Fixed assets >  Inquiries >  Depreciation simulation  

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This inquiry displays the result of the calculation processing of a depreciation plan simulation for one or all sites of a company.
It is therefore necessary that a depreciation simulation calculation be performed beforehands, either in batch or interactive mode.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The inquiry can be set up on only one screen, the header enables the entry of the main selection criteria.

A window with criteria, is also available via the [Criteria] button, to refine the selection if necessary, and to save the setup for future uses.

Once the criteria have been entered, the [Search] button at the bottom of the screen, is used to launch the inquiry.

  • The [Next] and [Back] buttons at the bottom of the screen are used to navigate between the different pages of data.
  • The [Last] button is used to access the last page directly.



The following fields are present on this tab :


The Identification Code for the company.

Identification code of the site.

  • Context (field CNX)

This field is used to indicate the depreciation context.

  • Depreciation plan (field DPRPLN)

The code for the depreciation plan.

  • Asset (field AASREF)

This field is used to enter the reference of the asset to be displayed.


  • Fiscal year start date (field FIYSTRDAT)

The "Start Date" and "End Date" fields are not mandatory. They are used to refine the selection and to specify for which fiscal year(s) the depreciations should be displayed.

  • Period start date (field PERSTRDAT)

The "Start Date" and "End Date" fields are not mandatory. They are used to refine the selection and to specify for which period(s) the depreciations should be displayed.



Tab Detail


The contents of the inquiry depend on the settings entered during the calculation process: FY/period horizon and Calculation details.

  • When the Calculation Details are required, all the records for the FYs/periods corresponding to the specified calculation horizon are stored in the DEPSIMU table and presented.
  • When no Calculation Details are required, only the records for the last FY/period corresponding to the calculation horizon are stored in the DEPSIMU table and presented.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Simulation results


  • Fiscal year end date (field FIYENDDAT)


  • Period end date (field PERENDDAT)


  • Depreciation plan (field DPRPLN)


  • Asset (field AASREF)


  • Reval. BS value (field DPRBAS)


  • FY depre total (field DPRCUM)


  • Periodic total P-1 (field PERCLOCUM)


  • Period P charge (field PERENDDPE)


  • Total excep. amt (field EXCCUM)


  • Office P-1 amt excep. (field PERCLOEXC)


  • Exceptional amortization (field PEREXCDPR)


  • Impairment loss balance (field IMLBLC)


  • P impairment loss (field IML)


  • Impair. loss reversal P (field IMLRVE)


  • Impair. rev. - exc depr. (field IMLRVETRF)


  • Net value (field NBV)


  • Currency rate (field RATCUR)




Specific Buttons

This button is used to access to the additional selection criteria compared with the criteria entered in the inquiry header:

  • Group
  • Accounting code
  • CoA account
  • IFRS posting
  • CGU

It is possible to save one or several sets of criteria by recording [Memo] codes that can be called later on [Call memo] or deleted [Delete memo].

This button is used to export the extraction to Excel, in the form of a csv file (exploitable by spreadsheet).

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

"Full grid"

This message is not strictly an error message. Actually, for technical reasons, a limit of 500 is set for the number of lines loaded in the inquiry screen. If there are more than 500 lines matching the criteria, this message is displayed and only the first 500 lines can be viewed.
It is then necessary to enter more restrictive criteria in order to obtain fewer lines in the grid.

Tables used

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