Serial Numbers
Use this function to inquire:
- serial numbers in stock for a given product,
- delivered serial numbers.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
Enter the main selection criteria.
Block number 1
Stock site (field FCY) |
Enter a site if you want to restrict the inquiry to the records of a given site. If you have not entered a site, all the serial numbers of the product are displayed, for the set of sites where this product is defined. |
Product (field ITMREF) |
Enter the reference of the product for which the stock needs to be inquired. |
field ITMDES1 |
Serial no. management (field SERMGTCOD) |
Stock unit (field STU) |
Block number 2
Entry type (field VCRTYPSEL) |
Enter a document type if you wish to filter the inquiry and restrict it to this type of document. |
Entry (field VCRNUMSEL) |
Enter the document number reference to inquire, depending on the chosen document type. |
Ship-to (field BPCNUMSEL) |
Enter the reference of the shipped-to customer if you wish to filter the inquiry and restrict it to this customer in particular. |
This field indicates the code of the address to ship to.
Numbers in stock (field NONFLG) |
Select this flag so the search applies to all serial numbers in stock. |
Issue numbers (field ALLFLG) |
Select this flag so the search applies to all issued serial numbers. |
Tab Serial Numbers
The columns present in this table depend on the setup of the chosen screen code.
Based on the selected criteria, the table recovers by default a serial number line characterized by the following main information:
- The serial number and the associated lot.
- The warehouse, the location and the storage site for the serial number.
- The entry number of the stock receipt for the serial number as well as the movement transaction date.
- The document number of the stock issue for the serial number as well as the movement transaction date.
- The stock sequence number identifying the stock line to which the serial number is assigned to, when the serial management mode is Global receipt & issue.
The lines displayed in red and italics are desynchronized lines; i.e. the number of serial numbers does not match the quantity recorded on the stock line. This can occur when the serial numbers of products are set to Global receipt & issue. In this case, as long as no Resynchronization processing has been run on this line, no stock count can be performed inGlobal processing: the stock count list is not created. Only a non-global processing can be run: the list is created but the desynchronized stock lines are ignored.
Serial number (field SERNUM) |
Warehouse (field WRH) |
Location (field LOC) |
License plate number (field LPNNUM) |
Storage site (field STOFCY) |
Lot (field LOT) |
Sublot (field SLO) |
Status (field STA) |
Receipt date (field RCPDAT) |
Receipt document type (field RCPVCRTYP) |
Receiving document (field RCPVCRNUM) |
Line (field RCPVCRLIN) |
Issue date (field ISSDAT) |
Customer (field BPCNUM) |
Addr. (field BPAADD) |
Shipment type (field SDHTYP) |
Issue document no. (field SDHNUM) |
Line (field SDDLIN) |
Warranty end date (field GUAENDDAT) |
Date created (field CREDAT) |
Doc type creation (field VCRTYP) |
Doc no. creation (field VCRNUM) |
Line no. creation (field VCRLIN) |
Chronological stock (field STOCOU) |
Menu Bar
Criteria |
Click this action to access the additional selection criteria with respect to the criteria entered in the inquiry header. Generally speaking, the inquiries can be set up. You can call upon customized inquiry screens using the screen code. You can use this customization, for instance, to choose what information should be displayed on the screen and in what order it should be positioned in the table.
You can save the selection criteria under a memo code in order to recall them later on. The STD memo code is specific since it is the one that is systematically applied upon entering the inquiry. |
Selection |