This function makes it possible to inquire the review history on envelopes, budgets and budget lines approved in an individual or multiple respect. The inquiry can be carried out per company or site, for a project, an envelope, a responsible entity, an approval entity or a range of envelopes.

It can be accessed: 

  • Via the menu: Operating budgets\Review managment\Review consultation,
  • From the record "Envelope" via the menu bar: Consultations\Review consultations if the envelope has been reviewed.


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Screen management

This screen is comprised of two parts: The first part provides access to a set of selection criteria, the second part is used to display in a grid all the objects selected with respect to the entered criteria.

The selected reviews can be displayed by activating the button [Search] at the bottom of the screen.

The maximum number of lines authorized by screen is 15. If this limit is exceeded, the rest of the reviews can be inquired on a second screen by using the button "Next" at the bottom of the screen, or by clicking on "Last" to reach the last page. It is possible to go backwards by using the button "Back".


The screen header information is used to specify the main selection criteria for the inquiry being used: Code of the company completed or not with the site, the period in which the object to inquire is located, the review code.

Additional criteria can be associated to decrease the population of the objects to be inquired: Project, responsible entity ranges, approval entity ranges, envelope ranges.

If the criteria entered do not end on any selection, a message "No record for these selections" is displayed and informs the user who has to modify these selection criteria.

Tab Review


By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  BUDREV : Budget reviews

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons


This button gives access to the previously specified criteria in order to potentially modify them.


This button is used to move to the next page, when the selection exceeds 15 lines.


This button is used to reach the last page, when the selection contains several pages.


This button is used to inquire the previous pages of the selection, when the selection contains several pages.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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