Financials >  Current processes >  Batches  

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This function is used to perform a mass  validation of a selection of accounting batches entered in the Batch entry  function (GESLOT).
The validated batches are then posted (generation of accounting entries).

Although the Partner and Flow fields are not part of the Batch entry function (GESLOT), the rules for Partner initialization and Flow initialization follow the same rules used for generating journal entries. The same rules also apply to any controls for the partner and flow fields.

SEEINFO Read the documentation for Partner initialization and Flow initialization.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The status of postings in the launch screen must be "Definitive" when the "Actual" journal category is selected and when the company is:

  • either a French legislation company (the setup FRADGI/module TC/group CPT has "yes" for value and cannot be modified),
  • or a foreign company applying the French DGI no. 13L-1-06 compliance rules (the setup FRADGI/module TC/group CPT has "yes" for value and can be modified).

Entry screen


This process performs a "bulk" validation of accounting batches. Once the validation process has been started, a journal is generated for each of the operations recorded via batch entry.

This journal is used to transfer the documents entered for each batch to the document entry program.
The validation process in simulation mode (activated or not) makes it possible to modify and revalidate the journal batch. In that case, the entries last transferred cancel the previous ones.
In real mode, the journal batch can neither be modified not revalidated.

In that case, the possible choices are:

  • Status of the generated journals (temporary or final),
  • Cancellation of the validated batches:
    by answering 'Yes' to this question, a log file provides a list of the journals validated by this processing.
    In any case, any possible errors spotted during the control phase of each batch (matching of journals, dates, restrictions, etc.) are saved in a log.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • All companies (field ALLCPY)

If this box is checked, the processing is launched for all the companies (otherwise, they have to be specified).

This is the code of the assignment company of the entity.
This optional zone makes it possible to specify entities common to several companies.


  • All sites (field ALLFCY)

If this box is checked, the processing is launched for all the companies (otherwise, they have to be specified).

This title is associated with the previous code.

  • All users (field ALLUSR)

When this box is checked, the data associated with all the users are involved by the process (if it is not checked, only the user whose code is given is involved (if no code given, the current user).

If a user code is entered in this field, the process only includes accounting documents entered by the user. If left blank, only accounting documents for the current user are included.


  • From batch (field STRLOT)

No help linked to this field.

  • To batch (field ENDLOT)



  • Category (field CATLOT)

This field indicates the category of the documents to generate.
The generated journals can be real or simulated.

  • The actual accounting documentis a document that can always be viewed and printed (GL, Balance, etc.).
  • Once activated the simulation journal, is also integrated with the inquiry and report screens.
    It can be converted into an actual journal or de-activated in order to become an inactive simulation (that is to say it is not visible in inquiries and reports).
  • Status (field STALOT)

In the event of an actual generation, the status of the journal can be:

  • Temporary
  • Final

The entry status for entries must be Final when the requested generation type is Actual and the company meets one of the following criteria:

SEEINFO The status defines your ability to modify the document. Once final, the modifications of the journal are only for information purposes or concern the analytical postings. The date, amounts, accounts, VAT code, and other purely accounting information can no longer be modified.

In temporary mode, most of the information displayed on the journal can be modified. The modification options can vary based on:

  • The nature and the origin of the accounting document:
    • Temporary payment document: bank line that cannot be deleted
    • Purchase invoice document: BP line that cannot be deleted, purchase account and VAT that cannot be modified
  • The management events that have an impact on the account document are:
    • Charge account with a declared VAT amount
    • Matched VAT account or not
  • Batch deletion (field RAZLOT)

When checked, this box is used to delete the lot record in lot entry when it is posted.

  • Log file (field TRC)

If checked, this box is used to summarize all the validated journals at the end of a processing.



Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task ACCLOT is provided for that purpose.

Specific Buttons

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :

  • Memo code (field CODE)

You use a memo code to save the criteria applied to an entry screen. Use this field to find out if a memo code has already been saved for the current screen values.

Use the following buttons to manage memos:

Recall: Recall a previously defined and saved memo.

Memo: Save the current values of the screen in a memo file with a code to be specified.

Del. Memo: Delete a previously saved memo.

If a memo named STD (standard) is associated with the screen, it is loaded when opening the function.


This button is used to save under a Memo code the different criteria and generation information being used.

SEEREFERTTO Please refer to the description of the Memo button for further details.

SEEREFERTTO Please refer to the description of the Memo button for further details.


The management and generation of accounting documents using the double-entry method is not available for this function because it does not use an automatic journal process. Only functions that use an automatic journal process can use the double-entry method for a company.

The KRU - Russian legislation activity code must be active to use the double-entry method for a company.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Batch xxx line y unmatched journal "

Batch xxx cannot be validated, line y has no offset.

The posted documents will have the 'Final' status for the company

If the processing is launched for a given company and this company has selected Conformity DGI no. 13L-1-06 (i.e. the value of setup FRADGI/chapter TC/group CPT is 'yes'), the documents generated by the processing will have the status 'Final'.

The posted documents will have the 'Final' status for one or more companies

The processing is launched for all companies or a group of companies, and if at least one of the companies chose Conformity DGI no. 13L-1-06 (i.e. the value of setup FRADGI/chapter TC/group CPT is 'yes'), the documents generated by the processing will have the status 'Final'.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation