This function is used to automatically generate paying bank notice slips.
Based on defined selection criteria, all the payments assigned to the same bank and from the same payment transaction are placed on a paying bank notice that can be viewed and modified in Paying bank entry.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The system proposes a dialog box within which the paying bank note selection criteria are specified:
Once the processing has been completed, a log file mentions the list of the generated paying bank notices, along with the payments related to them.
The paying bank notices can then be handled in the paying bank entry screen.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
To select the payments regardless of the related companies, check the "All companies" field. |
To select the payments regardless of the related sites, check the "All sites" field. |
To select the payments regardless of the related transaction, check the "All transactions" field. |
To select the payments regardless of their related entry batch, check the "All entry batches" field. |
To select the payments regardless of the related bank or cash desk, check the "All banks" field. |
To select the payments regardless of which user has carried out the last entry, check the "All users" field. |
To select the payments regardless of the related currency, check the "All currencies" field. |
If a date is entered, only the payments where the due date is entered and is earlier or equal to the entered date will be taken into account for the generation of the paying notes. |
This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task GENAVIDOM is provided for that purpose.
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
"This site is in the xxx company"
The site entered is not part of the company previously entered.
"No paying bank notice for this payment type"
The "paying bank" phase of the entered payment transaction is set to "no".
"PY7: Sequence number counter exceeded"
The number range for the paying bank notices has been exceeded.
"PY7: Transaction cancelled"
Problem during the allocation of the paying bank notice number