Declarations >  Tax management >  Australia >  GST report >  GST report archive  

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This function only displays data created by the deprecated GST report function.

To acces GST data, use the GST reporting periods function. In GST reporting periods, you can review GST data, manually enter BAS values, and generate the report necessary to prepare the data required for submitting to the Australian Tax Office (ATO).


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


The fields in the Selection block are optional and you can run a search with no search criteria to generate a list of all GST reports run in Actual mode.
The fields in the grid provide display-only information for each report in the list. The Selected check box at the beginning of each row is used to select a report for printing.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Enter a company to search GST reports for a specific company.
  • Report number (field SRPTNUM)
Enter a report number to search for a specific GST report.
Enter a site to search GST reports for a specific site.


  • Selected (field SELECT)
Select this check box to print the report.



Specific actions

Before clicking this button, select a report in the grid.

Leave the selection fields blank to generate a list of all GST reports.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

This function displays only data created by the deprecated GST report function.

All GST and BAS data and reporting is managed in the GST reporting periods function.

To access any other GST data please use function GST periods.

All GST and BAS data and reporting is managed in the GST reporting periods function.

This function is deprecated. Please use GST period function instead.

All GST and BAS data and reporting is managed in the GST reporting periods function.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation