Declared packing
Use this function to:
- Identify the parcel and fill it by selecting the stock lines linked to the delivery lines or to the pick tickets lines,
- print the labels associated to the parcel.
This function is accessible from:
- the menus Sales > Shipment preparation, or Stocks > Packing
- The Packing button of the Pick ticket or of the Delivery note.
The packaging code is automatically specified upon packing if it is present in the Pick tickets source document or in Deliveries.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
Select the packing on this first screen.
On the second screen, define products to pack and visualize the details.
Use the panel to select:
- parcels or journals,
- preparation lines,
- delivery lines.
Packing selection
To view the parcels or journals, the delivery lines, and the preparation lines, click on OK .
Site (field SSTOFCY) |
Enter a shipment site code that corresponds to a storage site. The shipment site is loaded by default with the your storage site. |
End date (field SSHIDAT) |
Enter the shipping date used to select elements to be processed:
All the elements with a shipping date on or before this date are included. |
Document type (field SVCRTYP) |
This field is used to select the document type:
From number (field SNUMDEB) |
Use these fields to select:
To number (field SNUMFIN) |
From customer (field SBPCORDDEB) |
Enter a start and end range to apply a filter to the customer codes selection. |
Address (field SBPAADDDEB) |
This field is used to select one of the delivery addresses of the selected customer. When two fields are available (Start/End), it is possible to select a range of several delivery addresses for the same customer.
To customer (field SBPCORDFIN) |
Enter a start and end range to apply a filter to the customer codes selection. |
Address (field SBPAADDFIN) |
This field is used to select one of the delivery addresses of the selected customer. When two fields are available (Start/End), it is possible to select a range of several delivery addresses for the same customer.
Document status
Include documents already packed (field SCOL) |
If this box is checked, deliveries that have already been packed will also be selected. |
Not validated (field SNONVAL) |
If this box is checked, the non validated shipments will also be selected. |
Validated (field SVAL) |
If this box is ticked, the validated deliveries will be selected. |
Include invoiced deliveries (field SINV) |
This field is used to display the load preparation of the invoiced shipments.
Picker (field PREUSR) |
This field indicates the picker. It makes it possible to trace the parcels. |
Transaction (field SRTNUM) |
Transaction code. |
field DESAXX |
This long description is used as a title in screens and reports. By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.
Shipment site (field STOFCY) |
Enter or select the storage site where the selected product is active. The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table. |
field VCRNUM |
Delivery or picking number. |
field DLVDAT |
Indicates the shipping date of the delivery note or picking note. |
Ship-to (field BPCORD) |
This field indicates the customer identifier code. |
field BPAADD |
This field indicates the code of the address to ship to.
field BPDNAM |
Il s'agit de la raison sociale de l'adresse de livraison. |
Number of packages (field PACNBR) |
This concerns the total number of packages in the delivery. This information is automatically calculated by the packaging function, but can still be modified. |
field SSCCGES |
Tab Lines
Packaging (field PCK) |
This code is controlled in the packaging table. It specifies the number of products, expressed in sales units, that the packaging can contain. It is initialized once the product has been entered, based on the sales unit used and the shipping site:
This information can be modified. This information and the packaging capacity are used upon preparation or shipment to carry out the packaging. If you are granted the proper authorizations, you can access the packaging record. |
Length (field PCKLEN) |
Length of the package expressed in the volume unit specified. |
field DIU |
Code of the unit in which are expressed the values of the Width, Length and Height fields. |
Volume (field VOL) |
This is the total volume of the packages of the document. The volume is automatically calculated by the load preparation function, but it can be modified. The volume unit is defined by the volume unit of the first packaging from the delivery lines. If other products in the delivery do not have the same volume unit, the volume of the packaging for these products is converted to the volume unit for the first packaging in the delivery note. The conversion between these units is applied as defined in the table Unit conversion. The volume unit does however remain modifiable. |
field VOU |
Code of the unit in which the package volume is given. |
Width (field PCKWID) |
Width of the package expressed in the volume unit specified. |
Tare weight (field PCKWEI) |
Enter the package tare weight expressed in the volume unit specified. |
field WEU |
The weight unit. |
Height (field PCKHEI) |
Height of the package expressed in the volume unit specified. |
Package no. (field PACNUM) |
The parcel number, automatically fed by the counter, cannot be entered. |
SSCC code (field SCCCOD) |
