In payment entry, if the "Bank" field has not been assigned, the "Bank allocation" phase is submitted. Three possibilities are proposed at this stage:

  • Manually select in payment entry the Bank on which all the treasury operations will be posted (see the Payment entry documentation)
  • Manually assign a bank via the Bank entry processing (see the documentation Bank entry)
  • Distribute a payment amount by allocation of a preset banking pool, or manually, via the bank allocation function (presented herafter)

The mentioned bank (or banking pool) must necessarily be associated with the company for which the process is launched.


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Screen management

Entry screen

The bank assignment process is carried out on an amount of previously selected open items. The assignment characteristics are then defined.

Selection criteria of the open items to be paid


Bank assignemnt to payments is only carried out for one company at a time. In other words, the company concerned must be mentioned.


A selection can be performed on a site: Only the payments placed on this site are dealt with.


This field mentions whether the payments to be selected represent a revenue or an expense.

Payment transaction

Since all the payments are organized and sorted by payment transaction, it is possible to limit the selection of the payments to be processed to a single payment transaction.

Depending on the selected sense, the proposed payment transactions vary (pre-selection based on the sense parameterization of the payment transactions).

Entry batch

It is possible to limit the process to a specific payment entry batch. If the selection "All entry batches" is disabled and no batch no. is mentioned, the allocation will only concern those payments that are not associated with any entry batch.


The selection can take place at user level. Only those payments that are recorded by the specified user are taken into account.

Currency group/Currency

It is possible to perform a selection for a currency group or a particular transaction currency. Only those payments entered in the selected currency(ies) are processed.

Entry date

The process can be limited to the payments whose creation date (or last modification date) is no later than a given date.


Assignment of the amount of the selected payments

Depending on the entered selection, a global amount to be assigned is automatically displayed. This amount corresponds to all the payments that meet the selection conditions.

The following assignment rules are determined for this amount:

Taking into account of the negative balances
  • If 'yes' :
    • In this case of the receipts : The payment distribution will be carried out giving priority to the banks presenting a virtual negative balance, as a means of covering the deficit.
    • In the case of expenses: the payment distribution will not be carried out on the banks presenting a virtual negative balance, to avoid aggravating the deficit.
  • If 'no', the distribution will be made conforming to the bank pool utilised.
Banking pool

A predefined banking pool can be used (see the documentation on Banking pool).

When a banking pool is selected, it is possible to define whether the payments are processed based on "The closest due date" or "The highest amount".

Bank assignment table

Several banks can be assigned to the payments thanks to this assignment table.

The selected banks are entered, along with the amount to be assigned to the latter.

In the "Bank balance" column appears the balance at a given date on this bank account (in local currency).

In the "Virtual balance" column appears the balance at a given date on this bank account, including the payments not posted to the bank (in local currency).

In the "Statement balance" column appears the balance of the last bank statement (in local currency).

Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task BANAFF is provided for that purpose.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

"No bank allocation"

In the parameterization of the entry payment transaction, the Bank allocation phase is set to "No".

"Sense Expense/Revenue/Not determined"

The sense of the entered payment transaction does not match the previously requested payment sense.

"No payment transaction concerned by the bank allocation"

No payment transaction is associated with a Bank allocation phase set to "Yes".

"No currency exchange rate"

No currency exchange rate has been found to perform the conversion.

Tables used

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