Some payments require an additional phase before they can be recorded as settled from an accounting viewpoint: draft management posting. This phase is defined during the parameterization of the payment transactions.
This process is thus used to generate draft management postings.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The draft management posting processing of payments can be carried out:
The payments to be posted to draft management for all the companies can be processed. It is also possible to limit the selection to the payments of only one company (uncheck the option "All companies").
A selection can be performed on a site: Only the payments recorded on this site are dealt with.
The entry can be limited to a specific entry batch or concern those payments that have not been associated with an entry batch (deactivated flag, no number entered).
Since all the payments are organized and sorted by payment transaction, it is possible to limit the selection of the payments to be processed to a single payment transaction.
The selection can take place at user level. Only those payments that are recorded by the specified user are taken into account.
It is possible to perform a selection for a currency group or a particular transaction currency. Only those payments recorded in the selected currency(ies) are proposed.
The selection can be defined for a limit accounting date.
This option is used to define whether the processing is a simulation or if the entries are posted to the journal of the "drafts to be received" or of the "drafts to be paid".
This option is used to generate a log file indicating the numbers of payments processed.
The following fields are present on this tab :
To select the payments regardless of the related companies, check the "All companies" field. |
To select the payments regardless of the related sites, check the "All sites" field. |
Block number 2
To select the payments regardless of the related transaction, check the "All transactions" field. |
To select the payments regardless of their related entry batch, check the "All entry batches" field. |
To select the payments regardless of which user has carried out the last entry, check the "All users" field. |
To select the payments regardless of the related currency, check the "All currencies" field. |
To select the payments regardless of their last entry date, this field should be left empty. |
When unchecking this field, no payment is posted. The log file is forced in order to obtain the list of selected payments concerned by this posting stage. Check this field to post the selected payments. |
Check this field to obtain at the end of the processing the list of generated documents (Type and Document Number: Type and Payment number, BP/Account, Accounting date, Bank, Amount and Currency for the payment). |
Block number 4
This field specifies the value date to assign to the generated documents.