Setup >  A/P-A/R accounting >  Payment attributes  

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The setup of the payment attributes is included in the payment management. It is used to define the structure of the accounting entry generated upon payment posting.

A global view of the payment cycle makes it possible to see the involvement of the payment attributes:


The payment attribute is then specified upon payment entry. On automatic payment proposal, the payment attribute set up by default at payment type level will be the one to be submitted.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :


Code identifying the payment attribute, entered as 1 to 5 alphanumeric characters and, specific to each payment line.

Non-compulsory field containing the legislation code (miscellaneous table 909).

The entered value is used upon creation and validation of the folder and upon addition of data during legislation copy.

The data concerning the requested legislations and the common data (legislation code empty) on folder creation.

Only the records concerning the folder legislations are retrieved on folder validation.

The Legislation field is also used as a filter and checked upon movement selection and entry (entry of invoices, payments, journals etc.).

If the field is empty, the current record can be used whatever the legislation of the company concerned by the movement.

  • Description (field DESTRA)

Standard title of the current record.

  • Short description (field SHOTRA)

The short description replaces the standard description when display or print constraints require it.

By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
You can add your translation in another language using the Translation function:

  • Click Translation from the Actions icon in the corresponding field.
  • In the Translation window, add a new language code with the translation in this language.

A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.

SEEINFO The connection language must be defined as a default language for the folder.

The field Group is used to keep a payment attribute for a specific company, a group of companies or a group of sites.
Upon selection and entry of movements, the program checks the site/company consistency.

Block number 2

  • Active (field ENAFLG)

Select this check box so that the data can be used in other records (documents, parameters, etc.) or during a batch process. If not selected, the data is considered to be inactive and it cannot be used in other records.

This access code makes it possible to prohibit access to the current record for some users.

If the field is populated only users that have this access code with read access rights (and write access rights respectively) can view (or with write access rights, modify) the record.

  • Account structure (field ACCTYP)

The generated entry can follow three different patterns:

  • Bank-BP: where the cash account and the account of the Collective account-BP or Account have been posted with movements (used for postings on invoives/credit memos, or for the direct bank charges).
  • Bank-account: where the cash account and the payment line account have been posted with movements (used for the recordings of bank charges in addition to a payment)
  • Account-BP: where the Collective-BP account and the payment line account have been posted with movements (used for revenue or charge allocations to the BP, early discounts, late charges, etc.).

The payment line account is specified at the level of the payment attribute parameters via the accounting code (see documentation on Accounting codes), in the Pre-payment or Accounting code fields.

The initialization of the code for the Control field depends on whether or not the BP/Company tab is present in the BP record (GESBPR).

No BP/Company  tab on the BP record.

When the customer or supplier code is specified, the Control account defined on the Financial tab on the first line of the accounting code is used.

P BP/Company tab present on the BP record.

For a document, the site and the customer or supplier code are the first information entered. The BP record is searched on the BP/Company tab to see if an exception line has been created for the entry site company and, if required, finds the customer or supplier accounting code.

The account of the first line of the accounting code is then used. When the exception line is absent for the entry site company, the Financial tab of the BP record is referenced to identify its code.

  • Accounting sign (field ACCSNS)

Specify the posting sense of the payment lines entered for this payment attribute:

  • Not determined: will depend on the payment sense (Expenditure or Revenue)
  • Revenue: Irrespective of the payment sense, will be considered as a revenue
  • Expenditure: Irrespective of the payment sense, will be considered as an expense.

Payment sense
If the sense of the entry is defined as the payment sense, the amounts entered for this payment attribute are considered as being expenditures or revenues based on the sense of the posted open item or the payment sense.

If the sense of the entry is defined as being an expenditure or a revenue, the amounts entered for this payment attribute will always be considered as such, irrespective of the payment sense.
For instance, charges on a check are always considered as an expenditure, be it a check received or issued.

In the absence of a journal posted on the payment line, the payment sense prevails (see documentation on Payment transactions)

  • Separate journal (field ACCVCRFLG)

This field is optional and it can only be accessed for targets other than 'Bank <=> BP'. If it is filled, it refers to an automatic journal (see documentation Automatic journals). It specifies that the lines of a payment associated with this payment attribute should be posted to a separate journal, since the entry lines generated for payment attributes without "separate journal ref." are all regrouped in the same journal for a payment.

For instance: Payment of € 1.200 € for the Sigma customer

  • Payment of €1.200 on a Customer invoice (Payment attribute ENC Bank <=> BP)
  • Discount of €6 for the same invoice (Payment attribute ESC Account <=> BP, Account 665000)

Posting of line 1 (REG) and Posting of line 2 (ESC).

  • If ESC is associated with a "Separate journal ref.", 2 journals each corresponding to a payment line are generated.
        • SIGMA (C)                     1200
        • SIGMA (C)                     6
        • Bank (D)     1200
        • 665000 (D)          6
  • If the field " Ref. of separate document " is empty, the following entry is generated:
        • SIGMA (C)                     1206
        • 665000 (D)          6
        • Bank (D)     1200

This field is only assigned if a separate journal has been entered, and the account structure implies a cash account (Bank).

The Inter-banking code is a coding used by all banks to indicate the type of banking operations on the lines of the bank statements that are sent to their customers. The list of codes available for selection is defined at the level of miscellaneous table 306.

Journals also have an inter-banking code. The latter is used to facilitate (sort, selection) and to control the bank reconciliation (RAPBAN function) between the postings of a bank account and the lines of the bank statements. The code entered here can be transmitted to the payment posting documents via the automatic payment journals.

