Use this function to create shipments related to previously allocated orders or shipment requests and potentially to automatically validate these shipments. The physical stock quantities are only reduced on the validation of the shipment.

The shipments generated are visible in the Shipment function (see the Shipments documentation). You validate them individually using this function or perform a mass validation using the Shipment validation function (see the Shipment validation documentation).

Mass validation of transportation notes

To perform the mass validation of transportation notes, you must check that the shipping dates comply with the requirements in terms of shipment start and end dates and times. This is important because you can only communicate future transport dates, not transport dates in the past.

Select the Activate check box in the Transport Information block to modify dates accordingly.

For example, a shipment was scheduled for a date prior to the date on which you want to perform the mass validation, but you know it will be shipped within the next three days. You can modify the date to a future date by adding '3' days to the No. days betw. transport start date and ship date field to comply with shipment requirements. This modification allows you to carry out the mass validation.

You still have the option to validate individual transportation notes, but with large datasets, individual validation is not always practical.


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Screen management

The automatic shipment function only processes allocated orders or shipment requests (those with shortage quantities or non-allocated quantities will not be considered). These orders can either be allocated in detail or globally. The shipment of an order can be defined as a detailed allocation to a shipment (only the detailed allocations are authorized for the shipments).

Taking into account the global (defined in the product category tab Management rules) and detailed (Allocation rules and the authorized issue rules) allocation rules, it may well happen that an order, even if allocated, can according to the specific case, not be shipped.

For instance:

If a global allocation rule authorizes the allocation of stock with status Q (allocation carried out based on the total stock with status A* and Q*) and the issue rule prohibits the issue of products with status Q. The transformation of a global allocation on an order to a detailed allocation on the delivery could in certain cases prohibit the delivery of the order because some stock with status Q cannot be allocated to the invoice.

If a global allocation rule authorizes the allocation of stock with status A and the detailed allocation rule only authorizes the allocation of product with status A at a picking location, the orders will not be shipped if a shortage has been found at the picking locations.

Reasons prohibiting the shipment of an order

If an order line reserves in a detailed manner a stock line with status Q that has an outstanding analysis request, the corresponding shipment cannot be created until the quality control check has been carried out.

If an order line reserves in a detailed manner a stock line in the process of being put-away for which the stock has not yet been identified (lot number, sub-lot number, serial number), the corresponding shipment can not be created until the stock has been identified.

An order processed as an order with direct invoicing.

The order line is planned (it cannot therefore be allocated).

The order is recorded as being for shipment of complete order and the order has not been totally allocated.

The order is recorded as shipment of complete order line and the order line is not totally allocated.

The customer credit status is blocked.

The credit status of the customer has exceeded the credit limit and the operator that has launched the automatic shipment process does not have the authorization to ship orders when the customer credit limit is exceeded.

The pre-payment expected for the order has not yet been received (the pre-payment advice has been issued, the pre-payment due date has been exceeded and the payment has not yet been completely processed). A recorded payment that has not yet been posted is not considered and the LOKORD setting (Order block if pre-payment not received) is set to Yet.

The order lines managed by purchase or production direct orders are not processed except if they are allocated and if the direct orders have been generated. The order lines managed in purchase direct orders will be processed only if one purchase direct order has been generated.

The order line concerns a service contract.

SEEWARNING When the sales orders are manually held (SCDTUNL parameter, Sales chapter, Authorizations group), they cannot be selected until a user has unlocked them (hold field in the Order function).

Order grouping

The orders or order lines to be shipped are grouped following this process. When one of the following settings varies, a new shipment is created:

Shipment site

Sales site

Order category

Shipment type

Sold-to customer

Ship-to customer

Bill-to customer

Pay-by customer

Group customer


Price type.




