Operating budgets >  Budget management >  Projects  

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Projects are used to group and document a set of investment or operating expenditure forecast.

The information entered helps the budget holder to refine this global forecast by dividing it into:

  • Annual or pluriannual budget envelopes,
  • Budgets by fiscal years,
  • Lines by budget natures and destination entities, on which purchasing is controlled.

Parameter GDDPRJENV, which can be defined at company or folder level, is used to determine whether the attachment of an envelope to a project is mandatory or optional. In this last case, some envelopes can be attached to a project while others are not.

Project and envelope definition levels

A project can be defined for a site, a company or be transverse, i.e. defined for a group of companies or sites.

A budget envelope is linked to a budget code. This budget code define if the tracking level is the site or the company. Depending on this rule, the envelope is attached either to a company or a site.

The project, budget and budget line definition level follows the following management rules:

  • If a project is attached to a site, the linked envelopes are attached to the same site,
  • If a project is attached to a company, the linked envelopes are attached to the same company,
  • If a project is attached to a group of companies, the linked envelopes are attached to one of the companies belonging to this group or to a site of one of the companies from this group, depending on the budget code characteristics,
  • If a project is attached to a group of sites, the envelopes are necessarily attached to one of the sites from this group.  The budget code must be consistent.

For a budget code defined at company level, the definition possibilities are the following:


Case 1

Case 2

Case 3


Group of companies


No project













For a budget code defined at site level, the definition possibilities are the following:


Case 1

Case 2

Case 3

Case 4 

Case 5


Group of companies

Group of sites



No project



















SEEINFO The groups are dynamic and can be modified. The user has to check that their modifications are consistent.

Links with the fixed asset management module

Projects contain information planned for a later linkage with the asset management module that should be used, from an investment project, to generate the impact on the fixed asset management in terms of receipts and issues.

SEEINFOThese data remain optional and for information purposes:  Statistical groups, fund providers, forecasts by period, lots, assets.


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Screen management

The project recording and modification function contains four tabs:

  • A "General" tab to enter the project information,
  • A "Lot" tab to carry out its potential division into lots,
  • An "Asset" tab for renewal investment projects used to assign assets to be replaced to the various created lots.
  • An "Office" tab used to enter or import all the relevant information for the project description in the shape of WORD, EXCEL or POWERPOINT documents.



The numbering of a project is carried out via the counter assignment function used to customize the project codification based on whether they belong to a company or a group. This function is used to define specific counters by company and a global counter when the company code has not been entered. A control checks if the maximum length of the sequence number is not greater than the length of the associated data.




The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Project (field PRJ)

Code of the project, generated automatically by calling up a counter defined in the allocation of counters from the "Accounting" module. If the company defining the project is allocated to a specific counter, this counter is used to generate the project coding. Otherwise, the counter used is the general one. The general counter must thus contain a counter code used by default. If no counter code is specified at this level, a warning message indicates that the default counter code has not been specified.

  • field DESTRA

Project description: This field is used to associate a description to the record. Such a description can be printed on the reports, displayed when the code of the record is entered in a screen, or used in selection.
Used by default on reports and entry masks, the title is replaced by the short title when display or printing constraints require it.

By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
You can add your translation in another language using the Translation function:

  • Click Translation from the Actions icon in the corresponding field.
  • In the Translation window, add a new language code with the translation in this language.

A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.

SEEINFO The connection language must be defined as a default language for the folder.



Tab General


This tab contains 4 project description fields:

  • The "Identification" section is used to enter a short title, to search the project code and the attachment structure code.
  • The "Definition" section is used to determine the project type, objective, amount, management currency, and to define the planned study and realization periods. Statistical groups are free fields available for reporting requirements, whose description can be customize. There is neither link nor control with the statistical groups generated in the envelopes and no specific management rule.
  • The "Fund provider" section is used to select a BP and to enter the amount financed by this BP. In this version, this data is used for information purposes. There is neither link nor control between the financed amounts and the project amount, neither link with the lot financing method if it is qualified as "loan" or with the lot amount, neither link nor control between the data entered in the project and those entered in the envelope.
  • Section "Forecasts/periods" is used to position expenditure forecasts. These also are information fields used to enter a period (start and end date) and the amount expected for the determined period. There is no control between the forecast sum and the project provisional amount.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Short description (field SHOTRA)

The short description replaces the standard description when display or print constraints require it.

