Projects >  Projects >  Project copy  

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Use this function to copy the following types of project from one parent project code to another project code: 

  • Resource planning (Project management) projects
  • Combined Customer relationship (CRM)/Project management projects
  • Template projects (used as a model for creating new projects)
     Template projects have the Template check box on the project (Project tab) selected.

 The standard Sage X3 duplication (copy) functionality has been disabled for projects. To duplicate projects you must either use this dedicated function, or the Project copy action directly from a project.


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Screen management

The Project copy function is structured as follows:

  • Header information. Use this section to define the source project and elements of the project to be duplicated in, or copied to a new project code.
  • Operational (task) and budget tables. Use this section to select (or deselect) individual task and budget lines to copy to the destination project code. These tables are displayed when you have defined the source project.
  • Additional criteria. This section displays very specific options that you can use to control data that can be copied to the destination project code.



Use this section to define the source project and elements of the project to be duplicated in, or copied to a new project code.

When you have defined your source project code the task and budget tables (grids) are populated with the project structures for the source project, as appropriate. Use the task and budget grids to individually select (or deselect) lines in the structures to be copied to the destination project code.

 Tip: Use the check boxes in the Tasks and Budgets blocks in the header information to select or deselect all task and budget lines.




The following fields are present on this tab :


This field displays the sales site from which this project is managed.

Use this field to define the parent (or source) project code, or template project code to be duplicated.

 This field displays the code of the current parent project or template project code, if you accessed this function directly from the project (using the Project copy action).

  • field OPPDES

This field displays the description of the particular project or job.

  • New project (field DESTAFF)

Use this field to define the destination project code. Type in a project number (or code) or leave blank to generate the next number on file.

 The destination project code is generated automatically using the sequence code PJM if you leave this field (field New project) blank.

  • Description (field DESDES)

Use this field to provide a description for the particular project or job.


  • Project description (field AFFDESC)

Leave this check box selected to copy the full, free-format description (expandable/collapsible field Description (OPPDESTEX)) from the source project to the destination project code. To leave the full project description in the destination project code blank, clear this check box.

  • Project comment (field AFFCOM)

Click this check box to copy the free-format comment (expandable/collapsible field Comment (OPPCOMTEX)) associated with the project from the source project to the destination project code.


  • All tasks (field TACALL)

Click this check box to copy the complete operational (task) structure from the source project to the destination project code.

 With this check box selected all task lines in the table are selected. You can, however, deselect lines that are not to be copied by clearing individual check boxes.

  • All product lines (field TASPRL)

Leave this check box selected to copy all material requirements tasks from the source project to the destination project code. If you do not want to copy material requirements tasks to the destination project code, clear this check box.

 With this check box selected all material requirement task lines in the operational (task) structure are selected. You can, however, deselect lines that are not to be copied by clearing individual check boxes.

  • All operation lines (field TASOPL)

Leave this check box selected to copy all task operations (labor tasks) from the source project to the destination project code. If you do not want to copy labor tasks to the destination project code, clear this check box.

 With this check box selected all task operation lines in the table are selected. You can, however, deselect lines that are not to be copied by clearing individual check boxes.

  • All assignment lines (field TASASSL)

Click this check box to copy all employee lines assigned to task operations (labor tasks) from the source project to the destination project code.

 With this check box selected all employee lines assigned to task operations in the operational (task) structure are selected. You can, however, deselect lines that are not to be copied by clearing individual check boxes.


  • All budgets (field BUDALL)

Click this check box to copy the complete budget (cost) structure from the source project to the destination project code.

 With this check box selected all budget lines in the table are selected. You can, however, deselect lines that are not to be copied by clearing individual check boxes.

  • All budget lines (field BLIGNES)

Leave this check box selected to copy all expense forecasts for all chargeable budget codes from the source project to the destination project code. If you do not want to copy expense forecasts to the destination project code, clear this check box.

 With this check box selected all expense forecasts for all chargeable budget codes in the table are selected. You can, however, deselect lines that are not to be copied by clearing individual check boxes.



Tab Tasks


This section is populated with the operational (task) structure for the source project when you have defined your source project code. Use the table (grid) to individually select (or deselect) lines in the task structure to be copied to the destination project code.

 Budgets linked to tasks that you have selected to be copied to the destination project will be copied automatically. Parent tasks and budgets are also copied.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Tasks

  • Select (field SELTAC)

Click this check box to select this line.

  • Task code (field TASCOD)

This field displays the specific task operation code from the operational (task) structure of the parent (or source) project that can be duplicated in the destination project code. Each task code corresponds with an operational phase of a project.

  • Task description (field TASDES)

This field displays the description of the task operation.

  • Parent code (field TASPAE)

This field displays the top (or parent) level code in the operational (task) structure of the parent (or source) project. The parent level is used to group tasks together.

  • Destination code (field TASNCOD)

This field displays the task code from the operational (task) structure of the parent (or source) project that will be duplicated in the destination project code. Type in a different task code, if required.

  • Task description (field TASNDES)

This field displays the description from the operational (task) structure of the parent (or source) project that will be duplicated in the destination project code. Type in a different description, if required.

This field displays the site defined as the operating site (field Operating site) for the destination project but can be amended.

  • Linked budget (field TASPBU)

This field displays the chargeable budget code linked to this task. Budget codes enable consolidation of expenses coming from the tasks on the project budget (cost) structure.



Tab Budgets


This section is populated with the budget (cost) structure for the source project when you have defined your source project code. Use the table (grid) to individually select (or deselect) lines in the budget structure to be copied to the destination project code.