Shipment date (2)

Loan return date (3)

Payment term


Tax rule

Invoicing method

Delivery method


Company name ship-to customer

First line of shipment address

Post code for shipment address

Town for shipment address

County/state shipment address


Company name bill-to customer

First line of invoicing address

Postal code for invoicing address

Town for invoicing address

County/state for invoicing address

(1) The project code must be unique if the PJTSNGDOC - Single-project document parameter is set to Yes. When it is set to No, the grouping of orders or delivery orders having different project codes is authorized.

(2) Function of the automatic shipment process start option: Break on shipment date (option described later)

(3) Only for loan type orders.

The following orders will never be grouped:

Orders having a shipment method : One order per shipment

Orders having an invoice method: One invoice per order or per completed order

The specific case of sales kits and BOMs

Sales kits: the issue of stock of parent product and its components is inseparable. This means that if one unit of the parent product is issued, it must be possible to issue the associated components for the link quantity. At the time of the stock to be issued determination by the automatic shipment process, if one of the components can not be totally shipped, the shipment of the kit will be at the level of the component with the least available stock and with respect to the link quantity to the parent product (for example if a quantity of 4 is available for the component and there is a link quantity to the parent product of 2, then the quantity of kits that can be shipped is 2).

Sales BOMs: contrary to sales kits, the links between the parent product and the components are not strict. It means that it is possible to issue the parent product or the components (if they are stock-managed) in an independent manner. For a given component, you can issue a quantity different from the link quantity, with respect to the parent product.

Entry screen

The orders to be shipped automatically are displayed as a function of the selections assigned in the launch screen. The different selection criteria are:

Shipment site

The shipment creation is made on a single warehouse site at a time. It is therefore necessary to specify the site chosen for the process.

Order selection criteria

The shipments that will be created arise from customer orders that are already allocated. You can therefore apply the following criteria to limit the selection of orders to be processed:

Shipment date range

The shipment date is specified on the order (See the Orders documentation). Therefore, it is possible to limit the creation of deliveries to any order waiting to be shipped until a given date.

Order number range

It is possible to limit the selection to a group of orders by their numbers (order sequence numbers).

Ship-to customer range

It is also possible to limit the selection to one or more ship-to customers.

Carrier range

The carrier is specified in the order. By default, it is initialized in the order by information assigned in the customer record. It is therefore possible to limit the shipment creations to one or more carriers.

Route code

The route number is specified in the Customer record, in the Ship-to customer tab. The selection is made therefore as a function of the customer specified in the order, for all the customers where the route code corresponds to that chosen in the selection.

Break on shipment date

This option is used if it is ticked to generate different shipments for each order having a different shipment date (default functioning). Conversely, the orders will be grouped irrespective of their shipment date.

Shipment validation

It is possible, by activating the shipment validation option, to automatically validate the shipments at the time of their creation. This validation corresponds to a reduction of the physical stock for the shipped products and the posting of stock movements in the stock journal. (See Shipment validation)

Picking note printing

There is the possibility to print the picking notes generated. In order to do this, it is necessary to specify the report to be used, any print server and the printer used for the printing.

Delivery note printing

There is the possibility to print the packing slips generated. In order to do this, it is necessary to specify the report to be used, any print server and the printer used for the printing.

This option is only accessible if the Shipment validation option has previously been ticked.

Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode, but no dedicated standard task is delivered to run it.

Specific Buttons


Click this action to save the current settings to a Memo code to be reused later. The memo is linked to your user profile, not to the function or the screen.

The STD memo code is associated with the screen and is loaded immediately when you open the function.

For more information on the advanced use of the Memo action, refer to the documentation on the General ergonomics of SAFE X3 software.


Click this action to enter a Memo code to load the settings associated with the code.

Delete Memo

Click this action to delete a Memo code.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

The end range is prior to the start range

This message appears on the selection criteria entry for an order number, carrier, customer code and address code.

Modification in process on another workstation"

This message appears if the order currently in the process of being generated is locked.

Problem in recovering the sequence number

This message appears if it has not been possible to assign a delivery number.

Problems during the recovery of a sequence number

This message appears if it has not been possible to assign a sequence number during the creation of a shipment.

Tables used

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