This function is used to manage the personalization setup of the material tracking plan screens.
At least one standard transaction of material tracking plan is delivered with the installation of the software. It can either be modified or deleted with this function, which can also be used to create new ones.
It is possible to set up different transactions for the material tracking plan. Each transaction, identified by a code and a label, appears in a selection window when calling the "Material tracking plan" option.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Specifying the setup is done by entering information into the header and the three tabs.
The transaction header enables the user to create new transaction codes or to search existing transactions to modify or delete. It is composed of two sections:
This is the code identifying the setup of the material tracking plan transaction. A description is assigned to each setup transaction code. These are the two pieces of information that appear in the selection window suggested at the start of material tracking plan entry.
Transactions can be filtered according to the users, thanks to the addition of this access code: if the field is entered, only the users who have this access code in their profile will be able to access the transaction.
If several transactions are set up for a function, and the user only has access to one of them because of the access codes, the selection window is no longer suggested: the access is by direct entry.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Material tracking plan
This field indicates the code of the setup transaction. |
Transaction description. |
This flag is used to activate or deactivate a transaction. |
Access code that is used to restrict access to data by user or group of users. |
In this tab, the following must be defined:
The following fields are present on this tab :
This field indicates if the transaction authorizes the tracking on WO. |
This field indicates if the transaction authorizes the tracking on BOM. |
This setup is a constraint for the user to choose manually the stock for consumption. |
The presence of this box is subject to activity code WRH.
The presence of this field is subject to activity code WRH.
In this tab, the following must be defined:
The following fields are present on this tab :
Default value of the filterfield. |
Parameter used to define if, for this entry transaction, the filter must be:
This flag is used to filter the records to be tracked based on their stock issue mode.
This field gives the main sort criteria for the table of records to be processed. |
This field gives the second sort criteria for the table of records to be processed. |
Movement group, initialized by the movement group of the transaction being used. |
This field is used to specify, for this transaction, the code of the accounting automatic journal used to generate, via the stock accounting interface, the accounting postings along with the stock movements created with this transaction. |
A stock transaction code is used to specify rules within a similar transaction type.
The movement code is used to define specific stock receipt rules and stock issue rules for some transactions. Expert users could for instance authorize a receipt to stock of goods with the status A using a dedicated transaction, whereas for all other users the goods will have the status Q. |
This setup is used to define, for this transaction, whether the stock issue must be automatically determined or must be chosen manually. |
This tab makes it possible to define all the columns that should be displayed in the material tracking plan, along with their display order.
Also specified here is whether the quantities consumed should be pre-loaded or not.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
Preload of times/quantities carried out. |
Block number 2
This field indicates the maximum number of lines in the grid. |
The first N columns specified in this field remain visible on the screen when scrolling. |
Grid List of fields
Use this column to define which fields are to be displayed and the order in which those fields are displayed.
In this function, the following fields cannot be accessed:
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
Parameter used to define if, for this transaction, the analytical dimensions fields of the document header must be:
This setup is used to define, for this entry transaction, if the analytical distribution key at line and invoicing element level must be:
Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:
Specify for this transaction if the analytical dimension fields related to stock movements must be:
Grid Dimension line
You can enter an analytical dimension type code on each table line. |
Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, if the analytical dimension must be:
Action icon
Click the Preload dimensions action to load the default dimensions defined for a selected group of sites or companies.
This button is used to save the setup carried out and trigger the generation of the corresponding screens: |
This button allows the user to copy the transaction to another folder. |
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
You do not have the rights for this code
This message appears when the access code entered does not exist in the user profile. To solve this problem, it is necessary to choose an access code from the list displayed or (provided you have the authorization) to add the requested access code to the user profile.