This function is only of use to those persons wanting to read files arising from the ADONIX ENTERPRISE V3™ import module, or to write files destined for the same module: the import/export formats used by this module are different to those used by Sage X3, therefore this is a coding translation function that is used to describe the correspondence between an Sage X3 import/export template and a V3 template, but also to give the default values to fill the fields that are not present in the original template.
The organization of the ADONIX ENTREPRISE V3 import/export template is identical to that of Sage X3 when a single level of information is present in the template, and in this case, the import setup serves essentially to define the correspondences. On the other hand, the ADONIX ENTREPRISE V3 header/line template can be described by the following organizational structure:
Field groups (header table) |
| |||||||
Line field groups (first line) | Line field groups (2nd line) | ... | Line field groups (Nth line) | SL | ||||
Logic separator | LS |
| ||||||
Field groups (header table) |
| |||||||
... |
| |||||||
This organizational structure is founded on the fact that a header is followed by the lines repeated up to the end of the record, defined by a logic separator (frequently, this is a group of characters ***), used to re-write either a new header record or a second level detail line group.
On the other hand in the Sage X3 template, the data group organization is defined with the help of mandatory group identifiers once more that one level of records exists:
Header identifier | Field groups (header table) |
| ||||||
Line identifier | Line fields (1st line) | ... | Line identifier | Line fields (Nth line) | LS | |||
Header identifier | Field groups (header table) |
| ||||||
... |
| |||||||
In addition, in ADONIX ENTERPRISE, certain templates (in particular the entries template) only have lines and do not have a header (the header information being repeated). In this case, it is necessary in order that the Sage X3 template can be used, to define on which fields to make the break (in this case, the document number: when it changes, the entry is changed).
The V3 import setup is used in this way to define the code translations between the V3 and X3 templates. These transcriptions are used to read a data file created with a V3 template, then to re-write it in such a fashion that it can be read by the X3 import template.
The V3 import function is then used to translate the filed by basing them on a template of this type.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Defined in the header tab are a code, a title description and an Active flag in the form of a checkbox.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Used to identify the conversion rules to allow the import of an export file generated under Adonix ENTERPRISE v3. |
Use this field to assign a description to each record. |
Select this check box to activate the current record. The data and setup of disabled records is kept, but they cannot be used on other records (documents, settings, etc.) or for mass processing by recalling the record code. Authorizations granted for a given function can prohibit the creation of an active record. In this case, this check box is deactivated by default. It can only be modified by an authorized user or using a signature Workflow.
This tab is used to define the general setups for the transfer and describes the structure of the data sets to transcode.
Once the code of the import-export template is entered, the various groups of data found in the final export template are displayed in the grid Break.
It is important to define a break field number associated with these groups (only the last group does not require one). In fact this is used to write on which field the record break is made, when a single record defines the input of several line levels. This is the case for the ADONIX FINANCE V3 entries for example. Indeed, in the entries template, the header information is repeated on all the lines, and it is necessary, to specify the level (1 to N) in which the document number field is found so that the split can be made between the different documents. From this, the distribution of header and line information is defined simply by their level, a break in the field as well as the identifier defining when moving to the next document.
