Sales >  Invoices >  Scheduled invoice generation  

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Use this function to automatically mass generate, for a given site, the invoices of orders associated with an invoicing based on a invoicing schedule. These are Normal category orders:

  • Applying to sold and non-deliverable products of the Generic or Service category
  • Totally signed or automatically signed when the signature circuit is managed (APPSOH - Order signature management parameter) and these orders comply with the established signature rules.

The generated invoices can be viewed using the Invoices function. You can validate them one by one using this function or in bulk using the Invoice validation function.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


In this screen, define the following information used to automatically generate the scheduled invoices:

  • Selection criteria
  • Invoice grouping options

After this function has been run, the generated log file:

  • - Sums up all the launch parameters used for the automatic invoicing
  • - Displays the invoice numbers created and the orders that were used to create these invoices.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Selection criteria

This field specifies on which company the process is carried out.

The automatic creation of invoices is made from a single sales site at a time. 
This information is mandatory. You need to specify the site chosen for the process.
By default, it is the sales site associated with the operator. A control checks user authorizations.

  • Invoice date (field INVDAT)

Enter the date used on each created invoice.
This date is initialized to the current date. It is submitted to an existence check in the period table and the fiscal year table. The fiscal year and the period must be open.

This date is also used to filter the selected scheduled invoices.
Refer to the Scheduled invoices until field help for further details.

Specify the invoice type used during the sales invoice generation. This information is mandatory.
The default type is taken from the SIVTYP - User invoice type parameter (VEN chapter, INV group). 

The customer invoice type is used for the Sales and BP Customer invoices. It identifies a category of invoice (invoice, credit memo etc.) along with a posting structure for the posting of the invoices.

On invoice entry, only an invoice type with a legislation and company group consistent with those of the company linked to the sales site can be entered.
SEEREFERTTO For further information, click here.

The invoice type is associated to a type of journal for which a counter (manual or automatic) is specified.
SEEINFO If no counter is specified in the journal type and no journal number is manually specified on invoice entry the program will attribute a journal number according to the counter set up in the counter assignment table.
SEEINFO When no journal type is associated to the invoice type the journal type specified on the automatic journal will be used (as well as the associated counter).

Block number 2

  • Scheduled invoices until (field DEMDLVDAT)

You can limit the invoicing open item selection only to open items with a next invoice date prior or equal to the specified date.
By default, this date is initialized to the current date.

The selected scheduled invoices are also filtered according to the entered Invoice date: only the scheduled invoices whose next invoice date is prior to the entered Invoice date are considered.

For example:

Invoice date: 05/10/2019
Scheduled invoices until: 05/15/2019

  • The scheduled invoices whose next due date is 05/08/2019 will be considered by the script.
  • The scheduled invoices whose next due date is 05/12/2019 will not be considered by the script.

Invoice grouping options

  • Invoice grouping options (field IMESVIC)

You can specify how schedule invoices must be grouped when generating invoices:

1 invoice by invoice date

All scheduled invoices where the next invoice date is the same are grouped on a single invoice.

1 invoice by order

All scheduled invoices linked to the same order and where the next invoice date is prior to the invoice date are grouped on a single invoice.

1 invoice by customer

All scheduled invoices of all orders processed for the same bill-to customer and where the next invoice date is prior to the invoice date are grouped on a single invoice.

1 invoice by project

All scheduled invoices linked to the same project code where the next invoice date is prior to the invoice date are grouped on a single invoice.

SEEINFO The grouping criteria are implicitly based on the PJTSNGDOC - One project by document parameter (TC chapter, MIS group). When it is set to Yes, grouping scheduled invoices linked to orders with a different project code is prohibited.

Start - end range

  • From bill-to customer (field BPCINVDEB)

Use these ranges to filter the selection to only obtain a single bill-to customer or those bill-to customers having a reference contained within these ranges.

  • To bill-to customer (field BPCINVFIN)


  • From order no. (field SOHNUMDEB)

Enter a start and end range to select order numbers: only the orders whose reference is within the entered range are selected.

The selection window only displays orders of the Normal category, not totally invoiced and attached to the selected site.

  • To order no. (field SOHNUMFIN)


In these two fields, you can specify the start and end ranges of the project reference.
You use these fields to filter on the documents whose reference is included within the specified range.



  • Invoice (field PRNFLG)

Select this box to print the document (pick ticket, packing slip or invoice) after delivery or invoice creation.

In that case, you need to specify:

  • The document: it defaults to the report code linked to the object being used
  • The print server, if any
  • The printer, if any

Enter the standard document code to be printed.

Enter the document or report destination.
The destination must exist in the Destinations table, which is where its characteristics are defined (issue type, printer, server etc.).

  • Server (field PRNSRV)

This field is used to define the print server.
This setup is sent at the print request from a Crystal Reports report.

  • Printer (field PRNIMP)

Default printer.



Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task FUNAUTISCH is provided for that purpose.

Specific actions

Click this action to save the current settings in a Memo code to be reused later. The memo is linked to your user profile, not to the function or the screen.

If a memo code entitled STD is associated with the screen, it is loaded immediately on entering the corresponding function.

For further information on the advanced use of the Memo action, refer to the documentation on the General ergonomics of SAFE X3 software.

Click this action to enter a Memo code previously saved and change the setup.

Click this action to delete a Memo code.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation