Use this function to automatically reserve products managed in stock for which orders have previously been entered. It can be used to process a series of orders and products.

The stock allocation is a stage before shipment for stocked products. This stage is mandatory before all use of the automatic shipment functions and the automatic invoicing of orders with direct invoicing.
On the other hand, the manual shipment or the manual invoicing functions (for orders with direct invoicing) can be used without allocation being carried out beforehand.

An allocation can be:

  • Global, this is a quantity reservation for a product-site combination.
  • Detailed, this is a reservation for a stock line, that is to say a combination of Lot, Sub-lot, Serial number, Status, Location, Packing unit.

The allocation can be carried out at different stages:

  • Before the order. In this case, it can only be a global allocation.
    Please refer to the Customer allocations documentation.
  • On order entry, either global or detailed, according to the setup and the order.
    See the Orders documentation.
  • After the order. In this case, two functions can be used:
    • Automatic allocation, to carry out the reservation of a series of orders and products.
      This is the function described in this documentation.
    • Allocations by product, to carry out the reservation of all types of orders or to modify the allocations previously carried out.
      Please refer to the Allocations by product documentation.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

A single screen is necessary to carryout this allocation type. STOP Use it to enter the different information necessary for the selection of orders to be allocated.

Entry screen

1/ Enter the selection criteria and the processing parameters.
You can save these selection criteria under a Memo code and recall them later on.

Click OK to launch the automatic allocation processing.

The order lines eligible are then made based on the delivery date and by shipment priority.
If no order line matches the carried out selection, a warning message will be displayed.
A log file will summarize the list of processed order lines processed as well as the result of each allocation.

Other conditions

Automatic allocation rules

The allocation of selected order lines or delivery requests depends on the allocation type specified in the order line or delivery request.

If the allocation is of the global type, a reservation will be carried out according to the available stock for the product and to the global allocation rule for the product category. This rule is used to determine by a large status group those that are authorized for the allocation.

If the allocation is of the detailed type, a reservation will be carried out on the stock objects (Lot, Sub-lot, Serial number, Status, Location, Packing unit) following the detailed allocation rule for the category to which the product belongs. Those filters that have been entered on the order lines or delivery requests will also impact the result of the detailed allocations. Two exclusive filters can be entered. These are a filter on the lot number and the status (see the Orders or Delivery requests documentations). In the allocation algorithm, if no stock object corresponds to these exclusive filters, a shortage will be generated. A preferential filter can be entered. This is for the preferential location (see the Orders or Delivery requests documentations). It is used to steer the allocation by specifying that the stock objects must be taken as a priority from this location. If there is no corresponding stock object in this location, the system will then continue its search to allocate the stock objects according to the allocation rule.

Processing of shortage quantities

This first allocation phase is carried out when the Priority to shortage quantities flag has been selected. In this case, the program carries out an initial allocation of all the order lines corresponding to the selection and having a shortage quantity not equal to zero. The allocation attempt only concerns the shortage quantity. However, if the order line to be processed must be shipped as a single drop and the Partial allocation flag has not been selected, the allocation attempt will concern the total order quantity. This allocation is then carried out under the condition that there is sufficient available stock and that if this is not the case, no quantity is allocated.

Processing the quantities to be allocated

This second phase is used to process all the order lines corresponding to the selection and that have not been completely allocated. Equally in this phase, if the order line to be processed must be shipped as a single drop and the Partial allocation flag has not been selected, the allocation attempt will concern the total order quantity. This allocation is then carried out under the condition that there is sufficient available stock and that if this is not the case, no quantity is allocated.

In addition a specific process is carried out for the commercial Kit type products. In fact, the Kit parent product and its components are not disassociated and the allocation is carried out for the parent product (if it is managed in stock) and for the components. The GENSHT - Shortage generation parameter (STO chapter, MIS group) is not applied to the kit components. Whatever the value of this setup, the shortages are always generated for the components of the kit if their stock is insufficient. This is in order to maintain the proportionality between the parent product and its components.

A summary is displayed at the end of the processing. In this report, the following data is displayed for each processed order line: the order number, the customer code and the product reference. When an allocation has been correctly carried out, the allocated quantity is also shown as well as any shortage quantities. Conversely, an error message is displayed under the references of the orders concerned. This report can be printed or deleted.

Automatic de-allocation of the order

When the following requirements are met:
- the approval circuit is managed,
- the value of the SOHAPPALL - Allocation on unsigned order parameter is No,
- the order is approved and allocated,
any line addition/deletion or any modification of a field having an impact on the approval status (canceled approval), will generate an automatic de-allocation of the order (a list of these fields is provided in the documentation relating to the Order approvals management rule: SOHSIG).

Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task FUNAUTALL is provided for that purpose.

Specific Buttons





Delete Memo


Local menus

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

XXX: this site is not a warehouse

This message appears when the entered shipment site is not a stock site. Note that only the products managed in stock can be allocated.

In the processing report, for each processing line dealt with (the following references are systematically specified): Order no., Customer no. and Product reference), the following messages can be displayed:

Modification in process on another workstation"

This message appears when another user is already in the process of modifying the order being processed.

Authorized credit exceeded

This message appears when the Credit status flag in the order has the value Authorized credit exceeded. In this case the allocation is not carried out.

Credit status blocked

This message appears when the Credit status flag in the order has its value set to Blocked. In this case, the allocation is not carried out.

Prepayment not paid

This message appears when the requested prepayments for this order have not been received. In this case the allocation is not carried out.

Allocation impossible: Complete line/order shipement

This message appears when the order line concerned for a product that should be shipped in a single drop for a quantity is unavailable in stock and the Partial allocation flag has not been selected. In this case the allocation is not carried out.

Order xxxxxxxxxx Product xxxxxxxxxxx
Shipment date 99/99/99 Purchasing-lead time 9999 Preparation lead-time 9999
Line not processed: the shipment date is later than the current date + purchasing lead-time + preparation lead-time

This message appears when the order line concerns a purchased product and the shipment date for the line is greater than the (processing date + purchasing lead-time + preparation lead-time). In this case the line is not considered in the processing.

Order xxxxxxxxxx Product xxxxxxxxxxx
Shipment date 99/99/99 Production lead time 9999 Preparation lead-time 9999
Line not processed: the shipment date is later than the current date + production lead-time + preparation lead-time

This message appears when the order line concerns a manufactured product and the shipment date for the line is greater than the (processing date + production lead-time + preparation lead-time). In this case the line is not considered in the processing.

Tables used

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