By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
You can add your translation in another language using the Translation function:

  • Click Translation from the Actions icon in the corresponding field.
  • In the Translation window, add a new language code with the translation in this language.

A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.

SEEINFO The connection language must be defined as a default language for the folder.

Project Manager Code.

  • Site/group (field GCF)

Company group code, site or company or project definition site group. The assignment of a project to a site or company group is authorized only if all the companies of the group use the same currency.

Depending on the information that has been entered, the numbering of projects can vary - if the assignment of counters does plan different counters per company. For this reason, the modifiction of this field is forbidden after the creation of the project. If there is an error, the user has to delete the project and create a new one with the right definition level (Site or company group, site or company).

  • field INTGCF

Description of the selected code for the company group, the site group, the company or the project attachment site.

  • Description (field DESLNG)

Text field authorizing the entry of a long description of the project.


This access code makes it possible to prohibit access to the current record for some users.

If the field is populated only users that have this access code with read access rights (and write access rights respectively) can view (or with write access rights, modify) the record.


  • Analysis date from (field STUSTR)

Start and end dates of the provisional study of the project. Optional information.

  • Analysis date to (field STUEND)


  • Completion date from (field REASTR)

Start and end dates of the project completion. The entry of this dates is mandatory. They are used to determine the planned length of the project and can help split the annual and pluriannual envelopes. This dates can be modified so as to adjust the length of the project to the completion unpredicted events.

  • Completion date to (field REAEND)

End date of the expenditure forecast period.

  • Estimated amount (field AMTEVAL)

Provisional amount of the project. There is no overrun control with respect to this amount when entering the budget objects: envelopes, budgets and budget lines.

Code making it possible to identify the currency of the project. This code is controlled in the currency table. It is advisable to use the ISO coding during the creation of a new currency.

The project can only be linked to a group of sites or a group of companies with the same currency, and the project currency must be identical to the currency of the analytical ledger of the company(ies) to which it is linked.


Project type code used to class projects for statistic purposes. The codes are managed in miscellaneous table 346. This table can be accessed in order to fill up the list of possible project types. (For instance: Investment in capacity, construction, productivity, replacement, foreign investment, functionning project and so on).

Code and title of the project objective, used to sort the projects for statistical purposes. The "objective" codes are managed and controlled in Miscellaneous Table 347, available to the users for addition to the list of possible projects (e.g.: depreciation, operation, upgrade, productivity, replacement, etc.)

The statistic groups are free fields available for reporting needs. Different codes can be managed in the miscellaneous tables 341, 342, 343, 344 and 345, these are not accessible in modification mode.

The description displayed on the screen can be modified via the acess to local menu no 2695. The statistical groups are used in the PROJECT and in the ENVELOPE . After modifying descriptions, the corresponding screens of the PROJECT and the ENVELOPE must be validated so that the modification can be taken into account.

The number of statistical groups displayed on the screen is driven by the STP sizing activity code.

Grid Fund providers

The "Fund providers" field is used to select a BP, controlled in the BP table, and to enter the amount funded by this BP.

There is neither link nor control between the following information:

  • Amounts funded and project amount.
  • Funding method of the batch if it isqualified as being a "loan" and amount of the batch.
  • Data entered to the project and data entered to the envelope.
  • Financed amount (field AMTFIN)

Amount of the project funded by the selected BP, expressed in the project currency.

Currency of the amount funded by the BP. Initialized with the currency of the project and non modifiable.

Grid Forecasts/period

  • Period (field PERIOD)

Forecasts by periods are used to position expenditure forecasts relating to the project: Start date, end date, planned amount between these date ranges.

Currency code, entered by default via the currency code of the project. Cannot be modified.

All this information is optional and serve as indications. There is no control between the forecast sum and the project amount.

  • Start (field PERSTR)

Start date of the expenditure forecast period.

  • End (field PEREND)

End date of the expenditure forecast period.

  • Amount (field AMTPRV)

Provisional amount of the period.

Currency in which the amounts of the expense forecast are expressed.



Tab Batches


A project can be divided into lots, which are used to give the necessary instructions for the division into budget envelopes or operations. The sum of the lots entered cannot exceed the estimated project amount




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Lot (field LOT)

Identification code of the lot. Free entry.

  • Description (field DESLOT)

Optional field used to entere a brief description of the lot.

  • In service date (field ACTDAT)

First use provisionnal date for a capitalized lot.

  • Amount (field AMTLOT)

Provisionnal amount of the lot, ex-tax, project currency.

Management currency of the lot, entered via the project currency. Cannot be modified.

Code of the financing method of the lot, managed and controlled in miscellaneous table 348 of financing methods (autofinancing or loan).

  • Site (field FCY)

Code of the site relative to the lot. Optional field. Depending on the project definition level (site group, company group, company or site), the entered site must belong to the project.

  • Fixed assets groups (field FASGRP)

Optional field, to be entered if the lot corresponds to a provisionnal capitalization.



Tab Assets


Tab "Assets" is linked to the activation of activity code "GDFAS".

This tab is used to enter without any control the assets to be renewed within the project framework, and for each one of them to indicate:

  • the provisional renewal amount,
  • the corresponding project lot number for the replacement asset.

These assets will have to be processed in provisional issues within the framework of the depreciation load forecast for the coming years.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Assets (field FAS)

Code of the asset to select in the list of fixed assets from the Fixed asset management module.

  • Projected amount (field AMTSALPRV)

Provisionnal replacement amount of the selected accounting asset that corresponds to the entered lot amount. No control is done for the lot amount and entered amount for the replacement of the corresponding accounting asset.

Currency of the asset, initialized with the project currency and cannot be modified.

  • Lot (field LOTFAS)

Lot number of the provisional fixed asset, corresponding to the fixed asset to replace.



Tab Office documents


This tab is used to enter or copy a project description from another document by using a WORD, EXCEL or POWER POINT-type document.

The document type is selected upon document creation. When the document is created with a determined type, it is impossible to change the document type without deleting the original document. Thus, a document created with type WORD cannot be transformed into an EXCEL document without deleting the WORD document. If there is a document type change, a message informs the user of the original document deletion.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Assets (field FAS)

Code of the asset to select in the list of fixed assets from the Fixed asset management module.

  • Projected amount (field AMTSALPRV)

Provisionnal replacement amount of the selected accounting asset that corresponds to the entered lot amount. No control is done for the lot amount and entered amount for the replacement of the corresponding accounting asset.

Currency of the asset, initialized with the project currency and cannot be modified.

  • Lot (field LOTFAS)

Lot number of the provisional fixed asset, corresponding to the fixed asset to replace.



Menu Bar

Inquiries / Budget situations

Tab "General" of the project contains a "Description" field used to describe freely the project characteristics. 

Button "Format" is active when the cursor is positioned in this "Description" field. It enables the selection of the formatting to be applied to the entered text (font, color, justification, etc.).

Inquiries / Budget situations

If the project contains attached envelopes, this button is used to access the inquiry of the budget situation, envelopes, budgets and budget lines of the project.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

The group, company or site does not exist.

The indicated site does not exist: Modify the entry, or create the site.

The currency of the main analytical ledger of this group is not compatible with the project currency

This message is displayed in project creation when the project "Currency" code is modified and the entered company/companies are attached to a currency main analytical reference base different from the modified one of the project. Answering OK to this message replaces the entered project currency with the currency of the main analytical reference base.

Currencies of the main analytical ledgers not compatible between the various companies of this group

Attaching the project to a group containing different currencies is prohibited: the user has to modify the attachment group or update the group so that it only contains companies that have the same currency.

The sum of the amounts by batch exceeds the estimated amount

The user has to modify the lot amount or the estimated project amount.

Incorrect site

This message is displayed in lot site entry mode, when the entered site does not belong to the project sites. Another site code has to be entered or it has to be searched by the selection only showing the authorized sites of the project.

The site does not belong to the sites of the project group

This message is displayed in lot site entry mode, when the entered site does not belong to the project sites. Another site code has to be entered or it has to be searched by the selection only showing the authorized sites of the project.

You will erase the current document if you change the document type. Do you want to continue ?

Warning message displayed when the project has been created with a WORD-type document for instance and when the user chooses a different document type, such as EXCEL or POWER POINT. Answering "Yes" erases the WORD document and the user can create a document of another type; answering "No" is used to keep the original document, which can be modified.

Batch not defined

In lot field entry in tab "Assets", this message indicates that the lot number is not defined in tab "Lot".

The entered company does not have a main site.

Add a main site code to the company or modify the company code.

Problem on recovering the sequence number

This message is displayed if the code of the main sequence number is not entered in the "Sequence numbers assignment".

Tables used

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