The inter-banking code of the payment attributes can be used in the formula field "Inter-banking code" of the automatic journal specified as "Separate journal". This initializes the inter-banking code of the journals generated for the payment lines entered with this payment attribute.

Block number 3

  • Chargeable (field IPTDAC)

Specify if the payment attribute can be posted to an open item and, in this case, the default document type for this open item.

The Bank <=> Account payment attributes can never be posted.

  • Entry type (field IPTCOD)


  • Early discounts/Late charges (field IPTDEP)

This field can only be accessed for 'Account <=> BP' payment attributes and it makes it possible to have the early discount/late charge calculations available upon manual entry of payment lines.
This concerns only the reconciled open items having an early discount/late charge code, and for which the variance between the payment date and the due date justifies that these expenses are taken into account.
Thus for this open item type, entering an additional early discount/late charge line to a payment attribute ticked 'Early discounts/late charges' triggers the calculation of the Early discount/Late charge set up for the corresponding invoice rather than the open item closure proposal.

  • Expense creation (field FLGEXPCRE)

Update 8.0.0 and higher:

This check box is submitted to the FAS activity code.
It is used in the payment entry of a purchase invoice or supplier BP invoice. It is activated in order to indicate that the creation of an early discount line posted on this account must result in the creation of a capitalized expense in the Fixed asset module.
The setup of the accounting code but be in compliance with:
- the Early discount/Late charge box is checked,
- the generated entry matches this pattern: Account <=> BP.

This process can only operate if the following conditions are met:

  • The company is submitted to the German or Austrian legislation.
  • The DEPMGTMOD - Discount management mode parameter (Module TC, group INV) has the value: Distribution by VAT (invoice level).
  • Accounting codes: the accounting allocations of Tax type codes (determined from the tax code on the payment line) are defined for line 13 Adjustment to deduct. These are used for the accounting allocations of the negative expense.
  • Account setup:
    - the Fixed asset tracking must be activated in order to authorize the use of the account on assets and expenditures that are managed in the Fixed assetsmodule,
    - the Expense creation must be authorized,
    - the Accounting nature must be entered.
  • Tax management (field RPCVAT)

Enter the VAT management type associated with the payment attribute. As a function of which, a VAT code will be/will not be entered in the payment lines and different VAT posting structures that will be generated on the posting of a payment.

The user can specify -during setup- wether the payment attribute manages the VTA or not. If it does manage the VAT, different VAT posting structures will be generated upon posting a payment:

  • Pre-payment VAT1 (D) VAT Account VAT2 (C) VAT
  • VAT Recept. or VAT/Expenses Line Account (C) X-VAT
    (except for Bank <=> BP) Account VAT2 (D) VAT

The VAT accounts are defined from the VAT code indicated in the payment line and the associated accounting codes:



Supplier (purchase)

Supplier (Assets)


Reg. VAT collected

Reg. deductibe VAT

Reg. deductibe VAT


VAT collected

deductible VAT for purchases

deductible VAT for assets

Block number 5

The accounts in use can be fixed by the payment attribute or specified during payment entry:

  • for bank attributes of type Bank<=>BP, it is possible to enter a collective pre-payment account by assigning an accounting code of type Payment in the Pre-payment field.
    The payment line are then posted on the specified pre-payment account and not on the payment header BP account.
    SEEINFO  When setting up the accounting code, if the chart of accounts is associated with a main general ledger, the pre-payment account MUST be a collective account.
  • for the other payment attribute types, it is possible to specify the account by entering an accounting code of Payment type in the Code field.
    The distinction is then made between two accounts based on the nature of the payment line (gain or loss).

The accounts in use can be fixed by the payment attribute or specified during payment entry:

  • for the Bank <=> BP payment attributes, it is possible to enter a collective or general pre-payment account by specifying an accounting code of Payment type in the Pre-payment field.
    The payment lines are then posted to the specified pre-payment account and not on the BP account of the payment header.
  • for the other payment attribute types, it is possible to specify the account by entering an accounting code of Payment type in the Code field.
    The distinction is then made between two accounts based on the nature of the payment line (gain or loss).

Amount control

  • Maximum amount (field AMTMAX)

This field can only be accessed for the payment attributes with a Bank <=> Account or Account <=> BP structure.
They are used to run a control of the threshold amount in value. The payment line calls the payment attribute with respect to the payment due date to which it is allocated.
This prevents for instance an early discount to be higher by 10€ than the open item to which it is allocated.
The amounts are expressed in the currency defined in the CURSHRFLD parameter.


  • Maximum % (field PRCMAX)

This field can only be accessed for the payment attributes with a Bank <=> Account or Account <=> BP structure.
They are used to run a control of the threshold amount in percentage. The payment line calls the payment attribute with respect to the payment due date to which it is allocated.
This prevents for instance an early discount to be higher by 15% than the open item to which it is allocated



Specific Buttons

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :

Block number 1

  • field OBJET


  • field CLES


Block number 2

  • From folder (field DOSORG)

Use this field to define the folder from which the record will be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the Dedicated appendix.

  • All folders (field TOUDOS)

Use this option to copy the record to all the folders defined in the dictionary (ADOSSIER table of the current solution).

  • To folder (field DOSDES)

Use this field to define the folder to which the record will be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the Dedicated appendix.


This button is used to copy the record definition from or to another folder.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

"Exceptional account"

If the account class (determined by its first number) is of Exceptional type, it is not possible to associate it with a payment attribute.

Tables used

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