 Budgets linked to tasks that you have selected to be copied to the destination project will be copied automatically. Parent tasks and budgets are also copied. Tasks linked to budgets that you select here are not copied automatically.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Budgets

  • Select (field SELBUD)

Click this check box to select this line.

  • Budget code (field PBUCOD)

This field displays the specific budget code from the budget (cost) structure of the parent (or source) project that can be duplicated in the destination project code. Each budget code represents a financial phase of a project.

  • Description (field PBUDES)

This field displays the description of the budget code.

  • Parent code (field PBUPAE)

This field displays the top (or parent) level code in the budget (cost) structure of the parent (or source) project. The parent level is used to group and consolidate any sub-levels.

  • Destination code (field DESTCOD)

This field displays the budget code from the budget (cost) structure of the parent (or source) project that will be duplicated in the destination project code. Type in a different budget code, if required.

  • Description (field DESTDES)

This field displays the description from the budget (cost) structure of the parent (or source) project that will be duplicated in the destination project code. Type in a different description, if required.

This field displays the financial site associated with the defined operating site (field Operating site) for the destination project but can be amended.



Tab Additional criteria


This section displays very specific options that you can use to control data that can be copied from the parent (or source) project code to the destination project code.

You display this section by clicking the Additional criteria arrow/label.

Each check box is associated with a specific field in the parent (source) project. The suggested value (selected or clear) for each check box is predetermined for you. You can clear or select each check box, as required.

The help for each field in this section prompts you to think about the effect of selecting the option (check box) on the destination project. For example, whether task operation due dates should be copied from the source to the destination project or whether the value in the destination project should be blank.

You can also use this section to adapt the source task and budget codes for the destination project by applying a prefix and/or a suffix to the default codes.

 The selected action on the associated field is only activated for each line selected in the task or budget table (grid).

 Click the Additional criteria label to expand/collapse this section.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • All task descriptions (field TACDES)

Do you want to duplicate the extended task descriptions (the value of the free-format Description (DESTEX) field available from the Edit icon at each level of the operational (task) structure)?

  • All task comments (field TACCOM)

Do you want to duplicate the comments attached to the tasks (the value of the free-format Comment (COMTEX) field available from the Edit icon at each level of the operational (task) structure)?

  • Clear task dates (field TACDAT)

Do you want the task operation start/end dates to be blank (the value of the fields Start date/End date (TASSTARTDT/TASENDDT) at each level of the operational (task) structure)?

  • All product descriptions (field TASPRDES)

Do you want to duplicate the extended material requirement task descriptions (the value of the free-format Description (DESTEX) field available from the Edit icon in the Desc column of each material requirement task line in the Products tab)?

  • All product comments (field TASPRCOM)

Do you want to duplicate the comments attached to the material requirement tasks (the value of the free-format Comment (COMTEX) field available from the Edit icon in the Desc column of each material requirement task line in the Products tab)?

  • All operation descriptions (field TASOPDES)

Do you want to duplicate the extended labor task operation descriptions (the value of the free-format Description (DESTEX) field available from the Edit icon in the Desc column of each labor task line in the Operations tab)?

  • All operation comments (field TASOPCOM)

Do you want to duplicate the comments attached to the labor task operations (the value of the free-format Comment (COMTEX) field available from the Edit icon in the Desc column of each labor task line in the Operations tab)?

  • Clear operation dates (field TASOPDAT)

Do you want the dates associated with task operations (labor tasks) to be blank (the value of the fields Actual start/end date (OPESTARTDT/OPEENDDT) of each labor task line in the Operations tab)?

  • All assignment descriptions (field TASASSDES)

Do you want to duplicate the extended descriptions for the individual employees assigned to labor task operations (the value of the free-format Description (DESTEX) field available from the Edit icon in the Desc column of each assigned employee)?

  • All assignment comments (field TASASSCOM)

Do you want to duplicate the comments attached to the individual employees assigned to labor task operations (the value of the free-format Comment (COMTEX) field available from the Edit icon in the Desc column of each assigned employee)?

  • Clear assignment dates (field TASASSDAT)

Do you want the dates associated with resources (work centers) assigned to labor tasks to be blank (the value of the fields Start/End date (OPESTR/OPEEND) of each labor task line in the Operations tab)?


  • All budget descriptions (field BUDDES)

Do you want to duplicate the extended budget code descriptions (the value of the free-format Description (DESTEX) field available from the Edit icon at each level of the Cost structure)?

  • All budget comments (field BUDCOM)

Do you want to duplicate the comments attached to the budget codes (the value of the free-format Comment (COMTEX) field available from the Edit icon at each level of the Cost structure)?

  • Clear budget dates (field BUDDAT)

Do you want to duplicate dates associated with each budget code (the value of the fields Start date (PBUSTARTDT), End date (PBUENDDT) and Delivery date (PBUDATO) at each level of the Cost structure)?

Budget lines

  • All budget line descriptions (field BUDLDES)

Do you want to duplicate the extended budget line descriptions (the value of the free-format Description (DESTEX) field available from the Edit icon of each expense forecast line in the Budget lines tab of the Cost structure)?

  • All budget line comments (field BUDLCOM)

Do you want to duplicate the comments associated with each budget line (the value of the free-format Comment (COMTEX) field available from the Edit icon of each expense forecast line in the Budget lines tab of the Cost structure)?



Specific actions

Click the OK action to copy all selected data from the defined source project to the destination project. The destination project code is generated automatically using the sequence code PJM if you have left the field New project blank.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Creation of a 'Project' analytical dimension

Do you want to create an analytical project dimension code for the new (destination) project? Select 'Yes' or 'No'.

Tables used

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