This function is used to reserve products managed in stock for a given customer independently of all orders. This reservation is valid up to a specified date limit and of course it is taken into account at the time of entry of a firm order from the customer concerned. This reservation is represented in the system by a global allocation.

The stock allocation is a stage before shipment for stocked products. This stage is mandatory before the use of all automatic shipment and automatic invoicing functions. On the other hand, the manual shipment function (see Shipment documentation) can be used without prior allocation.

An allocation can be global or detailed:

Global, this is an aggregated reservation for a product-site pair.

Detailed, this is a reservation for a stock line, that is to say a Lot - Serial number - Status - Location association.

It can be carried out at different stages:

Before the order and in this case, the allocation can only be global. This is the function described in this documentation.

During the entry of an order, in global or detailed fashion according to the choice made at the setup level. (See Orders documentation).

After the order and, in this case, two functions can be used:

Automatic allocation, to carryout the allocation of a series of orders and products (See documentation Automatic allocations documentation).

Manual allocation, to carryout the allocation of all types of order or for modifying the allocations previously carried out. (See Manual allocations documentation).


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Screen management

For each use of this option, before all entry, a purge process should be carried out for all reservations where the date limit is exceeded. An end of process summary is displayed and it is then possible to enter, modify, or delete the reservations requested by the customer.

A single screen is necessary to carryout this allocation type. STOP This screen is composed of three parts : header information, a grid allowing the entry of products to be reserved and the bottom of page information.

Entry screen

Header information

In this part of the screen, the customer is identified for whom the allocation will be carried out. The following fields must be assigned :

Sold-to customer

The customer code is a mandatory entry. The customer must fulfill certain conditions: be active, not be blocked at the level of WIP control and not be of the prospect type.

From this field, several possibilities are offered to the user. In effect, it is possible to directly enter a customer number whose existence is controlled by the Customer file or use the contextual button to:

selecting a customer from the file

create, according to access rights, a customer in the file.

If a WIP control is requested in the customer file, and the authorized WIP is waiting, a warning message informs the operator on entering the customer code.

Delivery address

The entry of a delivery address is not mandatory except when wishing to carryout an allocation for a ship-to customer. The entry of this address influences the shipment site proposed by default.

At this stage, if valid reservations are still available for the customer, they are proposed in the product grid for any potential modification.

Products to be reserved

This grid is used to enter the products and quantities to be reserved for a customer. The following fields are mandatory :


It is mandatory that the product entered is stock managed and must be created for the expedition site concerned From this field, it is possible to directly enter a product reference whose existence is controlled by the Product file or use the contextual button for:

Select a product from the file.

Create, according to the user's access rights, the product in the file.

Carryout different stock checks.

Reservation end

This is the date limit for which the reservation is valid. This date is mandatory, being later than or equal to today's date.

Shipment site

This is the site from which the stock is controlled. If a delivery address has been entered, this site is initialized by the shipment site associated with the ship-to customer, otherwise, it's the stock site associated with the user who proposed it. From this field, the user can use the contextual button and request a stock inquiry.


The sales unit is initialized by default to the sales unit found in the product record. The contextual button makes it possible to select a unit from a list proposed containing the stock unit, the packing units for the product as well as those specific to the customer. From the reservation, the unit and the quantity entered are recalculated into the sales unit for the product (a reservation is always carried out in the sales unit).

Quantity in sales unit SAL

The quantity entered is controlled with respect to the site stock. It is not possible to allocate a quantity that is greater than the available quantity at the site. However, it is always possible to reserve the desired quantity over several sites with the condition that the user is authorized to work on the sites concerned. From this field, the user can use the contextual button and request a stock inquiry.

When there is already a stock shortage, a warning message is displayed requesting whether the reservation should still be carryout the reservation.


This information is not accessible. It is the stock unit of the product entered.

Quantity in STK

This quantity is not accessible. It is the quantity reserved in stock unit after the conversion of the quantity into sales unit,.

Stock information

In this part of the screen, are displayed for each product line the following:

Physical stock in sales unit

Available stock in sales unit

The conversion factor between the sales unit and the stock unit

The missing stock in stock unit

The physical stock in stock unit

The available stock in stock unit

On saving, the update of the different files is carried out. In this case, the reserved stock is increased for the product at the site concerned. However, it can happen that the available stock changes during the operation preventing the allocation. In this case, the reserved stock is not updated but in compensation the shortage quantity is increased for the product at the site.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

XXXXXX: Prospect customer

This message appears during the entry of the customer code for the order when the former is declared as a Prospect in the customer record..

XXXXXX: Blocked customer

This message appears during the entry of the customer code for the order when the latter is declared blocked at the level of the Credit control control field in the customer record.

Product not managed in stock

This message appears during the entry of the product reference when the latter is not managed in stock.

Product non-existent for this site

This message appears during the entry of the product reference or during the entry of the shipment site, if the product is not declared for the site concerned.

Date prior to today's date

This message appears during the entry of the reservation end date if this is before today's date.

Sales unit unknown for this product

This message appears during the entry of a sales unit when it is not one of the units managed for this product or for the product-customer pair (product and customer stock units, packing units). To correct this problem it is necessary to select a unit from the list proposed.

Quantity is greater that available stock

This message appears when the quantity to be allocated entered is greater than the available quantity in stock. To correct this problem, it is necessary to enter a new quantity by verifying in the lower part of the screen the actual available stock.

Tables used

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