When the information is organized in a header and line in the same way as the V3 input template and the X3 output template, the break field can normally be taken as the first. The break will be defined in the second page by entering the group separator used in the V3 template at the separator '/' level of the X3 import template.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
Indicate the code of the template Export-importation x3. The file v3 will be converted in order to be able to be imported by this template. |
File to convert
Used to indicate the path for the v3 file that must be converted to the x3 format. |
Destination file
Used to indicate the path for the file converted in to the X3 format that can be imported by the standard import template. |
Grid Break
Code identifying the current group in the import-export template. |
Overlapping of the current group in the import-export template. |
The name of the table corresponding to the current group of data in the import-export template. |
Indicate the number of the line of the report template which makes it possible to make the out of stock one if a record v3 corresponds to several Company level. Example: Under FIRM v3, the file WRITINGS contains at the same time information of header and lines. In X3, the template of standard importation of the entries, distinguishes a level for the header and another for the lines. It will thus be necessary to indicate the number of the field PART of the report template to make it possible to distinguish the header and the number from field NUMECT for the lines. In the case of the conversion of a template on several levels, the last level is regarded as that of the detail and this field is empty. Under Adonix UNDERTAKEN, this level is generally marked by "***". |
Displayed in this tab, for the X3 template fields, is the corresponding V3 template field number, not forgetting:
The numbers starting with 1 and reference the start of a data group
In this way, for example, imagine that the V3 export template is composed of a header and lines separated by the 3 *** characters, and that the X3 template is composed of a group named E, level 1 and group L, level 2. Imagine that the V3 file header fields named A,B,C must be taken in the order B,C, followed by a field containing the date, and field A, and that the E, F, G fields are picked up in the order E, G, F, G being multiplied by 100. The following grid is obtained in the General tab,
Code | Level | Table | Break field |
E | 1 | Header table | 1 |
L | 2 | Line table |
The Lines tab displays the following data:
Code | File | Field | Comment | V3 field | Condition | Initialization |
E | Header table | / |
E | Header table | B | B field | 2 |
E | Header table | C | C field | 3 |
E | Header table | D | D field |
| date$ |
E | Header table | A | A field | 1 |
L | Line table | / |
| *** |
L | Line table | E | E field | 1 |
L | Line table | G | G field | 3 |
| val(VALUE)*100 |
L | Line table | F | F field | 2 |
The following fields are present on this tab :
Grid Fields
Define the code for the X3 import template group. |
Define the table involved in the X3 import. |
Define the first involved by the X3 import. |
Title associated to the previous code. |
If the condition is not verified, the field will be empty. In the case of the import of entries with analysis, the filling of the fields SEC(0) to SEC(9) which correspond to the analytical dimensions necessitate the utilisation of the axis number field and it is necessary to use the syntax X=Y, where X is the field number. Example : 1 CODSEC = dimension code. 2 AMOUNT 3 QTY 4 TYPSEC = axis number. 5 NUMECT = entry number. 6 NUMLIG = Line number of general entry. In the X3 conversion template, GACCENTRYA ANALIG. GACCENTRYA CCE(0) 1 serves to recuperate the contents of the field CODSEC v3 4=1 (*). GACCENTRYA CCE(1) 1 serves to recuperate the contents of the field CODSEC v3 4=2 (**). GACCENTRYA CCE(2) 1 serves to recuperate the contents of the field CODSEC v3 4=3 (***). GACCENTRYA QTY 3 serves to recuperate the contents of the field QTY v3 4=1 (*). GACCENTRYA AMTCUR 2 serves to recuperate the contents of the field MONTANT v3. * when the field 4 (typsec) = 1, it is recuperated in CCE (0). ** when the field 4 (typsec) = 2, it is recuperated in CCE (1). *** when the field 4 (typsec) = 3, it is recuperated in CCE (2). |
Indicate a value or expression as the default value for this field. |
Used to execute a transcoding of the V3 import. |
The following fields are included on the window opened through this button : Block number 1
Block number 2
Close This button is used to copy the record definition from or to another folder. Accounting interface - specific caseA specific case exists that is made to manage the accounting interface with analytical postings output from version 3. In fact, when the field decoding is used to assign a field called CCE(i) (i between 0 and 8), the condition i=j is used to condition the allocation of the dimension j according the field present in the line number i of the template: this field represents the current dimension type number to be allocated. This supposes the availability in version 3.9 of the latest patches made on the import template management. Here is an example of the V3 template made to transfer the general entries with analytical postings on the 3 dimensions that are presented, the following fields in order:
The header section of the corresponding X3 template is presented in the following form:
The Lines tab presents the following data (in this example it can be seen that the currency and journal type have been fixed):
The specific point to be considered on this template is the manner that the correspondence between the V3 extracted analytical dimensions is made. In version 3 the 4th field in the analytical data field (ECRANA File) defines the dimension number with the corresponding amount and quantity, this field being repeated as many time as necessary with the *** separator at the end of the group. The specific conditions 4 =1, 4=2, 4=3, dedicated to this template type, are used to allocate CCE(0) with the dimension present in the case where the 4th interface (TYPSEC) field is 1 (which is written as 4=1), CCE(1) with the dimension if TYPSEC=2, CCE(2) with the dimension if TYPSEC=3. The CCE(3) dimension is not used here. This syntax is used to define a correspondence between the 3 analytical dimensions in version 3 and those of Sage X3. |
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
The input and output files must not be identical.
This is a warning: the file to be written already exists and will be overwritten by the result of the operation if it is continued.
An X3 template is being used that does not allow data importation.
Only files of the types ASCII 2 or Delimited are authorized.