License plate number
- By unit using this function,
- By batch using the License plate number creation function.
- View the list of license plate numbers identifying internal containers, regardless of their creation method (by unit or batch)
- View their content
- Print the related labels.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
Define in the header the various characteristics of the container.
Once the container is used in stocks, its status moves from 'Free' to 'In stock' and the Content tab presents the list of impacted products and associated characteristics.
License plate number (field LPNNUM) |
When a sequence number is linked to the Container setup, a number is automatically assigned upon creating the license plate number. In this case, if you enter a license plate number, it will be overwritten by the sequence number of the container. However, if there is no sequence number linked to the container setup, you must enter the license plate number. |
Stock site (field STOFCY) |
Enter the storage site. It is initialized by default by the site associated with your function profile. |
Warehouse (field WRH) |
This field, which can not be modified, displays the warehouse attached to the selected storage site. |
Container (field TCTRNUM) |
Select the container you want to use. |
Container type (field TCTRTYP) |
This field cannot be entered. It displays the container type of the selected container. |
Location (field LOC) |
Select the container storage location. This location is optional. This field is updated based on the stock lines it is associated with. Once the container has content, it can no longer be modified. |
Location type (field LOCTYP) |
This field cannot be entered. It displays the location type for the location. |
Active (field ENAFLG) |
By default, this check box is selected. It indicates that the license plate number can be used in logistics flows. |
Status (field LPNSTAT) |
This field cannot be entered. It indicates if the license plate number is 'Free' or already used and including stock. |
Printed (field PRTFLG) |
This check box cannot be accessed. It is selected automatically when the license plate number label has been printed. You can thus see which license plate numbers have printed labels and which do not. |
Tab Management
Single-product (field MONITMFLG) |
Select this check box to indicate that the container must be single-product managed. |
Single-lot (field MONLOTFLG) |
Select this check box to indicate that the container must be single-lot managed. |
First use date (field LPNFDAT) |
This field cannot be entered. It displays the date at which the license plate number has been used for the last time. |
Last use date (field LPNLDAT) |
This field cannot be entered. It displays the date at which the license plate number will be 'Free' again. |
Tab Content
This tab presents the list of products included in the container and their characteristics.
This information is not stored in a table. It is recovered based on the stock lines associated with the license plate number.
On each line, click the Actions icon to access:
field NBLIG |
Product (field ITMREF) |
Description (field ITMDES1) |
Lot (field LOT) |
Sublot (field SLO) |
Status (field STA) |
Analysis request (field QLYCTLDEM) |
Packing unit (field PCU) |
PAC quantity (field QTYPCU) |
Stock unit (field STU) |
STK quantity (field QTYSTU) |
Serial number (field SERNUM) |
Identifier 1 (field PALNUM) |
Identifier 2 (field CTRNUM) |
Specific actions
Click this action to open the label printing launch window.
Click OK to launch the printing process. The label includes:
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