In manual creation or automatic generation of a statement, an open item can only be displayed on a statement if its payment method is attached to a statement code.
The automatic generation groups open items in one statement when the payment methods contain the same activity code. Thus, all payment methods point to the same statement code T. This code is free (any character may be entered).
The following general parameters may change the way the function is working :
TRSENDDAT (defined at level User) : A/P-A/R accounting end date
TRSSTRDAT (defined at level User) : A/P-A/R accounting start date
GAUSOI (defined at level Folder) : Open item statement
SOIADD (defined at level Folder) : BP statement address
SOIBPR (defined at level Company) : BP type for statements
SOICPT (defined at level Company) : Statement posting
SOIFCY (defined at level Company) : Single / multi-site statement
SOISAC (defined at level Company) : Single / multi-collective stat
The sequence numbers used to number the documents managed by this function are :
QUE : Queues
The sequence number assignment function defines the sequence number which is used
This function is object managed. The creation, modification, and deletion operations can be activated or deactivated for a given user. Filters by roles can also be associated with this function.
As data is linked to a site, a filter per site can be activated.
The following options can be activated or deactivated for each user :
The parameters must be defined at company level.
If the statements must be posted, they must be single-site and have a single control account. Therefore, the value of parameters SOIFCY - Single/Multi site statement and SOISAC - Single/Multi control statement is not taken into account.
The type of statement required is defined at customer record level (see the Customer documentation). This value is used to initialize by default the "statement" field for open items arising from customer invoicing. If the "statement type" field specifies "On request", the "statement" field in the open item management is set by default to "no".
The open items related to customer invoicing depend on the payment condition (see the Payment conditions documentation). If at this level the field is set to yes, the open items must be placed on a statement by default.
The payment condition is linked to a payment method that must itself be associated with a statement code, giving the possibility to link this payment method to a specific statement.
The initialization by default of the "statement" field for open items is carried out as follows:
On creation of an entry in the Financials module and on invoicing of suppliers in the AP/AR Accounting and Purchase modules, it is initialized to "no".
On customer invoicing in the AP/AR Accounting module, it depends firstly on the setup made at the level of the customer record (statement type) then at the payment condition level associated with the operation (open item statement yes/no).
On customer invoicing in the Sales module, it is set to "yes".
It is however possible to modify this field on a case by case.
The entries must be posted in order to be able to manage the resulting open items.
The following tables are implemented by the function :
Table |
Table description |
Open items |
Accounting entries |
Statement creation |