This function is used to define the differentiation keys for each movement type. Upon Stock accounting interface, it is therefore possible to aggregate the movements or not aggregate them depending on the parameters indicated in this function.
Refer to documentation Implementation
This function is composed of a single screen.
The entry screen contains two sections:
The header which indicates the movement types for which differentiation criteria are defined
The differentiation criteria:
Here are specified the fields which will be used to differentiate the movements to prevent the aggregation. For example, if the user wants one entry per product, the field which contains the product must be entered in one of the keys.
The criteria (Key 1 to Key 5 fields) can be expressions that contain constants, functions and operators, and fields from the STOJOU table exclusively.
These differentiation criteria can be very diverse. For example:
By date: format$("D:4Y2M2D",[STJ]IPTDAT)
By month: format$("D:4Y2M",[STJ]IPTDAT)
By customer: [STJ]BPRNUM
By product: [STJ]ITMREF
By storage site: [STJ]STOFCY
By lot: [STJ]LOT
By sub-lot: num$([STJ]SLOT)
By project: [STJ]PJT
By original document: [STJ]VCRTYP+num$([STJ]VCRNUM)
By document line (to combine with the previous): num$([STJ]VCRLIN)
The user must therefore enter the criteria differentiating the entries in Key 1 to Key 5, knowing that:
Two different sets of criteria always correspond to two different accounting entries
If all the criteria are equal, a single entry containing as many lines as necessary is created. These lines can be aggregated by same account, nature, tax code, and entry title with the automatic journal mechanism. If for example there is no differentiation by product, but the posting uses an account dependent on the product, there will be as many entry lines in the journal as there are different accounts dependent on the product. If the accounts are identical, but the analytical dimensions are not, an analytical distribution is automatically performed.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
Stock movement type. |
Aggregation criteria
Specify the grouping criterion. |