Use the Multi-level routings function to view details of a selected routing on a specific date and the operations in the routing that apply on that date. The details include the time it takes to set up and run each operation. Information is indented to show the different levels.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The Multi-level routings function displays an initial screen into which you enter details of the routing and the date you want the routing details to be displayed for.
You use this screen to enter details of the routing and your reference date.
The following fields are present on this tab :
This routing code describes the process involved in manufacturing (producing) or processing a product. That is, the sequence of operations and tools that are involved in producing or processing a particular product. The routing code matches the product code. The product code can be a manufactured product (a bill of materials), or a generic reference to a parent routing which is linked to several products. |
Multiple routings can be defined for a single product. Each routing code can be assigned specific management features. These include restriction of the routing to a specific site and to specific areas of functionality (for use in a manufacturing environment, for costing or for capacity planning). |
The production site associated with the user is proposed by default. It can be modified by another site authorized for the operator, depending on its authorizations. |
The Major version and Minor version fields and the Reference date field are directly linked. The 'version' fields default to the version of this routing that applies on the defined Reference date. You can change the displayed version (major or minor), if required. The Reference date is changed to the start date of the validity period for the selected version. |
This field displays the start date of the displayed version's (major and minor) validity period. |
This field displays the final date of the displayed version’s validity period. This field is blank if the displayed version is the current, or active version. |
Several BOMs can be defined for the same product reference. The various BOM codes can be used to manage different product structures according to their use context such as:
This field can be left empty (value = 0) to enable manual entry of the components. In this case, only the component is loaded. |
The Major version and Minor version fields and the Reference date field are directly linked. The 'version' fields default to the version of the bill of materials (BOM) that applies on the defined Reference date. You can change the displayed version (major or minor), if required. The Reference date is changed to the start date of the validity period for the selected version. |
This field displays the start date of the displayed version's (major and minor) validity period. |
This field displays the final date of the displayed version’s validity period. This field is blank if the displayed version is the current, or active version. |
Use this field to automatically select the routing and bill of materials (BOM) versions for which the validity period matches the defined Reference date. |
This field indicates the status on the shop floor of the preparation of the operations and tools in this routing. This field will be set to one of the following values:
Current element
This field indicates which major version of this component applies. Major versions might be used where there have been increased or significant changes to the original or previous version, that is the 'form, fit or function' has changed. |
This field indicates which minor version of this component applies. Minor versions might be used where there have been minor features or changes in functionality, or significant fixes applied to a specific major version. |
Grid Routing detail
Work center
The sub-contracting code is used to determine whether the operation is carried out internally or if it is sent outside to a sub-contracting supplier.
Action icon
Click Product from the Actions icon to view or amend the details of the selected product.
Click Routing from the Actions icon to view or amend the routing details.
Click Stock by site from the Actions icon to view the inventory levels for the selected product, by site.
Click the First level action to display the operations in the selected routing. |
Click the Multilevel action to display the operation details. |
Click the Graph action to view the scheduling details. You can switch between displaying the details in a graphical or tabular format. |
Click the Where used action to view the list of products that can be manufactured (produced) using this routing. |
Click the Printing action to print the details of this routing. |