Common data >  BPs >  Sales reps  

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A sales representative is a business partner (BP). As such it is identified in the business partner (BP) table as well as in the sales representative table. This function allows the user to maintain the sales representative table and its associated tables: BP and Addresses. It authorizes the creation, the inquiry and the updating of the information specific to a rep as well as those associated with the BP.

This function is accessible directly from the menu or from the business partner management using a button.


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Screen management

A sales representative is created with the help of a maximum of three tabs. Two of these tabs come from the BP record that has previously been created. The tabs that are common to both the BP and Sales representative records are: Identity and addresses. Any modification made on one or more of these common tabs is automatically saved in the BP table. In all cases, all the tabs are accessible at the level of the sales representative record.

The two tabs common to the BP management and the sales representative management are described in the BP documentation. The tab belonging to the sales representative management itself is described below.



The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Sales rep (field REPNUM)

Code identifying the sales representative that can be directly entered or chosen from the sales representative table.

  • X3 user (field REPUSRX3)

This box is automatically checked when the sales rep is identified as a Sage X3 user.
This identification is performed by entering the sales rep code at the level of the user parameter AUSCRMF - Sales Rep (CRM chapter, COL group).
For this purpose, it is necessary that the 3 following conditions be met:



Tab Identity


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Short description (field BPRSHO)

Title used in some screens or reports when there is not enough space to view the long title.

By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
You can add your translation in another language using the Translation function:

  • Click Translation from the Actions icon in the corresponding field.
  • In the Translation window, add a new language code with the translation in this language.

A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.

SEEINFO The connection language must be defined as a default language for the folder.

  • Acronym (field BPRLOG)

BP's acronym.

  • field BPRNAM

Business partner name.

  • Natural person (field LEGETT)


This code is used to identify amongst other things, the Country of a BP.
This is important information, associated with a number of characteristics useful for performing controls on other linked information, in particular:

  • the telephone number format,
  • the format of the number used to identify a company or activity (SIRET, SIC) and whether the entry is mandatory,
  • the postal code format of the town and also the code of the geographic subdivision, and whether their entry is mandatory,
  • whether the VAT number of this community is mandatory,
  • the Bank ID code format.

Code controlled in the language table making it possible to define the language of a business partner.

  • Site tax ID no. (field CRN)

Single identification number for the company.
It is mandatory to enter this number if both the following conditions are satisfied:

  • its entry is set to mandatory by setup of the country record,
  • the BP is a corporate body.

Its entry format depends on the setup carried out at the level of the Country record.

In France, this number, assigned by the INSEE on registering a company with the national registrar of companies, contains 9 numbers, is unique and cannot be changed. This is used by all public bodies and the administrations in contact with businesses.

  • SIC code (field NAF)

This fields displays the SIC code (subject to activity code KFA), according to the French company's activity codification.

  • EU VAT no. (field EECNUM)

This is the VAT identification number of the BP. 

This European VAT number must be entered on all the invoices destined to or coming from the European Union. This number starts with two letters identifying the business partner country followed by a number depending on the country.

In France the number is comprised of FR, then 2 numbers identifying the tax office of the place where the company conducts its activities, followed by the Company tax ID no.(SIREN) of the company.

This information must necessarily be entered if the Company Registration number is set up as being mandatory for the country of the company.

This code is used to identify the currency for a site, BP, etc. It is managed in the currency table.
The currency proposed by default is that of the budget.
The exchange rate type applied is based on the BUDTYPCUR - Budget conversion rate type (BUD chapter, CMM group) parameter setting.

SEEINFO It is recommended to use the ISO coding during the creation of a new currency.

  • Mailing prohibited (field BPRFBDMAG)


  • EU VAT ID validation (field EVCVAL)

Note: This field is only available if a web service is identified in the EVCSERVICE – Webservice for EU VAT ID parameter (CPT chapter, VAT group) and the sender's EU VAT ID is set in the EVCCOMPANY—EU VAT ID source company parameter (CPT chapter, VAT group)

Click the Validation action to interactively validate your EU VAT ID.

A message box displays with the validation results. The exact content varies by check result and web service used.

  • If the validation was successful, you receive a confirmation message and the Validation check box is selected.
  • For an unsuccessful validation, you receive a message that displays the reason for the failed validation.
  • If no full validation could be performed (for example, if only the VAT ID was validated and not the address), you have the option to accept the results as valid or not. If you select Yes, the Validation check box is selected.

Note: Successful validation results are stored in a table.

If a previously-validated VAT ID is modified, the Validation check box is cleared.

Validation levels:

A Qualified validation verifies the EU VAT ID and company name and address. All data must be valid.

An Unqualified or simple validation only verifies the EU VAT ID. Note that the EU validation web service performs only unqualified validations.

Address management:

Results are recorded with the original address code.

For the main EU VAT ID, the standard company address is used.

You can manually revalidate IDs using the EU VAT ID revalidation function (EVCBAT).

  • Validated (field EVCVALDON)

If a previously-validated VAT ID is modified, the Validation check box is cleared.

A message box displays with the validation results. The exact content varies by check result and web service used.

  • If the validation was successful, you receive a confirmation message and the Validation check box is selected.
  • For an unsuccessful validation, you receive a message that displays the reason for the failed validation.
  • If no full validation could be performed (for example, if only the VAT ID was validated and not the address), you have the option to accept the results as valid or not. If you select Yes, the Validation check box is selected.

Note: This field is only available if a web service is identified in the EVCSERVICE – Webservice for EU VAT ID parameter (CPT chapter, VAT group) and the sender's EU VAT ID is set in the EVCCOMPANY—EU VAT ID source company parameter (CPT chapter, VAT group)


  • Intersite (field BETFCY)

This flag is designed to indicate if this is an inter-site BP:

  • The inter-site customer/supplier BPs are used for multi-site exchanges.
  • A customer BP is a purchase site or a financial site,
  • a supplier BP is a sales site or a financial site.

Site code that has to be identified as a BP within the frame of multi-site exchanges.

The following data need to be entered:

  • The requesting site (purchase or financial sites) at the level of the customer BP.
  • The supplying site (sales or financial sites) at the level of the supplier BP.
  • For the customer, a warehouse site, belonging to the same company, will identify each ship-to address.


  • Customer (field BPCFLG)


  • Sales rep (field REPFLG)


  • Prospect (field PPTFLG)


  • Supplier (field BPSFLG)


  • Miscellaneous BP (field BPRACC)


  • Service supplier (field PRVFLG)

This option is used to include a BP among the list of after-sales service providers.

An after-sales service provider is an organization that may be called on to conduct

an intervention to be carried out for a service request (Repair, advice, audit, quote etc...)

For each service provider, it is possible to register their skills, their geographic intervention area,

their price list conditions for invoicing.

  • Carrier (field BPTFLG)


  • Service caller (field DOOFLG)

The contractor represents the actual customer for whom a service request is made.
When a service request does not include any contractor, the service is supplied on behalf of the direct customer of the current organization.
By contrast, when a service request includes a contractor, the service is provided to the customer but is is made on behalf of the contractor. The customer receiving assistance is not the organization's customer but the contractor's.
Regarding invoicing, the data loaded by default is the contractor's (invoiced customer, pay-by BP, ...). Therefore, it is mandatory to create a customer record for the contractor.
This option makes it possible to discern the contractor population.
This option is also mandatory to be able to link customers to their contractor(s).



Tab Addresses


The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Addresses

  • Address code (field CODADR)

Address code of the business partner (BP).


  • Address code (field XCODADR)

This code is used to identify the various addresses associated with the managed record (user, company, site, business partner of any description, etc.).
Each address code is unique to a given record.
In general, it is mandatory to enter an address for each record, and one of them must be declared as the default address using the corresponding box.

You cannot modify or delete an address code when it is used at the level of a Bank ID number or for a contact.
In this case, to be able to modify or delete an address code, you first need to remove it from the level of the Bank ID number or contact.

  • Description (field XBPADES)

Specify the information linked to the address.

This code is used to identify the country associated with the address.

In the Country table, which controls this field, some specific characteristics are used to perform controls on the related information, in particular:

  • the phone number format,
  • the format of the number identifying a company or an activity (SIRET, NAF in France),
  • the format of the postal/town-city code as well as that of the geographical subdivision, and whether their entry is mandatory or not,
  • the format of the bank ID number,
  • the IBAN management.
  • Description (field XCRYNAM)

Title associated to the previous code.

  • field XADDLIG1

This table lists the various address lines. The formats of the title and of the entry are defined in the country table.

  • Postal code (field XPOSCOD)

The postal code, which entry format is defined in the Country table, is used to define the town/city, state/region and the geographical subdivision, if defined for the country.
If you modify the postal code, the city/town and state/region corresponding to this new code are automatically displayed. The principle is the same for the geographical subdivision if it is present for the country.
You can also directly enter a town/city name or state/province. If the city/town, state/region are defined, the associated postal codes are displayed automatically.
The control of this information and its mandatory nature depend on the setup carried out in the country management. For the control to be applied, the POSCOD - Warning nonexistent postal code parameter (SUP chapter, INT group) must also be set to 'Yes'.

Particular cases:

- for ANDORRA, indicate 99130,
- for MONACO, indicate 99138,
- for the other foreign countries, indicate the national identifier of the country or 99999 if not known.

When the postal code is defined as mandatory for the country, it must be entered if the Postal Code or City/town fields are entered, or if information is modified in the BP address window. However, this control is not applied in document creation.

  • City (field XCTY)

The city automatically suggested is the one associated with the postal code previously indicated. It is also possible to manually enter the name of a town/city:
- If the town/city is already defined, the associated postal code is automatically displayed,
- If it does not exist and the postal code control has been set up in the Country record, a warning message is displayed but the continuation of the entry is authorized (in order for this control to be applied, the CTY - Nonexistent city alert parameter - SUP chapter, INT group - must also be set 'Yes'),
- If it does not exist and the postal code is set up as mandatory for the country, a blocking message is displayed in case the fields Postal code or City/Town are entered or in case of modification of information in the address window of the BP. However, this control is not carried out in document creation.


  • Its format is defined in the Country record setup.
  • Depending on this setup, the entered town/city can automatically be converted into uppercase after it has been entered.
  • In order to make selections easier without taking into account the format (accented characters/uppercase letters/lowercase letters), the selection window available on this field proposes a column dedicated to the search, where the names of the towns/cities are displayed in uppercase.
  • field ITINERAIRE

Click this icon to open a mapping site and locate the entered address.

  • field XSAT

This field contains the geographical SDL TEST subdivision corresponding to definition of the postal address. For example, a 'department' for France, and a state for the United-States.

The description of the geographic subdivision, as well as the control on the information entry, are defined in theCountries setup.

This field is automatically loaded after the postal code and town/city have been entered, based on the Postal codes setup.
If the field is controlled, the control is carried out according to the Geographical subdivision table.

  • Website (field XFCYWEB)

This field is used to indicate a web site.

  • External identifier (field XEXTNUM)

This free field makes it possible to stock a variable identifier, which can be used for specific processing.
Example: when generating international transfer files in XML format, the content of this field identifies the credited BP, when the SIRET number is missing (see setup of Bank files).

  • Default address (field XBPAADDFLG)

When selected, this check box indicates that this is the default address.
Only one of the addresses in the selected record can (and must) be selected. This always corresponds to one of the BP's addresses.


  • field ATYPTEL


  • field XTEL1

This field indicates the phone number. Its entry format depends on the country.
The level of control applied to the entered number format depends on the general parameter CTLTEL - Phone number control (SUP chapter, INT group).


  • field ATYPWEB


  • field XWEB1

This field is used to specify the email address of the contact.



Tab General


All the information related to the commission method for the sales representative is to be entered. It is firstly necessary to define the commission basis. The choice is between the net price (discounted price), the margin (net price - production cost) and a formula. If a commission basis with a formula is chosen, it will be necessary to then associate a formula code with each role of this sales representative in an invoice (principal or secondary sales representative).

Once the commission basis is determined, on or two commission rates will be associated with the sales representative by commercial category. The first rate corresponds to the rate of the sales representative when they are the principal sales representative on an invoice, the second rate corresponds to the sales representative when they are the secondary sales representative on an invoice.

The commercial category corresponds to correlation with the customers. In fact this information is present in each customer record. If a sales representative is assigned to an invoice involving a customer, their rate will depend on the Customer category. The commercial category is a local menu that can be set up (local menu 403).

The rule for the assignment of the sales representative in the sales cycle is as follows. A sales representative may be associated with a customer or with a shipment address for this customer. If a sales representative is assigned to the customer, they will always have priority over the sales representative associated with the shipment address.

Regarding the commission rules, it is possible to weight the commission rate for the sales representative on each line of an invoice by entering a weighting coefficient. This weighting coefficient can be determined according to certain management rules. These rules are defined in the price list setup function.

The calculation of the commission that must be given to the sales representatives is carried out by means of the COMREP report.

This tab is also used to enter the accounting information such as the accounting code, which is used to provide the accounting characteristics of the postings linked to the sales representative by defining the control accounts, the accounts, even the parts of the accounts used by default in the automatic journals and the analytical dimension for each dimension type, used as default value in the different documents in the sales cycle, thanks to the corresponding setup.