This field contains the package number, defined using the SSCC codification. The SSCC contains 18 numbers. It is structured so as to ensure its uniqueness in the international context. This structure is composed of a root and a sequence number counter defined respectively by the parameters SSCCROOT - Root of the SSCC code and SSCCCOU - Counter identifier. |
Label (field LBLFMT) |
This field is used to select a label format for the print. |
Product (field ITMREF) |
This is the product reference. |
Description (field ITMDES1) |
It is the description entered in the product record, or the description entered in the original document (sales order or loan order). |
Lot (field LOT) |
This field indicates the product lot. |
Sublot (field SLO) |
Indicates the sub-lot to be issued. It is not necessary to enter it in the following cases:
If the product is managed with serial numbers, only this number is necessary to determine the stock to issue. |
Serial number (field SERNUM) |
When the product serial numbers are managed in Issue & Receipt or Issue mode, each serial number is present on one single stock line: the serial numbers are automatically displayed. But when the product serial numbers are managed in Global receipt & issue mode, the serial number is not a differentiating criteria of the stock line: a range of X serial numbers is present on one single stock line. The Serial detail box has to be checked at the Product-site level so that the serial numbers are taken into account in the packing. The ranges of serial numbers are automatically defined except if the selected line is already partially packed. To modify the automatically defined numbers or to select them manually, click Serial no(s). to pack from the Actions icon available at the beginning of the line. |
Ending serial number (field SERFIN) |
Identifier 1 (field PALNUM) |
Use this field to enter additional information, if necessary. |
Identifier 2 (field CTRNUM) |
Qty. to pack (field QTYPCU) |
Quantity in packing units. This field gives the quantity of products to order in packing units. By default the minimum purchase quantity or the quantity of considered requirements is suggested. |
PAC (field PCU) |
It is possible to specify a packing unit by supplier.
Only packing type units from the units of measure table can be selected. |
PAC-STK conv. (field PCUSTUCOE) |
Conversion factor used to calculate the quantity in stock units from a quantity entered in packing units: Quantity in STK = Qty in PAC * conversion factor. This conversion factor can be accessed if the packing Unit field (PCU) has been entered, and has a value different from the Stock unit field (STU). It can be initialized using the conversion factor table if the combination exists. |
STK (field STU) |
This field indicates the product management unit in which are expressed:
This information is always displayed, regardless of the transaction used. It cannot be modified. |
Qty. proc. (field QTY) |
It is the allocated quantity expressed in UOM unit. |
Processed STK qty. (field QTYSTU) |
Quantity in stock unit calculated from the ordered quantity in order unit. If the entered quantity is not a multiple of the order unit, a warning message is displayed. By default the minimum purchase quantity or the quantity of considered requirements is suggested. Under no circumstances the quantity entered is lower than these quantities. You can modify this quantity if the order unit is a product packing unit, whose coefficient can be modified (see Packing unit table on the Units section of the Product record) but cannot be used with the other units (product purchase unit, supplier purchase unit, supplier packing unit, stock unit). If you modify the quantity in stock unit, the factor expressed between the order unit and the purchase unit is adjusted. |
Weight (field NETWEI) |
Net weight of the delivery. This is the sum of the unit weights of the products (of the sales unit) multiplied by the quantities in SAL of the various lines constituting the delivery. This weight is automatically calculated but it can be modified. The weight unit is defined by the weight unit of the first product in the delivery. If other products in the delivery do not have the same weight unit, the weight of these products will then be converted to the weight unit from the first line in the delivery note. The conversion between these units is applied as defined in the table Unit conversion. The weight unit does however remain modifiable.
WGT (field LIGWEU) |
The weight unit. |
Document line (field VCRLIN) |
The number of the journal line to process. |
Block number 4
Picker (field PREUSR) |
This field indicates the picker. It makes it possible to trace the parcels. |
Carrier (field BPTNUM) |
This field indicates the code that identifies the Carrier liable for the transportation of the goods. |
field BPTSHO |
Carrier short description. |
Weight of package (field GROWEI) |
Parcel total weight. |
field GROWEU |
The weight unit. |
Capacity (field PCKCAP) |
field GROCAP |
Serial no(s). to pack |
This action is available when the serial numbers of the product are managed in Global receipt & issue mode. In this case, the serial number is not a differentiating criteria for the stock line: a range of X serial numbers is present on one single stock line. |
Specific actions
Block number 1
Block number 2