account.




Action icon

Budget fiscal year
Purchase detail





By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  BUOSIT : Budget positions

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons

This button gives access to the previously specified criteria in order to potentially modify them. It is also possible to save the selection criteria under a memo code in order to recall them later on.

This button makes it possible to browse the inquiry so as to move up from the finest inquiry (for example, budget line) to the most global (envelopes of the selection).

This button makes it possible to browse the inquiry so as to refine the inquiry. Go down to the inquiry of a budget line, starting from the global inquiry of envelopes, via all the intermediate steps: Envelope, budget, line, account.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

No Record for these Selections

The selection does not find any object matching the entered criteria. Modify your selection.

Tables used

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