Each sales representative has a "Function" field. If this field is entered, it signifies that the sales representatives record has been created at the same time as a user record: the "Function" is indicated at the level of the user parameter AUSCRMA - Function (CRM chapter, COL group). The function conditions the access to certain fields in the CRM section:

  • "User code":
    This field is entered only if the sales rep is a Sage X3 user. It indicates the user code to which the sales rep is linked (AUSCRMF - Sales rep parameter - CRM chapter, COL group).
  • "Daily call objective":
    This field is only accessible for the sales representatives whose function is "Tele-sales".
    It is used to indicate the daily calls objective assigned to a telesales person. This field is very important to ensure the correct functioning of the call campaign distribution processes.
  • "Number of late calls":
    This field displays the total number of late calls in the employee workbench. This information is principally designed for the service managers in order to measure any overloads imposed on the employees.
  • "Sales site":
    This field indicates the site from which the sales representative manages most of their commercial activates.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Commission base (field COMBAS)

Flag designed to determine the commission basis used when calculating the sales representative's commissions.
The calculated commissions are the result of commission basis multiplied by the commission rate.
This commission basis can be the net price (discounts included) or the margin (net price - production price) or a calculation formula.

Code of the formula controlled in the formulas table and designed to determine the commission basis of the sales rep when this one is entered in the first row of the invoice.
This formula code is necessarily of Sales rep commission type and can only be entered when the commission basis is a calculation formula.

Code of the formula controlled in the formulas table and designed to determine the commission basis of the sales rep when this one is entered in the second row of the invoice.
This formula code is necessarily of Sales rep commission type and can only be entered when the commission basis is a calculation formula.

Grid Commission rate

  • No. (field NOLIG)


  • Sales categories (field COMSDI)


  • Comm rate 1 (field COMRAT1)

Commission rate of the Sales rep entered in the first invoice row.

  • Comm rate 2 (field COMRAT2)

Commission rate of the Sales rep entered in the second invoice row.


The accounting code is a default value used in the setting up of accounting journals. It refers to a table in which a certain number of elements can be found (collectives, accounts or parts of accounts) that can be used to determine the accounting journals that will be posted.

Customer relation

This field which cannot be entered, is used only if the sales rep is a Sage X3 user. It indicates the user code to which the sales rep is linked (AUSCRMF - Sales rep parameter - CRM chapter, COL group).

  • Daily call objective (field OBJCLL)

This field concerns only tele-marketers.
It is used to assign to them an average number of calls to be carried out each day.
This information is used by the different call distribution methods in the call campaign assistant.

  • No. of late calls (field CLLDEL)

This field displays the total number of calls that are late by sales representative.
The commercial managers have two contextual menus available with which to manage a situation where at least one late call exists:

  • The "Re-activate the calls" menu is used to re-plan all the late calls to the current date.
  • The "Delete late calls" menu is used to delete all the late calls for this sales representative.

This field represents the site from which the sales representative conducts their commercial activity.

Grid Analytical


The setup determines whether the analytical dimensions can be modified. These are initialized in compliance with the default dimension setup.

In creation mode, if no order line has been entered and the project code is modified, analytical dimensions are reset based on the setup of the default dimensions.

In creation mode, as in modification mode, if an order line has been entered and the project code is modified, analytical dimensions are not reset.


  • Function (field FNC)

By default, this field contains the value "Other".
The function is entered only when a Sage X3 user is associated with the sales rep record. This function corresponds to the value of the AUSCRMA - Function parameter (CRM chapter, COL group) of the user associated with the sales rep record. The right-click option "User information" is available in the field containing the identification code of the sales rep.

SEEREFERTTOThe setup used to indicate that the sales rep is a Sage X3 user is provided at the level of the field help "X3 Users".




By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  SALESREP : Sales rep listing

This can be changed using a different setup.

Menu Bar

Inquiries / Accounts

This menu is used to view the sales representative account (all control accounts together by default). The account inquiry allows multiple zooms/tunnels according to the case.

User information

If the sales representative record has been created from a user record, the Sales representative contains a contextual menu named User information. This menu is used to access the user record associated with the sales representative record.

The additional information stored in the CRM tab can then be viewed.

Sales representative search

Because of the potentially large number of sales representatives in a commercial database, possessing a rapid and ergonomic tool to access a record is highly recommended.

In fact, it quickly becomes difficult to remember the key for each record.

Thus the Sales representative field provides an accelerated search function of a Sales representative record available from the contextual search menu Search.

The following searches are possible:

1 / Search on the start of the company name.
2 / Search by each post code start.
3 / Search on each town/city name start.
4 / Accumulated search on each search field.

The lower section of the screen displays the results of each search. A search is renewed at the time of each tabulation carried out on one of these criteria.

NB : The search is carried out on on the Sales representative population.

A click on the Select button closes the window and qualifies the Sales representative with the key of the selected sales representative. A tab on the Sales representative field is used to display the selected sales representative record.

Deletion of a sales representative

If a sales representative record is associated with a user record, it cannot be deleted. The deletion of such a sales representative record is only possible by means of the deletion of the associated user record.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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