This report is a document necessary to establish a trade income tax return
This report can be accessed from the report menu of the group Fixed Assets - Fixed assets.
Parameter |
Parameter title |
Type |
datsitu |
Situation date |
D4 |
cpydeb |
Company limit |
fcydeb |
Financial site range |
typtaxdeb |
Tax type (Local menu BNPTF, BPTF, Ex-field) |
typdetdeb |
Holding type (Local menu Owned, Rented, Leased, Provisional, Concession...) |
refdeb |
Asset range |
detail |
Detailed status by asset (Local menu No, Yes) |
impselections |
Print selections (Local menu No, Yes) |
The data is filtered by site according to the rights granted to the user on the function GESFAS (Assets).
- Are taken into account only the fixed assets which Tax type is Asset liable for property tax or Asset non liable for property tax. Those which Tax type have Off field for value are automatically excluded.
- The assets which issue date is lower or equal to the situation date are not taken into account in the report.
The assets are presented, grouped and sorted in ascending order according to the following criteria:
- Company. Aggregation by company with page break
- Geographic site Aggregation with page break
- Tax type. Aggregation with page break
- FR * flow fiscal statement assignment Aggregation with page break
- CoA account
- Holding type
- Purchase date or lease start
* In case where the CoA account displayed on the asset is not assigned, in the FR code Flow tracking, to a fiscal statement assignment, this asset will be classified in a blank fiscal statement assignment. It is mainly the case of lease assets, generally posted on an expense CoA, account non assigned to a fiscal statement assignment.
The content of the report varies according to the value entered for the setup: Report detailed by asset (or synthesis report).
Information | Loaded from the fields | Table |
Reference | AASREF | DEP |
Description 1 | AASDES1 | FAS |
CoA account | GAC | FAS |
Holding type | OWNTYP |
Purchase date (1) | PURDAT |
Asset issue date(1) | ISSDAT |
Finance depreciation duration | DPRDUR |
Finance depreciation basis | DPRBAS |
Tax basis | TAXBAS |
(1) For the assets in lease, the lease contract start and end dates are note reported.
The user still can enter, at the level of the asset, the lease start date in the Purchase date field.
The issue date is entered with the lease contract end date when recording the lease contract due date.
Then, are displayed the aggregation lines identical to those displayed below for a synthesis report.