The journal features a document in which the accounting entries are recorded by chronological order. In practical terms, several journals are created in order to regroup entries based on their nature (sales journals, purchase journals, cash journals etc.).
The setup function of journal codes is used to define the characteristics of the various journals that will be used to record entries, whether the latter are entered, generated by automatic processes or by interfaces to other applications.
Each journal is identified by a code and a journal type.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The following fields are present on this tab :
Here, indicate the journal code comprised of one to five alphanumeric characters.
Non-compulsory field containing the legislation code (miscellaneous table 909). The entered value is used upon creation and validation of the folder and upon addition of data during legislation copy. The data concerning the requested legislations and the common data (legislation code empty) on folder creation. Only the records concerning the folder legislations are retrieved on folder validation. The Legislation field is also used as a filter and checked upon movement selection and entry (entry of invoices, payments, journals etc.). If the field is empty, the current record can be used whatever the legislation of the company concerned by the movement. |
The setup of accounting journal is executed in a general tab that is used to specify the elements required to identify the journal as well as the principles for using it.
Upon creation, the journal is automatically open on all the periods defined in the folder.
Upon journal entering, if a journal is not balanced, the balance is done on a contra account when the journal is validated via the button [Create]. The cash account is used as an automatic contra account.
The ledger must be checked to 'Balance'.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Select the journal type to group journals based on common characteristics mainly linked to the nature of operations recorded in it. Once you post entries to a journal, you cannot change the type. Journal type options:
*Note: You can rename a Miscellaneous journal type with a custom category by modifying Local menu 613 if you have the proper user permissions to do so.
There are processes and controls linked to certain journal types.Treasury journal types: A cash account must be attached to each “cash” journal type so that the entries posted in this journal have an automatic counterpart. For details on setting up cash or “treasury” journals, refer to the documentation for Definition of the journals, journal types and accounts on payments. A cash type journal is used in:
Carry forward journal types: This type of journal only records carry-forward entries. Analytical accounting journal types: This type of journal only records entries assigned to an analytical dimension. |
Select or enter the flow code for this journal. Flow initialization: The initialization rule only applies to accounts with Optional or Mandatory flow management selected and only for the first ledger defined in the journal entry transaction whose consolidation management is selected. When creating or posting a journal entry, the journal entry line flow code defaults as follows: If a flow code is parameterized on the journal, it defaults to that value. If there is no flow code on the journal, the flow code defaults to the value defined on the account. The flow depends of the direction on the journal entry line.
Note: When the journal entry transaction has several ledgers with consolidation management selected, the flow initialized on the first ledger is propagated to the other consolidated ledgers. If for any reason no flow has been initialized on the first ledger but is mandatory on another ledger, you receive a blocking error message that flow management is mandatory for the current account. |
When it has been entered, the access code makes it possible to limit the operational rights on the journals based on the user profiles.
The use of the journal can also be limited to the site assigned to the ad hoc field. |
Grid Management
This field calls the chart of accounts on which the frequent and prohibited accounts -regarding the current journal- will be specified. |
Specify the treasury account (bank, cash, etc.) linked to the current journal. When posting an entry to this journal, an automatic counterpart is generated on this account to balance the journal, if needed.
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
JOUGRP : Journal codes
LISJOU : List of journals
This can be changed using a different setup.
The following fields are included on the window opened through this button : Block number 1
Grid Frequent account list
Grid Prohibited account list
Close The button [Plan] is used to define on each chart of accounts, the list of frequent accounts and of prohibited accounts. |
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
An account must necessarily be attached to the journal for the automatic entry counterpart. This message is only displayed for the "cash" type journals, in the cash account field.
The entered access code does not exist in the table or the user creating the journal does not have access to this code. The selection function should be used to find out an existing or authorized code.
The journal site and the cash account journal associated with the journal are not the same. Consequently, this account cannot be associated with this journal except if the access controls to the account or journal sites are changed.
This message can be displayed for instance if the validity end date entered is earlier than the validity start date.