Fixed assets >  Processes >  Depreciations >  Provisional flows generation  

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This function is used to launch a provisional flow generation process for one or several contexts of a company, in order to load the FXDLIFL flow table, whose records are used to produce:

  • the preparatory reports for the 2054 (FAS2054) an 2055 (FAS2055) fiscal statements,
  • the control reports such as the Fixed assets by account report (FLUIMMOCPT), or the Depreciation flows by account report (FLUAMTCPT),
  • and potential other flow reports specifically developed.

Reminder :

- Flows can be viewed at the level of fiscal statement items (grouping fixed assets accounts) and/or at the account level (setup at Contexts management function level).

- Different groups of fixed assets accounts can be created (setup at the Accounting flows definition function level).

- No flow is generated for Cancelled assets, or for the In template holding type.

Principles of flow generation

 The record creation in the flow table is carried out:

SEEREFERTTO For further information on the optimization of flows and the impact of business actions on the situation of assets with respect to flows, see the appendix document: Flow optimization.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

This function is made up of a single screen that is used to:

  • select, on the one hand, the company concerned,
  • and, on the other hand, select context(s) for which the provisional flow generation is requested,
  • launch the provisional flow generation process.



The header is used to:

  • Specify that it is a simulation process.
  • Select the company for which the process is requested.
    The table only contains the companies meeting each of the following requirements:
    - the company has at least one context for which the generation of flows is possible,
    - the user has been granted rights for all the sites of the company,
    - if the company parameter ACCPERCTL - Accounting period control (AAS chapter, CPT group) has for value Yes, all contexts of the company must be synchronized with the accounting breakdown of fiscal years/periods. The situation of de-synchronization of a context can be viewed at the Detailed status of contexts level, tab Calculation (the value of the field Modification type is: CNX and the value of the field modified Parameter is: DESYNC).
    The user can choose the company by selecting the Selection option on the line that corresponds to this company.

    Note : After selection of the company, all the sites attached to it are automatically selected.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Simulation (field FLGSIM)

This box is checked by default. It specifies that the processing is carried out in simulation mode. In this case, the controls and the process are carried out but no modification of the database is recorded.

  • Report (field FLGETA)

This indicator can be accessed only when one or several reports are linked to the massive process. In this case, the activation of this indicator enables the user to print these reports.

  • Detailed log file (field FLGDET)

A log file is automatically displayed on process completion, showing the processing parameters. A Statistics section gives the number of selected assets, the number of assets updated as well as the number of assets not processed due to an error. Assets with errors are listed with their error reason.

When this box is ticked, the log file is displayed in the form of a detailed report presenting, in addition to the information listed above, the list of assets successfully processed.

The viewing and printing of log files are possible at any time via the report code ATRACE - Print log file print request, obtained from the Supervisor function in the Print/Group print menu.

Grid Company selection

  • field FLGCPY

Help common to all the mass processings.
The grid displays the list of the managed companies for which the user is authorized.
Check a box to select the company which must be processed.
After selecting a company, all the financial sites that are linked to it are selected by default. You can selectively de-select those that are not concerned by the processing.
You can also select directly the site(s) to be processed. In that case, the company to which they are attached is automatically selected.

SEEINFO When the company setup ACCPERCTL - Control of accounting periods (chapter AAS, group CPT) has the value 'Yes', the company is not displayed in the list if at least one of its contexts is not synchronized with the accounting period/fiscal breakdown. The desynchronization status of a context is visible in the screenDetailed status of contexts that can be accessed from the Actions icon.In that screen, on the Calculation tab, the field Modification type has the value 'CNX' and the field Modified parameter has the value 'DESYNC'.In this case, it is necessary to launch the processing of Contexts synchronization.

The Identification Code for the company.

Grid Site selection

  • field FLGFCY

This non enterable flag is activated to indicate that the site is selected. After selection of the company all the sites attached to it are automatically selected.

Identification Code for the company which the site is linked to.

Identification code of the site.



Action icon

All companies

This button is used to select all companies. Their sites and their contexts are also selected automatically.

Selection no.

This option is used to carry out a mass deselection of all the companies previously selected.

Company status

This button displays a window containing the list of the companies and the status of each of their contexts regarding calculation, closing and posting. Please refer to documentation Company status.




Tab Setup definition


This tab contains a table:

  • displaying the contexts of the selected company for which the provisional flow generation process is possible: only the contexts on which calculation was made and for which the flow management by fiscal statement or by account is enabled on at least one plan.
  • displaying the start and end dates of the current Fiscal year and Period for each of the contexts.

By default, all displayed contexts are selected. To exclude a context from the process, it is necessary to deactivate the Provisional flow checkbox.

By default, the processing is optimized as only flows of new assets and of assets subjected to an action impacting flows are generated. It is however possible to ask for a complete generation of flows by activating the forcing flag.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Force flow generation (field FLGFORCE)

By default, this flag is not activated.
This flag must only be activated to force the full generation of the flows. This forcing is used to ignore the optimization mechanism used, for an asset, to not generate the flows of an asset as soon as no modification impacting the flows has been recorded on this asset for the last generation.

SEEREFERTTO  For more information see the document: flow optimization.

Grid Depreciation contexts


  • Context (field CNX)

This grid displays the list of depreciation contexts for which the information flow generation process can be requested for the selected company.
This is only for contexts that have been subject to a calculation and possessing at least one plan managing the information flows by funds or by account.

  • Fiscal year (field PERFLX)

This flag, which cannot be entered, indicates that the process is applied to the current financial year.

  • Provisional funds (field SELFLX)

This tick box is used to select the context for which the provisional account change/modification flows must be generated.

  • FY start date (field DATSTRFIY)

This field contains the start date of the current financial year of the context.

  • FY end date (field DATENDFIY)

This field contains the end date of the current financial year of the context.

  • Period start (field DATSTRPER)

This field contains the current period start date.

  • Period end date (field DATENDPER)

This field contains the current period end date.



Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task FASFLUX is provided for that purpose.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation