Fixed assets >  Processes >  Depreciations >  Depreciation simulation  

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This function is used to process mass calculations of asset depreciation simulation for one or several sites of a company or group of companies. 

It is possible to specify:

  • a calculation horizon,
  • the number of fiscal years for which the period breakdown must be taken into account,
  • the plans to calculate,
  • a selection of assets,
  • whether only the last fiscal year calculated must be retained or all the records.

SEEWARNING The assets whose disposal date is specified are implicitly excluded from the processing.

It is thus possible, unlike with the real calculation processing, to perform the calculation only for one plan of a context and to select the select the assets to calculate. It is also possible to specify a calculation horizon different from the one requested for the real calculation.
Moreover, the result of this calculation is retained: the values calculated are stored in a dedicated table (DEPSIUM table, whose columns are a sub-assembly of the DEPREC table). When a calculation is requested for a context, all the concerned content of this table is replaced.

The result of the calculation can be retrieved via the function of Depreciation simulation inquiry.

SEEREFERTTO A unit calculation simulation can also be accessed from the Assets management function, but the result of this processing is not stored.  For further information, see the following documentation: Plan simulation.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The header of the screen is used to select the companies and sites concerned by the processing. The selection can be done using the right-click options of the table.

The different parameters of the simulation must then be specified as well as, if necessary, an extended selection on the FXDASSETS asset table.



The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Company selection

  • field FLGCLCCPY

This indicator is used to indicate whether a calculation must be performed on the company. The selection concerns only the company; it is necessary to select unit by unit each site concerned and then each context.
Mass selecting a company and all its sites, contexts and plans is possible by using the "All the cpy" right-click option.
A "All companies" right-click option is also available for mass selecting all the companies, sites, contexts and depreciation plans.

The Identification Code for the company.

Grid Site selection

  • field FLGCLCFCY

This indicator enables the user to precise that a calculation must be done on the site.

This field cannot be modified and displays the code of the site on which the process is carried out.



Action icon

All the company

This button enables the selection of the company corresponding to the line on which the cursor is positioned, and of all its sites and contexts.
SEEINFO Simply double-clicking to check the box Calculate of a company is not enough for automatically selecting sites and contexts of this company. It is necessary to select them one by one with a double-click, or to mass select them by right-clicking and using the button All the company.

The company and the following

This button is used to select the company on which the cursor is positioned, as well as the companies corresponding to the following lines. The sites and contexts of companies are automatically selected.
This button is particularly useful when launching batch processing, when some of the selected companies cannot be processed because of the maximum number of parameters that can be defined (500 per default). While saving the parameters, the process checks whether this maximum is reached, in which case a message forbidding the selection of this company is displayed; the process needs to be relaunched one or more times. This button then enables the selection of the first of the companies that were not processed, as well as the following ones. 

All companies:

This button is used to select all companies. Their sites and their contexts are also selected automatically.

Status of contexts

This button displays a window containing the list of the companies and the status of each of their contexts regarding calculation, closing and posting. Please refer to the documentation on Company status.




Tab Parameter definition


This is mainly selecting the contexts and depreciation plans to calculate, specifying the calculation fiscal year/period horizon, and indicating whether the detail of the records must be retained (otherwise, only the last fiscal year calculated is retained).




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Depreciation contexts

  • Calculate (field FLGCLCCNX)

This flag is used to specify that a calculation must be performed on the context.

When a context is selected, all the plans of the context are also automatically selected; it is possible to de-select them individually.

  • Context (field CNX)

This field displays the title of the depreciation context.

  • FY start date (field DATSTRFIY)

This field contains the financial year start date of the considered context.

  • Period start (field DATSTRPER)

Start date for the inquiry.

  • FY horizon (field HRSEXE)

This field is used to define the calculation horizon of the depreciation simulation. It specifies the number of fiscal years for which the processing must be carried out. For instance, 5 means that the software will determine, upon calculation, the charge for the current fiscal year and for the next four fiscal years.
This value, which remains modifiable, is loaded by default with the value specified in the Context setup.

  • Period horizon (field HRSPER)

This field is used to specify the number of fiscal years for which a potential period breakdown will be taken into account during the calculation. This value has to be greater than 2.

Cette valeur, qui reste modifiable, est alimentée par défaut avec celle renseignée au niveau du paramétrage du Contexte.

SEEINFO Setup consistency:

  • This value cannot be less than the number of calculated fiscal years, which is specified in the previous field.
  • The specified value is only significant if it is consistent with the number of fiscal years broken down into periods. If the specified value is 5, but only 3 fiscals years have been broken down into periods, the period calculation will be restricted to these 3 fiscal years.
  • Detail (field FLGSIMDET)

  • When it is selected, this check box indicates that all the records of the fiscal years/periods corresponding to the specified calculation horizon will be retained after calculation.
  • If it is not checked, only the recordings corresponding to the last fiscal year or last period of the calculation horizon are preserved.

The default value of this indicator depends on the Context setup.

The records are stored in a dedicated DEPSIMU table and can be retrieved via the function of CONSSIM - Depreciation simulation inquiry.

Grid Depreciation plans

  • Calculate (field FLGCLCPLN)

This indicator is used to indicate whether a calculation must be performed on the plan.

  • Depreciation plan (field PLNCAA)

Description of the amortisation plan. Information non editable.



Tab Extended selection


The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Block number 2

  • field FLD1

Indicate a field from the table.

  • field DES1

Libellé du champ.

  • field OPE1

Indicate the comparison operation:

  • The "indifferent" operator is used to obtain all records of an object.
  • The '* ?' operator is used to define wildcards.
  • field VAL1

Indicate the comparison value (without quotation marks for the alphanumeric fields).

  • field PAR1
  • field ANDOR2

Indicate the link between criteria lines.

Example :

If Expr1 and Expr2 or Expr3 (Expr = expression) are entered we would have :

(Expr1 & (Expr2 | (Expr3)))

Block number 3

  • Expression (field EXP1)

Indicate if necessary an expression to complete the search.

The criterion is added to the previous criteria by the link AND.

The expression cannot contain fields from a table other than the principal table for the object. These can be indexed.

  • field PAREXP

Si cette case est cochée, l'expression est définie comme valeur par défaut modifiable.



Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode, but no dedicated standard task is delivered to run it.

Specific Buttons

Click this action to save the current settings in a Memo code to be reused later. The memo is linked to your user profile, not to the function or the screen.

If a memo code entitled STD is associated with the screen, it is loaded immediately on entering the corresponding function.

For further information on the advanced use of the Memo action, refer to the documentation on the General ergonomics of SAFE X3 software.

Click this action to enter a Memo code previously saved and change the setup.

Click this action to delete a Memo code.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation