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The Outlook contact management function is used within the framework of the synchronization function of Sage X3 with Outlook.

Contacts can be defined in Outlook independently from Sage X3. This means they are not part of the contacts list.

When an Outlook synchronization is started, the Outlook contact table is used to store the information coming from these Outlook contacts since they do not exist as contacts in the database yet. Similarly, an Outlook contact may not be a contact as such, but linked to a contact. From that moment, its purpose is to reflect the modifications undergone by the contact. Conversely, this contact will also reflect the modifications of the Outlook contact.

Only the "private" Outlook contacts will not be generated as Sage X3 contacts once the synchronization will have started.


The data concerning an Outlook contact are synchronized with an Outlook contact under certain conditions:

  • The user must be a sales representative.
    As a reminder, the AUSCRMA - Function user parameter (CRM chapter, COL group) is used to combine with it a so-called commercial function, while the AUSCRMF - Representative user parameter (CRM chapter, COL group) is used to assign a sales representative code to it.
  • The user must be authorized to start the synchronizations of Outlook contacts and contacts.
  • In addition to the parameters defined at folder level (chapter CRM, group SYN):
    - CRMSYNC - Synchronisation Management
    - CRMSYNCCOR - Contact Synchro Management,
     the individual synchronization parameters must be defined for each user in the Synchronization parameters function.
  • The Outlook contact concerned must be assigned to the user in charge of launching the synchronization.

SEEREFERTTOFor Outlook synchronizations:


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The information stored on an Outlook contact are stored in the Outlook contact table. From the various tabs, these data are classified and they can be completed, modified or deleted.



The synchronization of an Outlook contact induces the recording of a new Outlook contact record in the database.

The header is used to identify the Outlook contact in Sage X3:

  • by assigning it a sequence number. It is a unique key, that can be incremented automatically from the COR sequence number counter or manually entered if the manual assignment of the COR sequence counter number is authorized. Note: on creation of an Outlook correspondent by synchronization, the assignment of the COR sequence number counter must be automatic (otherwise, generation of an error on the sequence number counter). The sequence number counter can be assigned automatically only within the framework of the direct creation of an Outlook contact in the GESCOR function.
  • By recalling the full name (title, first name, last name) taken directly from its mirror contact record created in Outlook.
  • By assigning it a contact sequence number, if need be. It can be a manual association. When a Sage X3 user has identified the Outlook contact as a Sage X3 contact, they are provided with several possibilities from the tunnels accessible from the "Code" field. They can first select a contact that already exists in the database. A selection window opens and lists all the already referenced contacts. In this way, the user can directly access the Contact management function and create a new recording in the contact table. Finally the user can carry out a search of contacts from the identification menu. In the latter case, the system uses the Outlook contact's family name and first name to look for all the homonyms in the contact database.
  • By automatically assigning it a type: contact or representative. This information can neither be entered nor modified. The concrete cases are: an Outlook contact is generated from the synchronization of an Outlook contact, in that case its type will always be "contact". Another possibility is for the Outlook contact to be created manually in Sage X3. This means that it also has the "contact" type. Finally, an appointment in Sage X3 can be associated with one or several intervening parties (sales representatives referenced in the database) that still has/have no associated "Outlook contact" record(s). If the sales representative associated with the connected user is the main organizer of the X3 appointment, upon synchronization of the appointment, the Outlook contact records of the other intervening parties will be generated with type "Sales Rep". This means that, in parallel, the X3 participants will share the appointment and the Outlook calendar will be loaded accordingly with a new event (if they are authorized to use the Outlook synchronization). If the sales representative associated with the connected user is only an intervening party of the X3 appointment, upon synchronization of the appointment, the Outlook contact records of the other intervening parties will not be generated.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 2

Block number 1

  • Sequence no. (field CORNUM)

This code defines the unique key of the Outlook contact's record. This key can be allocated manually or, if it is not entered, it can be defined using the COR sequence number counter of the CRM activities module.

This sequence number counter is comprised by default of a sequence number over 15 characters. To ensure the correct operation of the Outlook contact object, it is strongly advised to keep these standard characteristics.

  • Title (field TTL)

This field is used to select the Outlook contact's title.

  • Contact title (field TTR)

This field is used to give a title to the Outlook contact. The entry of this field is free.

  • Last name (field LNA)

This field is used to define the identity of the Outlook contact and to enter its family name.

  • First name (field FNA)

This field is used to define the identity of the Outlook contact and to enter its first name.

This code defines the unique key in the contact record. This key can be manually assigned or if it is not entered, it can be defined via the CCN sequence number counter.

By default, this counter is constructed of a sequence number made up of 15 characters. To ensure the correct functioning of the Contact object, it is strongly advised to conserve these standard characteristics.

From this area, it is possible to associate with the Outlook contact a contact referenced in the base, to access the detail of a contact record and also to launch a contact search.

  • Type (field CORTYPMEN)

Displays the Outlook contact type: contact or sales representative.



Tab Information


The Information tab enables the user to personally manage their own comments on an Outlook contact in Sage X3.

In effect, it is an image-file type field where the user can freely enter additional information on their Outlook contact. This information is then stored in Sage X3.

Practical cases::

A contact with a comment is created in Outlook and then synchronized with Sage X3. A recording is then created in the Outlook contact table in Sage X3. The Outlook comment has been duly stored in Sage X3 as an image file (clob). Using this current recording, the user can modify the text or add successive comments that will be transferred to Outlook with each synchronization. This is also the case for Outlook: every comment modification is copied during a synchronization process. This applies provided that the user's synchronization parameters authorize it.

As for Sage X3, the comments of the various sales representatives the contact has been assigned to, are successively added to that same image-file type field, which means that they are shared. A tag is used to follow which sales rep has added comments.




The following fields are present on this tab :

  • field CRCCLOB

This image file type field is used to freely enter information on the Outlook contact.



Tab Professional information


Professional information (address, e-mail, office telephone number, company etc.) of an Outlook contact synchronized with Sage X3 is stored in the Outlook contact record, Professional tab

Specific case of the BP code

  • Creation of an Outlook contact with a known company code (already recorded in the BPARTNER - BP table).

As a reminder, an Outlook contact related to a BP implies the sharing of the common information (BP description etc.).

The company code is already referenced in the X3 BP database. In that case, the user at the origin of the creation of the Outlook contact can save the company code with the following syntaxes: #COMPANYCODE# or directly COMPANYCODE. This action causes the update of the BP code in the mirror Outlook contact record once the synchronization has been started. In this way, when a BP/company is known both in Outlook and X3, the #COMPANYCODE# or COMPANYCODE company of the Outlook contact becomes the COMPANYCODE BP of the X3 Outlook contact.


Let us consider the DIS00 Business Partner existing in the X3 database.
Creation of an Outlook contact Mr John SMITH, attached to company #DIS001# or DIS001.
Starting of the contact synchronization, then automatic generation of the mirror Outlook contact.
In the Professional tab, the BP code is updated accordingly with the value DIS001.

  • Creation of an Outlook contact with a company code not identified in the X3 reference base (no recording in the BPARTNER - BP table).

An Outlook contact is created with an unidentified company XYZ (XYZ does not exist in the reference base of the X3 BPs). Once the Outlook contact has been created via synchronization, the BP code (BPRNUM) in the Professional tab is not loaded with the XYZ code since the latter does not exist in the database yet. On the other hand, the BPRLIB (description) field which is in free entry assumes the value of the company code in Outlook, in other words XYZ.

The user can then manually create this XYZ BP in the database, then manually modify the Outlook contact record by adding the XYZ code in the BP field. At the time of the next synchronization, the Outlook contact will be updated accordingly and the attached company code will have the following syntax:  #XYZ#.


Creation of an Outlook contact, Mr John SMITH, attached to company XYZ not referenced in the X3 BP table. The syntax of the company code on the Outlook contact is XYZ.
Starting of the contact synchronization, then automatic generation of the mirror Outlook contact.
In the "Professional" tab, the BP code is empty, but its description takes the value XYZ.

  • Creation of an Outlook contact without any company being entered.

At the time of the synchronization of the Outlook contact without any company code, the BP code of the Outlook contact record will be empty (BPRNUM field). The user can then chose a BP code that already exists in the BPARTNER table (BP table), for instance DIS001. During a new synchronization, the original Outlook contact will be updated with a #DIS001# Company code.

  • Manual creation of an Outlook contact directly from the GESCOR function.

The user can associate a BP code from BPARTNER, for instance DIS002, to this Outlook contact Upon synchronization, an Outlook contact is then created in parallel, with a #DIS002# Company code.

If the user does not associate any BP code from BPARTNER (BPRNUM field) to it, but only a description (free BPRLIB field), for instance ZZ. Upon synchronization, an Outlook contact will then be created in parallel, with a ZZ Company code.

  • Automatic generation of an Outlook contact of type Sales Rep.

As a reminder, an Outlook contact of Sales Rep type is always generated automatically during the synchronization of an X3 appointment for which one of the intervening parties is a sales rep that has no Outlook contact record yet. The current user (the user in charge of the synchronization) must also be the main organizer of the X3 appointment for which this sales rep is entered as a "secondary" intervening party.

The BPRNUM BP code then takes the sales rep code (an X3 sales rep being recorded as a BP in the BPARTNER table) and the professional information is loaded from the reference Sales Rep record. Upon synchronization, a mirror Outlook contact is created but the notion of sales rep is not managed there.

It should be noted that if a sales rep is modified in Outlook, these modifications will not be taken into account during the next synchronization. To take account of the modifications of data related to a sales rep, these modifications need to be manually added to Sage X3, then a new synchronization needs to be launched. Then they will be updated in Outlook.


Generally speaking, any modification of the professional information of an Outlook contact will be transferred to the mirror Sage X3 Outlook contact during a synchronization, provided that the user's synchronization parameters allow it. And conversely.

In the same way, the date of the last modification (in Outlook or in Sage X3) is used as the reference to update a record.

The deletion of a Sage X3 Outlook contact implies the deletion of an Outlook contact at the time of the next synchronization. The deletion of an Outlook contact only implies the deletion of the link with the sales rep code (Assignment tab) and not the deletion of the mirror Sage X3 Outlook contact. The user can manually carry out this deletion later on.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Enter the BP code or use the Lookup tool to search from the BP table.

  • field BPRLIB

Business Partner trade name. This field is modifiable.

  • Function (field FNC)

Outlook contact's function.

  • field FNCX


  • Additional info (field FNCLIB)

Outlook contact's function.

Outlook contact's mission. This field can take one of the values defined in the 906 miscellaneous table.

  • Department (field SRV)

Service to whom the Outlook contact belongs.

  • Address code (field CPYBPANUM)

Code of the Outlook contact's professional address.

  • field CPYBPADES

Description associated with the address code of the Outlook contact.

Country code to which the professional or private address of the Outlook contact is attached.

In the Country table, which controls this field, there is a certain number of characteristics useful to perform controls on dependent information, and especially: the format of addresses and phone numbers.

  • field CPYCRYNAM

Description associated with the country code.

  • field CPYADD

Contains the various address lines of the Outlook contact. The name and entry format of these lines are defined in the country table.

  • Postal code (field CPYZIP)

Postal code to which the professional or private address of the Outlook contact is attached. It is used to determine the town/city and the geographical subdivision if it is defined for the country.
Its entry format is defined in the Country table.
When the postal code is changed the city/town corresponding to the new code is automatically displayed. The principle is the same for the geographical subdivision if it is present for the country. 
It is also possible to manually enter the town/city name. If the town/city is already defined, the associated postal code is automatically displayed.

Particular cases :

- for ANDORRA, indicate 99130
- for MONACO, indicate 99138
- for the other overseas countries, indicate the INSEE code of the country or 99999 if not known.

The control of this information and its mandatory nature depend on the setup performed in the country management. In order for the control to be applied, the POSCOD - Nonexistent postal code alert parameter (SUP chapter, INT group) must also be set to "Yes".

  • City (field CPYCTY)

Town/city to which the professional or private address of the Outlook contact is attached.

The city automatically proposed is the one associated with the postal code previously indicated. It is also possible to manually enter the name of a town/city:

  • if the town/city is already defined, the associated postal code is automatically displayed, 
  •  if the city does not exist and the postal code control has been set up in the Country record, a warning message is displayed but the continuation of the entry is authorized. In addition, the CTY - Nonexistent city alert parameter (SUP chapter, INT group) needs to have the value "Yes" for this control to apply.
  • if the city does not exist and the postal code is not entered, a blocking message is displayed when the postal code is set up as mandatory for the country.


  • Its format is defined in the Country record setup.
  • Depending on this setup, the entered town/city can automatically be converted into uppercase after it has been entered.
  • In order to make selections easier without taking into account the format (accented characters/uppercase letters/lowercase letters), the selection window available on this field proposes a column dedicated to the search, where the names of the towns/cities are displayed in uppercase. The control which is carried out is case-insensitive since it is carried out with respect to the town/city name stored in uppercase.
  • field ITINERAIRE

Click this icon to open a mapping site and locate the entered address.

  • field CPYSAT

This field contains the geographical SDL TEST subdivision corresponding to definition of the postal address. For example, a 'department' for France, and a state for the United-States.

The description of the geographic subdivision, as well as the control on the information entry, are defined in theCountries setup.

This field is automatically loaded after the postal code and town/city have been entered, based on the Postal codes setup.
If the field is controlled, the control is carried out according to the Geographical subdivision table.


  • Telephone (field CPYTEL)

Professional or private telephone number of the Outlook contact. Its format is defined from the country table.

  • Mobile phone (field CPYMOB)

Outlook contact's mobile phone number. Its format is defined from the country table.

  • Fax (field CPYFAX)

Professional or private fax number of the Outlook contact. Its format is defined from the country table.

  • Email (field CPYEML)

Professional or private e-mail address of the Outlook contact. Its format is defined from the country table.



Tab Personal


The personal information relating to an Outlook contact who has been synchronized with Sage X3 are stored in the "Personal" tab of the mirror Outlook contact record. It can concern a private address or a telephone number.

It should be noted that if an Outlook contact is associated with a contact record, then any modification of this record in this function (for instance, addition of a date of birth in the corresponding Outlook contact) leads to a modification in parallel in Contacts (refreshing of the "Date of birth" field in the contact record). In the same way, any modification of the contact related to an Outlook contact also implies the modification of said Outlook contact. These two levels are updated automatically.


Generally speaking, any modification of the personal information of an Outlook contact will be transferred to the mirror Sage X3 Outlook contact during a synchronization, provided that the user's synchronization parameters allow it. And conversely.

In the same way, the date of the last modification (in Outlook or in Sage X3) is used as the reference to update a record.

Professional information (address, e-mail, office telephone number, company etc.) of an Outlook contact synchronized with Sage X3 is stored in the Outlook contact record, "Professional" tab.

The deletion of an X3 Outlook contact implies the deletion of an Outlook contact at the time of the next synchronization. The deletion of an Outlook contact only implies the deletion of the link with the sales rep code (Assignment tab) and not the deletion of the mirror X3 Outlook contact. The user can manually carry out this deletion later on.

Specific case of the BP code

  • Creation of an Outlook contact with a known company code (already recorded in the BPARTNER - BP table).

As a reminder, an Outlook contact related to a BP implies the sharing of the common information (BP description etc.).

The company code is already referenced in the Sage X3 BP database. In that case, the user at the origin of the creation of the Outlook contact can save the company code with the following syntaxes: #COMPANYCODE# or directly COMPANYCODE. This action causes the update of the BP code in the mirror Outlook contact record once the synchronization has been started. In this way, when a BP/company is known both in Outlook and Sage X3, the #COMPANYCODE# or COMPANYCODE company of the Outlook contact becomes the COMPANYCODE BP of the Sage X3 Outlook contact.


Let us consider the DIS00 Business Partner existing in the X3 database.
Creation of an Outlook contact Mr John SMITH, attached to company #DIS001# or DIS001.
Starting of the contact synchronization, then automatic generation of the mirror Outlook contact.
In the Professional tab, the BP code is updated accordingly with the value DIS001.

  • Creation of an Outlook contact with a company code not identified in the Sage X3 reference base (no recording in the BPARTNER - BP table).

An Outlook contact is created with an unidentified company XYZ (XYZ does not exist in the reference base of the X3 BPs). Once the Outlook contact has been created via synchronization, the BP code (BPRNUM) in the "Professional" tab is not loaded with the XYZ code since the latter does not exist in the database yet. On the other hand, the BPRLIB (description) field which is in free entry assumes the value of the company code in Outlook, in other words XYZ.

The user can then manually create this XYZ BP in the database, then manually modify the Outlook contact record by adding the XYZ code in the BP field. At the time of the next synchronization, the Outlook contact will be updated accordingly and the attached company code will have the following syntax:  #XYZ#.


Creation of an Outlook contact, Mr John SMITH, attached to company XYZ not referenced in the X3 BP table. The syntax of the company code on the Outlook contact is XYZ.
Starting of the contact synchronization, then automatic generation of the mirror Outlook contact.
In the "Professional" tab, the BP code is empty, but its description takes the value XYZ.

  • Creation of an Outlook contact without any company being entered.

At the time of the synchronization of the Outlook contact without any company code, the BP code of the Outlook contact record will be empty (BPRNUM field). The user can then chose a BP code that already exists in the BPARTNER table (BP table), for instance DIS001. During a new synchronization, the original Outlook contact will be updated with a #DIS001# Company code.

  • Manual creation of an Outlook contact directly from the GESCOR function.

The user can associate a BP code from BPARTNER, for instance DIS002, to this Outlook contact Upon synchronization, an Outlook contact is then created in parallel, with a #DIS002# Company code.

If the user does not associate any BP code from BPARTNER (BPRNUM field) to it, but only a description (free BPRLIB field), for instance ZZ. Upon synchronization, an Outlook contact will then be created in parallel, with a ZZ Company code.

  • Automatic generation of an Outlook contact of type Sales Rep.

As a reminder, an Outlook contact of Sales Rep type is always generated automatically during the synchronization of an X3 appointment for which one of the intervening parties is a sales rep that has no Outlook contact record yet. The current user (the user in charge of the synchronization) must also be the main organizer of the X3 appointment for which this sales rep is entered as a "secondary" intervening party.

The BPRNUM BP code then takes the sales rep code (a Sage X3 sales rep being recorded as a BP in the BPARTNER table) and the professional information is loaded from the reference Sales Rep record. Upon synchronization, a mirror Outlook contact is created but the notion of sales rep is not managed there.

It should be noted that if a sales rep is modified in Outlook, these modifications will not be taken into account during the next synchronization. To take account of the modifications of data related to a sales rep, these modifications need to be manually added to X3, then a new synchronization needs to be launched. Then they will be updated in Outlook.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Outlook contact's mothertongue. Its code is controlled in the language table.

  • Date of birth (field BIR)

Date of birth of the Outlook contact.

Socio-professional category of the Outlook contact. The possible values are defined in the 907 miscellaneous table.

Country code to which the professional or private address of the Outlook contact is attached.

In the Country table, which controls this field, there is a certain number of characteristics useful to perform controls on dependent information, and especially: the format of addresses and phone numbers.

  • field HOMCRYNAM

Description associated with the country code.

  • field HOMADD

Contains the various lines of the private address of the Outlook contact. The entry of this field is free.

  • Postal code (field HOMZIP)

Postal code to which the professional or private address of the Outlook contact is attached. It is used to determine the town/city and the geographical subdivision if it is defined for the country.
Its entry format is defined in the Country table.
When the postal code is changed the city/town corresponding to the new code is automatically displayed. The principle is the same for the geographical subdivision if it is present for the country. 
It is also possible to manually enter the town/city name. If the town/city is already defined, the associated postal code is automatically displayed.

Particular cases :

- for ANDORRA, indicate 99130
- for MONACO, indicate 99138
- for the other overseas countries, indicate the INSEE code of the country or 99999 if not known.

The control of this information and its mandatory nature depend on the setup performed in the country management. In order for the control to be applied, the POSCOD - Nonexistent postal code alert parameter (SUP chapter, INT group) must also be set to "Yes".

  • City (field HOMCTY)

Town/city to which the professional or private address of the Outlook contact is attached.

The city automatically proposed is the one associated with the postal code previously indicated. It is also possible to manually enter the name of a town/city:

  • if the town/city is already defined, the associated postal code is automatically displayed, 
  •  if the city does not exist and the postal code control has been set up in the Country record, a warning message is displayed but the continuation of the entry is authorized. In addition, the CTY - Nonexistent city alert parameter (SUP chapter, INT group) needs to have the value "Yes" for this control to apply.
  • if the city does not exist and the postal code is not entered, a blocking message is displayed when the postal code is set up as mandatory for the country.


  • Its format is defined in the Country record setup.
  • Depending on this setup, the entered town/city can automatically be converted into uppercase after it has been entered.
  • In order to make selections easier without taking into account the format (accented characters/uppercase letters/lowercase letters), the selection window available on this field proposes a column dedicated to the search, where the names of the towns/cities are displayed in uppercase. The control which is carried out is case-insensitive since it is carried out with respect to the town/city name stored in uppercase.
  • field ITINERAIRE

Click this icon to open a mapping site and locate the entered address.

  • field HOMSAT

This field contains the geographical SDL TEST subdivision corresponding to definition of the postal address. For example, a 'department' for France, and a state for the United-States.

The description of the geographic subdivision, as well as the control on the information entry, are defined in theCountries setup.

This field is automatically loaded after the postal code and town/city have been entered, based on the Postal codes setup.
If the field is controlled, the control is carried out according to the Geographical subdivision table.


  • Telephone (field HOMTEL)

Professional or private telephone number of the Outlook contact. Its format is defined from the country table.

  • Mobile phone (field HOMMOB)

Outlook contact's mobile phone number. Its format is defined from the country table.

  • Fax (field HOMFAX)

Professional or private fax number of the Outlook contact. Its format is defined from the country table.

  • Email (field HOMEML)

Professional or private e-mail address of the Outlook contact. Its format is defined from the country table.



Tab Assignment


This tab presents the list of the sales rep(s) in charge of the Outlook contact.

Once an Outlook contact has been created, then synchronized with Sage X3, a mirror recording in the X3 Outlook contact table is generated in parallel if the synchronization parameters of the current user authorize it.

By default, the sales rep loaded into the assignment list corresponds to the X3 sales rep code associated with the current user in the AUSCRMF - Representative user parameter (CRM chapter, COL group).

Other sales reps in the database can nevertheless be added a posteriori. This causes the same Outlook contact to be shared.

For instance, an Outlook contact is managed by the REP01 sales rep. When adding the REP02 sales rep to the assignment list, this causes the Outlook contact to be shared if the synchronization parameters of both users allow it. If this is the case, the synchronization of the Outlook contact means that this Outlook contact will be generated in the contact list of the second user (related to the REP02 sales rep).

SEEINFO Regarding the deletion of an Outlook contact, at the level of the mirror Outlook contact record, the link with the sales rep is deleted in all cases, even if the contact has been generated previously from the Outlook contact.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Code identifying the sales representative that can be chosen from the sales representative table. It is the sales representative assigned to the Outlook contact.

  • Last name (field REPNAM)

Company name of the selected sales representative.



Menu Bar

Functions / Generate contact

The "Functions/Generate contact" menu in the tool bar is used to directly access the Contact management in creation mode. If the contact is created at this level, when returning to the current Outlook contact record, the Contact code in the header is updated with the newly created contact sequence number and it cannot be modified any longer.

The modifications to the "Contact" record generate the same updates to the Outlook contact record. Conversely, the modifications to the Outlook Contact record generate the same updates to the contact record.

On the other hand, if the Outlook contact is deleted, the contact is not deleted in parallel (links can exist between the contact table and the CONTACTCRM table, namely when the contact is in relation with a BP, for instance). Conversely, deleting the contact causes the deletion of the Outlook contact.

Save / Actions / Appointment

Save / Actions / Call

The "Actions/Plan/Appointment" menu in the tool bar is used to create an appointment directly in the GESBAP function.

  • If a BP code is identified in the "Professional" tab of the Outlook contact, the latter will be picked up in the appointment header.
  • If no BP code is identified, the appointment header will not be updated accordingly.

Save / Actions / Task

The "Actions/Plan/Call" menu in the tool bar is used to create a call directly in the GESCLL function.

  • If a BP code is identified in the Professional tab of the Outlook contact, the latter will be picked up in the call header.
  • If no BP code is identified, the call header will not be updated accordingly.

Save / Actions / Appointment

The "Actions/Plan/Task" menu in the tool bar is used to create a task directly in the GESTSK function.

  • If a BP code is identified in the Professional tab of the Outlook contact, the latter will be picked up in the task header.
  • If no BP code is identified, the task header will not be updated accordingly.

Save / Actions / Call

The "Actions/Save/Appointment" menu in the tool bar is used to create an appointment directly in the GESBAP function.

  • If a BP code is identified in the "Professional" tab of the Outlook contact, the latter will be picked up in the appointment header.
  • If no BP code is identified, the appointment header will not be updated accordingly.

Save / Actions / Task

The "Actions/Save/Call" menu in the tool bar is used to create a call directly in the GESCLL function.

  • If a BP code is identified in the Professional tab of the Outlook contact, the latter will be picked up in the call header.
  • If no BP code is identified, the call header will not be updated accordingly.

Save / Actions / Task

The "Actions/Save/Task" menu in the tool bar is used to create a task directly in the GESTSK function.

  • If a BP code is identified in the Professional tab of the Outlook contact, the latter will be picked up in the task header.
  • If no BP code is identified, the task header will not be updated accordingly.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation